= Build and Install This document describes how to build and install *RSHash* from source code. == Prerequisites .To build *RSHash*, you need to have the following dependencies installed * https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/cargo/[Cargo] (v1.56.0 or later) .To build man pages, you need to have the following additional dependencies installed * https://asciidoctor.org/[Asciidoctor] == Building and installing from source First, either download the source archive or clone the https://github.com/sorairolake/rshash[Git repository]. .To clone the Git repository [source, shell] ---- $ git clone https://github.com/sorairolake/rshash.git $ cd rshash ---- .To build a package [source, shell] ---- $ cargo build --release ---- NOTE: If Asciidoctor is available, man pages are generated. Run `fd -I . target/{asterisk}/build/rshash-{asterisk}/out` to find the generated. Now an executable is generated in `$CARGO_TARGET_DIR/release`, so copy this wherever you like. .To generate shell completion [source, shell] ---- # Output to stdout. $ cargo run -- --generate-completion # Output to a file. $ cargo run -- --generate-completion -o ----