use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, future::Future, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::Poll, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use chrono::{TimeZone, Utc}; use criterion::{ criterion_group, criterion_main, measurement::WallTime, BenchmarkGroup, Criterion, SamplingMode, }; use futures::{stream::FuturesUnordered, StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; use parking_lot::Once; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; use rdkafka::{ consumer::{Consumer, StreamConsumer as RdStreamConsumer}, producer::{FutureProducer, FutureRecord}, util::Timeout, ClientConfig, TopicPartitionList, }; use rskafka::{ client::{ consumer::{StartOffset, StreamConsumerBuilder as RsStreamConsumerBuilder}, partition::{Compression, PartitionClient, UnknownTopicHandling}, producer::{aggregator::RecordAggregator, BatchProducerBuilder}, ClientBuilder, }, record::Record, }; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; const PARALLEL_BATCH_SIZE: usize = 1_000_000; const PARALLEL_LINGER_MS: u64 = 10; pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) { maybe_start_logging(); let connection = maybe_skip_kafka_integration!(); let record = Record { key: Some(vec![b'k'; 10]), value: Some(vec![b'x'; 10_000]), headers: BTreeMap::default(), timestamp: Utc.timestamp_millis(1337), }; { let mut group = benchark_group(c, "read"); group.bench_function("rdkafka", |b| { b.to_async(runtime()).iter_custom(|iters| { let connection = connection.clone(); let record = record.clone(); async move { let rd = RdKafka::setup(connection, false).await; let producer = rd.producer(false).await; exec_sequential( || async { let f_record = record.to_rdkafka(&rd.topic_name); producer.send(f_record, Timeout::Never).await.unwrap(); }, iters, ) .await; async { // rdkafka fetches data in the background, so we need include the client setup into the // measurement let consumer = rd.consumer().await; let messages = consumer .stream() .take(iters as usize) .try_collect::>() .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(messages.len(), iters as usize); } .time_it() .await } }); }); group.bench_function("rskafka", |b| { b.to_async(runtime()).iter_custom(|iters| { let connection = connection.clone(); let record = record.clone(); async move { let client = setup_rskafka(connection).await; exec_sequential( || async { client .produce(vec![record.clone()], Compression::NoCompression) .await .unwrap(); }, iters, ) .await; async { let consumer = RsStreamConsumerBuilder::new(Arc::new(client), StartOffset::Earliest) .build(); let messages = consumer .take(iters as usize) .try_collect::>() .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(messages.len(), iters as usize); } .time_it() .await } }); }); } { let mut group = benchark_group(c, "write_sequential"); group.bench_function("rdkafka", |b| { b.to_async(runtime()).iter_custom(|iters| { let connection = connection.clone(); let record = record.clone(); async move { let rd = RdKafka::setup(connection, false).await; let producer = rd.producer(true).await; exec_sequential( || async { let f_record = record.to_rdkafka(&rd.topic_name); producer.send(f_record, Timeout::Never).await.unwrap(); }, iters, ) .time_it() .await } }); }); group.bench_function("rskafka", |b| { b.to_async(runtime()).iter_custom(|iters| { let connection = connection.clone(); let record = record.clone(); async move { let client = setup_rskafka(connection).await; exec_sequential( || async { client .produce(vec![record.clone()], Compression::NoCompression) .await .unwrap(); }, iters, ) .time_it() .await } }); }); } { let mut group = benchark_group(c, "write_parallel"); group.bench_function("rdkafka", |b| { b.to_async(runtime()).iter_custom(|iters| { let connection = connection.clone(); let record = record.clone(); async move { let rd = RdKafka::setup(connection, true).await; let producer = rd.producer(true).await; exec_parallel( || async { let f_record = record.to_rdkafka(&rd.topic_name); producer.send(f_record, Timeout::Never).await.unwrap(); }, iters, ) .time_it() .await } }); }); group.bench_function("rskafka", |b| { b.to_async(runtime()).iter_custom(|iters| { let connection = connection.clone(); let record = record.clone(); async move { let client = setup_rskafka(connection).await; let producer = BatchProducerBuilder::new(Arc::new(client)) .with_linger(Duration::from_millis(PARALLEL_LINGER_MS)) .build(RecordAggregator::new(PARALLEL_BATCH_SIZE)); exec_parallel( || async { producer.produce(record.clone()).await.unwrap(); }, iters, ) .time_it() .await } }); }); } } async fn exec_sequential(f: F, iters: u64) where F: Fn() -> Fut, Fut: Future, { for _ in 0..iters { f().await; } } async fn exec_parallel(f: F, iters: u64) where F: Fn() -> Fut, Fut: Future, { let mut tasks: FuturesUnordered<_> = (0..iters).map(|_| f()).collect(); while {} } /// "Time it" extension for futures. trait FutureTimeItExt { type TimeItFut: Future; /// Measures time it takes to execute given async block once fn time_it(self) -> Self::TimeItFut; } impl FutureTimeItExt for F where F: Future, { type TimeItFut = TimeIt; fn time_it(self) -> Self::TimeItFut { TimeIt { t_start: Instant::now(), inner: self, } } } pin_project! { struct TimeIt { t_start: Instant, #[pin] inner: F, } } impl Future for TimeIt where F: Future, { type Output = Duration; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.project(); match this.inner.poll(cx) { Poll::Ready(_) => Poll::Ready(this.t_start.elapsed()), Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending, } } } /// Extension to convert rdkafka to rskafka records. trait RecordExt { fn to_rdkafka<'a>(&'a self, topic: &'a str) -> FutureRecord<'a, Vec, Vec>; } impl RecordExt for Record { fn to_rdkafka<'a>(&'a self, topic: &'a str) -> FutureRecord<'a, Vec, Vec> { let mut record = FutureRecord::to(topic); if let Some(key) = self.key.as_ref() { record = record.key(key); } if let Some(value) = self.value.as_ref() { record = record.payload(value); } record } } /// Get the testing Kafka connection string or return current scope. /// /// If `TEST_INTEGRATION` and `KAFKA_CONNECT` are set, return the Kafka connection URL to the /// caller. /// /// If `TEST_INTEGRATION` is set but `KAFKA_CONNECT` is not set, fail the tests and provide /// guidance for setting `KAFKA_CONNECTION`. /// /// If `TEST_INTEGRATION` is not set, skip the calling test by returning early. #[macro_export] macro_rules! maybe_skip_kafka_integration { () => {{ use std::env; dotenvy::dotenv().ok(); match ( env::var("TEST_INTEGRATION").is_ok(), env::var("KAFKA_CONNECT").ok(), ) { (true, Some(kafka_connection)) => { let kafka_connection: Vec = kafka_connection.split(",").map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect(); kafka_connection } (true, None) => { panic!( "TEST_INTEGRATION is set which requires running integration tests, but \ KAFKA_CONNECT is not set. Please run Kafka or Redpanda then \ set KAFKA_CONNECT as directed in" ) } (false, Some(_)) => { eprintln!("skipping Kafka integration tests - set TEST_INTEGRATION to run"); return; } (false, None) => { eprintln!( "skipping Kafka integration tests - set TEST_INTEGRATION and KAFKA_CONNECT to \ run" ); return; } } }}; } fn benchark_group<'a>(c: &'a mut Criterion, name: &str) -> BenchmarkGroup<'a, WallTime> { let mut group = c.benchmark_group(name); group.measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(60)); group.sample_size(15); group.sampling_mode(SamplingMode::Linear); group } fn runtime() -> Runtime { tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread() .enable_io() .enable_time() .build() .unwrap() } /// Generated random topic name for testing. fn random_topic_name() -> String { format!("test_topic_{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()) } struct RdKafka { cfg: ClientConfig, topic_name: String, } impl RdKafka { async fn setup(connection: Vec, buffering: bool) -> Self { use rdkafka::admin::{AdminClient, AdminOptions, NewTopic, TopicReplication}; let topic_name = random_topic_name(); // configure clients let mut cfg = ClientConfig::new(); cfg.set("bootstrap.servers", connection.join(",")); cfg.set("", "5000"); cfg.set("", "foo"); cfg.set("auto.offset.reset", "smallest"); if buffering { cfg.set("batch.num.messages", PARALLEL_BATCH_SIZE.to_string()); // = loads cfg.set("batch.size", 1_000_000.to_string()); cfg.set("", PARALLEL_LINGER_MS.to_string()); } else { cfg.set("batch.num.messages", "1"); cfg.set("", "0"); } // create topic let admin_client: AdminClient<_> = cfg.create().unwrap(); let topic = NewTopic::new(&topic_name, 1, TopicReplication::Fixed(1)); let opts = AdminOptions::default(); let mut results = admin_client.create_topics([&topic], &opts).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(results.len(), 1, "created exactly one topic"); let result = results.pop().expect("just checked the vector length"); result.unwrap(); Self { cfg, topic_name } } async fn producer(&self, warmup: bool) -> FutureProducer { let producer_client: FutureProducer = self.cfg.create().unwrap(); // warm up connection if warmup { let key = vec![b'k'; 1]; let payload = vec![b'x'; 10]; let f_record = FutureRecord::to(&self.topic_name) .key(&key) .payload(&payload); producer_client .send(f_record, Timeout::Never) .await .unwrap(); } producer_client } async fn consumer(&self) -> RdStreamConsumer { let consumer_client: RdStreamConsumer = self.cfg.create().unwrap(); let mut assignment = TopicPartitionList::new(); assignment.add_partition(&self.topic_name, 0); consumer_client.assign(&assignment).unwrap(); consumer_client } } async fn setup_rskafka(connection: Vec) -> PartitionClient { let topic_name = random_topic_name(); let client = ClientBuilder::new(connection).build().await.unwrap(); client .controller_client() .unwrap() .create_topic(topic_name.clone(), 1, 1, 5_000) .await .unwrap(); client .partition_client(topic_name, 0, UnknownTopicHandling::Retry) .await .unwrap() } static LOG_SETUP: Once = Once::new(); /// Enables debug logging if the `RUST_LOG` environment variable is /// set. Does nothing if `RUST_LOG` is not set. pub fn maybe_start_logging() { if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_ok() { start_logging() } } /// Start logging. pub fn start_logging() { use tracing_log::LogTracer; use tracing_subscriber::{filter::EnvFilter, FmtSubscriber}; LOG_SETUP.call_once(|| { LogTracer::init().unwrap(); let subscriber = FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_env_filter(EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .with_test_writer() .finish(); tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber) .expect("setting default subscriber failed"); }); } criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark); criterion_main!(benches);