// // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // // Copyright (C) 2021 Shun Sakai // = rshash(1) // Specify in UTC. :docdate: 2021-11-08 :doctype: manpage ifdef::revnumber[:mansource: RSHash {revnumber}] :manmanual: General Commands Manual :includedir: ../include == NAME rshash - a utility for computing various message digests == SYNOPSIS *{manname}* [_OPTION_]... [_FILE_]... == DESCRIPTION *RSHash* is a command-line utility for computing and checking various message digests. If _FILE_ is not specified, the input is read from stdin. == OPTIONS Unless otherwise noted, the value of each option is case-insensitive. === Hash algorithms options *-H* _NAME_, *--hash-algorithm*=_NAME_:: Specify hash algorithm. _NAME_ can be::: * *blake2b* and *blake2s* (BLAKE2) * *blake3* (BLAKE3) * *fsb-160*, *fsb-224*, *fsb-256*, *fsb-384* and *fsb-512* (FSB) ifdef::gost94[] * *gost* and *gost-cryptopro* (GOST) endif::[] * *groestl-224*, *groestl-256*, *groestl-384* and *groestl-512* (Groestl) * *keccak-224*, *keccak-256*, *keccak-384* and *keccak-512* (Keccak) ifdef::md2[] * *md2* (MD2) endif::[] ifdef::md4[] * *md4* (MD4) endif::[] ifdef::md-5[] * *md5* (MD5) endif::[] * *ripemd-160*, *ripemd-256* and *ripemd-320* (RIPEMD) ifdef::sha-1[] * *sha1* (SHA-1) endif::[] * *sha224*, *sha256*, *sha384* and *sha512* (SHA-2) * *sha3-224*, *sha3-256*, *sha3-384* and *sha3-512* (SHA-3) * *shabal-192*, *shabal-224*, *shabal-256*, *shabal-384* and *shabal-512* (Shabal) * *sm3* (SM3) ifdef::streebog[] * *streebog-256* and *streebog-512* (Streebog) endif::[] * *tiger* (Tiger) * *whirlpool* (Whirlpool) *--list-hash-algorithms*:: List supported hash algorithms. === Verification options *-c*, *--check*:: Read the checksums from the file and check them. *--ignore-missing*:: Don't fail or report status for missing files. *--quiet*:: Don't print OK for each successfully verified file. *--status*:: Don't output anything, return the verification result as the exit status. *--strict*:: Exit non-zero for improperly formatted checksum lines. *-w*, *--warn*:: Warn about improperly formatted checksum lines. *-j*, *--json*:: Output the verification result as JSON to stdout. If you want to pretty-printing, specify *--pretty* as well. *-p*, *--pretty*:: Output as a pretty-printed JSON. === I/O options *-o* _FILE_, *--output*=_FILE_:: Output to _FILE_ instead of stdout. *-s* _FORMAT_, *--style*=_FORMAT_:: Specify style of the checksums. If this option is not specified, it is the same as selecting the default value. _FORMAT_ can be::: * *sfv* (SFV output format, default) * *bsd* (BSD output format) * *json* (JSON output format) === General options *-T* _NUM_, *--threads*=_NUM_:: Specify the number of threads to use. If _NUM_ is *0*, use as many threads as there are CPU cores (default: *0*). *--progress*:: Display a progress bar for reporting progress. *--speed*:: Print the processing speed. *-h*, *--help*:: Print help message and exit. *-V*, *--version*:: Print the version number and exit. *--generate-completion*=_SHELL_:: Generate shell completion. The generated shell completion is output to stdout. To output as a shell completion file, specify the directory to store using *--output*=_OUT_DIR_. _SHELL_ can be::: * *bash* (Bash) * *elvish* (Elvish) * *fish* (fish) * *powershell* (PowerShell) * *zsh* (Zsh) == EXIT STATUS If successful, return 0 as the exit status. Otherwise, return non-zero as the exit status. == NOTES Source code repository:: https://github.com/sorairolake/rshash == EXAMPLES Compute BLAKE2b message digest:: $ *{manname} -H blake2b file.txt* include::{includedir}/section-reporting-bugs.adoc[] include::{includedir}/section-copyright.adoc[] == SEE ALSO *md5sum*(1), *rhash*(1), *rshash-config.toml*(5)