# rsclp Command line parser rust lib crate Command line parser is able to parse process arguments.
Arguments could be of two types, single character argument (i.g -c) or long text argument (i.g. --config-file)
#### Process argument could be of the following type: - Boolean: classic is -h to show process help. - Integer: an integer value for example verbosity level --verbose 5. - Floating point: a floating point numer --ratio=123.25 . - String: a text argument, classic configuration file path --config-file app.properties.

Integer, Floating point and String option has a mandatory angument while Boolean option does not require an argument.

Argument can be passed in two ways:
**--config-file=config/app.properties** or **--config-file config/app.properties**
the same example is valid for single character options **-c=config/app.properties** or **-c config/app.properties**. Single character option can be pass grouped together (i.g -xvz). **Be careful** if a single character argument needs an argument you have to pass it or adding **=** and the value **(i.g. -xvzf=file_to_compress.tar.gz)** or as next process argument **(i.g -xvzf file_to_compress.tar.gz)**. **NOTE:** No more than a single character option with a mandatory argument can be grouped. **[documentation](https://docs.rs/rsclp/0.1.0/rsclp/)** ## New Features and bugs resolution 2024-March-03 - Bug description: mandatory options are checked even if help option or version is set. > **Solution**: method check_mandatory_options is not private anymore and the user can callit after the help or version option check 2024-March-07 Bug, wrong management of -- (dashdash) option when prsing mode is set to ParsingMode::DefaultParsingMode solved