# rsincron ![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/rsincron.svg) ## Description `rsincron` aims to be a drop-in replacement of the, it seems, abandoned `incron` projected. You'll get two executables: 1. `rsincrontab`: **use** this to manage your table 2. `rsincrond`: the daemon itself. It isn't a daemon at the moment and I don't think I'll turn it into one. Use your favourite init system to manage it. ## Installation ### Cargo Run ```cargo install rsincron```. ## Roadmap - [ ] `rsincrontab`: `incrontab`'s sibling - [ ] add flags for *recursion* and *dotdirs* - [ ] add more verbose output - [ ] `rsincrond`: the daemon itself - [ ] instantiate logging (somewhere has to be written which watches are working and which aren't) - [ ] build some sort of *same flag* watch if a directory is made inside a watched one (with recursion **on**) - [ ] write every single type of test - [ ] cleanup and reorganize code to allow more modularity - [ ] write documentation ## About This is a **very not ready** piece of software. Be ready for things not working as expected. I don't have an ETA yet since `rsincron` will be worked on during my spare time. Feel free to message me for suggestions, critiques, hints or contribution questions. Also, I neved had a public repository. If you want to share some experience on how to maintain one feel welcome to do so. Please expect lots of bugs, `rsincron` isn't alpha yet. It looks closer to a proof-of-concept at the moment. ## Known issues - [ ] daemon ignores events if watched folder is deleted and recreated while running - [ ] no recursion is available at the moment - [ ] if started and watched folder isn't available daemon skips watch