# # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # Copyright (C) 2021 Shun Sakai # alias all := default # Run default recipe default: build # Build a package @build: cargo build # Check a package @check: cargo check # Run tests @test: cargo test # Run the code formatter @fmt: cargo fmt # Run the linter @clippy: cargo clippy -- -D warnings # Run the linter for GitHub Actions workflow files @lint-github-actions: actionlint # Update README @update-readme: csplit -s README.adoc '/^\.\.\.\.$/' '{1}' sed -i -n 1p xx01 cargo -q run -- -h >> xx01 cat xx0[0-2] > README.adoc rm xx0[0-2] echo {{ if `git status --porcelain README.adoc` == '' { 'README is up-to-date' } else { 'README has been updated!' } }} # Generate GFM version README for crates.io @generate-gfm-readme: sed -i 's/^=/==/g' README.adoc asciidoctor -b docbook5 -o - README.adoc | pandoc -f docbook -t gfm -o README-crates.io.md echo {{ if `git status --porcelain README-crates.io.md` == '' { 'README for crates.io is up-to-date' } else { 'README for crates.io has been updated!' } }} git restore README.adoc