# [RozsdásFilc](https://codeberg.org/jark/rsfilc): [`E-Kréta`](https://www.e-kreta.hu/) console client in [Rust](https://rust-lang.org)
> `E-Kréta` is an awful Hungarian electronic school administration system
> [Magyar leírás](README.hu.md)
[![dependency status](https://deps.rs/repo/codeberg/jark/rsfilc/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/repo/codeberg/jark/rsfilc)
> When upgrading from `v0.5.21`, credentials have to be recreated.
> It's necessary, as from `v0.5.22`, encoding is used for storing passwords.
> 1. You have to manually find and delete them. A user called Alice would find `credentials` under:
> - linux: `/home/alice/.config/rsfilc/credentials.toml`
> - windows: `C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\rsfilc\credentials.toml`
> - mac: `/Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/rsfilc/credentials.toml`
> 2. recreate all users with `rsfilc user --create`
## Installation
- [Rust](https://rustup.rs)
- `cargo install --locked rsfilc`
> for latest, beta builds: `cargo install --locked --git "https://codeberg.org/jark/rsfilc"`
### Dependencies
#### optional, recommended
- [lynx](https://lynx.browser.org/): for enjoyable (html) message previews
- [w3m](https://w3m.sourceforge.net/): for enjoyable (html) message previews
### Shell completions:
> Add this to the **end** of your config file (usually `~/.bashrc`):
> ```sh
> eval "$(rsfilc completions bash)"
> ```
> Add this to the **end** of your config file (usually `~/.zshrc`):
> ```sh
> eval "$(rsfilc completions zsh)"
> ```
> For completions to work, the above line must be added _after_ `compcompletions` is
> called. You may have to rebuild your completions cache by running
> `rm ~/.zcompdump*; compcompletions`.
> Add this to the **end** of your config file (usually `~/.config/fish/config.fish`):
> ```fish
> rsfilc completions fish | source
> ```
> Add this to the **end** of your config file (find it by running `echo $profile` in PowerShell):
> ```powershell
> Invoke-Expression (& { (rsfilc completions powershell | Out-String) })
> ```
> Add this to the **end** of your config file (usually `~/.elvish/rc.elv`):
> ```sh
> eval (rsfilc completions elvish | slurp)
> ```
> **Note**
> RsFilc only supports elvish v0.18.0 and above.
## Usage
`rsfilc --help`
![demo](./rsfilc_demo.gif "using rsfilc")
## Features
### cross-platform: not tested thoroughly but should run on
- linux
- windows
- macOS
- android via Termux
- everything else that Rust supports
## API
- [x] Kréta API URL fetching (no clue what they do)
- [x] school fetching from [reFilc API](https://api.refilc.hu/v1/public/school-list)
- [x] user info fetch (json)
- [x] token
- [x] basic information
- [x] evaluations/grades
- [x] timetable
- [x] messages
- [x] attachments
- [x] announced test
- [x] absences
- [x] usable user info (in `structs`)
- [x] token
- [x] basic information
- [x] evaluations/grades
- [x] timetable
- [x] messages
- [x] attachments
- [x] announced test
- [x] absences
## CLI
- [x] basic usage of API
- [x] filtering what to show
- [x] multi-user feature
- [x] somehow rendering `html` that messages return
- [x] render `html` messages with `w3m` or `lynx` if possible
- [x] shell completions: [bash, zsh, fish, elvish, powershell]
- [x] logger: `fern` maybe
- [ ] helpful crashes
- [ ] caching everything so that life remains enjoyable
- [ ] token
- [x] timetable
- [x] evals
- [ ] user info
- [x] absences
- [x] announced tests
- [x] messages
- [x] note messages
- [x] encoding passwords
- [ ] sending messages
- [ ] class averages
- [ ] fetching administrational processes
- [ ] starting new administrational processes
## TUI
- [ ] multiple pages
- [ ] evaluations
- [ ] timetable
- [ ] ...
- [ ] beautifully displaying data
- [ ] timetable in nice table
- [ ] plotting evaluations
- [ ] ...
## Acknowledgements
- The API is written according to [this great documentation](https://github.com/bczsalba/ekreta-docs-v3).
- Code ideas from [reFilc](https://github.com/refilc/naplo).
- Shell completions section got from [zoxide](https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide)