# Rsflex (Rust Flex) System information tool like neofetch but it's much faster. ## Configuration I chose to use a suckless method of configuration in the file `src/main.rs` you'll see an easy macro api that allows quite a lot of customisation If you want to add a new logo, you can do so in the `src/logo.rs` file ## Installation ### A) AUR Rsflex is available on the Arhc User Repository as `rsflex-git`: ``` yay -S rsflex-git ``` ### B) Cargo Dependencies: - `rustup` - Modern installation of Rust. - Arch Or Void Linux (these are the only ones supported) - `ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols` - Nerd fonts to render the fancy icons - `lspci` - Command via `pciutils` - `df` - Command via `coreutils` - `xrandr` - Command via `xorg-xrandr` - `uname` - Command via `coreutils` - `playerctl` - To read MPRIS status On Arch Linux, these can all be installed with: ``` yay -S pciutils coreutils xorg-xrandr playerctl ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols cargo ``` **Note: These dependencies are only needed if installed via Cargo, they are included automatically with the AUR package above.** ``` cargo install rsflex ``` ## Compiling Building: ``` git clone https://github.com/curlpipe/rsflex cd rsflex cargo build --release ``` Running: ``` cargo run --release ``` Install as a binary: ``` cargo install --path . ``` Have fun! :)