// // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // // Copyright (C) 2021 Shun Sakai // = rshash-config.toml(5) // Specify in UTC. :docdate: 2021-06-13 :doctype: manpage ifdef::revnumber[:mansource: RSHash {revnumber}] :manmanual: File Formats Manual :includedir: ../include == NAME rshash-config.toml - configuration file for RSHash == DESCRIPTION *{manname}* is a configuration file for *rshash*(1). This file is optional and not required. A file format of this file is TOML. == FORMAT *style*:: Specify style of the checksums (default: *sfv*). == FILES _$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rshash/config.toml_:: _$HOME/.config/rshash/config.toml_:: The location of the configuration file on Unix. _$HOME/Library/Application Support/rshash/config.toml_:: The location of the configuration file on macOS. _%APPDATA%\rshash\config\config.toml_:: The location of the configuration file on Windows. == NOTES Source code repository:: https://github.com/sorairolake/rshash Specifications of TOML:: https://toml.io/ == EXAMPLES .The following is an example of the configuration file [source, toml] ---- style = "bsd" ---- include::{includedir}/section-reporting-bugs.adoc[] include::{includedir}/section-copyright.adoc[] == SEE ALSO *rshash*(1)