include(FetchContent) # Install Corrosion FetchContent_Declare( Corrosion GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG v0.4.4 # Necessary for offline builds ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(Corrosion) # Install rsmeshopt FetchContent_Declare( rsmeshopt URL URL_HASH MD5=09c663685595c3694b86932a7a209ce2 # Necessary for offline builds ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(rsmeshopt) # In Debug builds, we are forced to use .dll due to incompatible _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL values: 0 in cc-rs via Rust and 2 in C++. # In release builds we should prefer static libraries, though, due to minimize failure points during the update process. #if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") set(RECURSIVE_CPP_CRATE_TYPE cdylib) #else() # set(RECURSIVE_CPP_CRATE_TYPE staticlib) #endif() corrosion_import_crate( MANIFEST_PATH ${rsmeshopt_SOURCE_DIR}/Cargo.toml CRATE_TYPES ${RECURSIVE_CPP_CRATE_TYPE} FLAGS --crate-type=${RECURSIVE_CPP_CRATE_TYPE} ) target_include_directories(rsmeshopt INTERFACE ${rsmeshopt_SOURCE_DIR}/include)