use std::{ collections::HashMap, env, mem, net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr}, os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd}, process, time::Duration, }; extern crate libc; use libc::{c_int, c_void, socklen_t}; extern crate errno; use errno::Errno; extern crate mio; use mio::{net::UdpSocket, Events, Interest, Poll, Token}; extern crate rsmnl as mnl; use mnl::{Attr, CbResult, CbStatus, GenError, MsgVec, Msghdr, Socket}; mod linux_bindings; use linux_bindings as linux; mod timerfd; #[derive(Debug)] struct Nstats { pkts: u64, bytes: u64, } fn data_attr_cb<'a, 'b>( tb: &'b mut [Option<&'a Attr<'a>>], ) -> impl FnMut(&'a Attr<'a>) -> CbResult + 'b { move |attr: &Attr| { let atype = attr.atype() as usize; if atype >= tb.len() { return Ok(CbStatus::Ok); } tb[atype] = Some(attr); Ok(CbStatus::Ok) } } fn parse_counters(nest: &Attr, ns: &mut Nstats) -> Result<(), Errno> { let mut tb: [Option<&Attr>; linux::ctattr_counters___CTA_COUNTERS_MAX as usize] = [None; linux::ctattr_counters___CTA_COUNTERS_MAX as usize]; let _ = nest.parse_nested(data_attr_cb(&mut tb)); // ignore Results; tb[linux::ctattr_counters_CTA_COUNTERS_PACKETS as usize] .map(|a| ns.pkts += u64::from_be(a.value().unwrap())); tb[linux::ctattr_counters_CTA_COUNTERS_BYTES as usize] .map(|a| ns.bytes += u64::from_be(a.value().unwrap())); Ok(()) } fn parse_ip(nest: &Attr) -> Result, Errno> { let mut tb: [Option<&Attr>; linux::ctattr_ip___CTA_IP_MAX as usize] = [None; linux::ctattr_ip___CTA_IP_MAX as usize]; let _ = nest.parse_nested(data_attr_cb(&mut tb)); if let Some(a) = tb[linux::ctattr_ip_CTA_IP_V4_SRC as usize] { return Ok(Some(IpAddr::V4(a.value::()?))); } if let Some(a) = tb[linux::ctattr_ip_CTA_IP_V6_SRC as usize] { return Ok(Some(IpAddr::V6(a.value::()?))); } Ok(None) } fn parse_tuple(nest: &Attr) -> Result, Errno> { let mut tb: [Option<&Attr>; linux::ctattr_tuple___CTA_TUPLE_MAX as usize] = [None; linux::ctattr_tuple___CTA_TUPLE_MAX as usize]; let _ = nest.parse_nested(data_attr_cb(&mut tb)); if let Some(a) = tb[linux::ctattr_tuple_CTA_TUPLE_IP as usize] { return parse_ip(a); } Ok(None) } fn data_cb(hmap: &mut HashMap>) -> impl FnMut(&Msghdr) -> CbResult + '_ { move |nlh: &Msghdr| { let mut tb: [Option<&Attr>; linux::ctattr_type___CTA_MAX as usize] = [None; linux::ctattr_type___CTA_MAX as usize]; let _ = nlh.parse(mem::size_of::(), data_attr_cb(&mut tb)); let default_addr = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0)); let addr = match tb[linux::ctattr_type_CTA_TUPLE_ORIG as usize] { Some(attr) => match parse_tuple(attr)? { Some(a) => a, None => default_addr, }, None => default_addr, }; let mut ns = hmap .entry(addr) .or_insert(Box::new(Nstats { pkts: 0, bytes: 0 })); tb[linux::ctattr_type_CTA_COUNTERS_ORIG as usize].map(|attr| parse_counters(attr, &mut ns)); Ok(CbStatus::Ok) } } fn handle(nl: &mut Socket, hmap: &mut HashMap>) -> CbResult { let mut buf = mnl::dump_buffer(); match nl.recvfrom(&mut buf) { Ok(nrecv) => return mnl::cb_run(&buf[0..nrecv], 0, 0, Some(data_cb(hmap))), Err(errno) => { if errno.0 == libc::ENOBUFS { println!( "The daemon has hit ENOBUFS, you can \ increase the size of your receiver \ buffer to mitigate this or enable \ reliable delivery." ); } else { println!("mnl_socket_recvfrom: {}", errno); } return mnl::gen_errno!(errno.0); } } } pub const SO_RECVBUFFORCE: c_int = 33; fn main() -> Result<(), String> { let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); if args.len() != 2 { println!("\nUsage: {} ", args[0]); process::exit(libc::EXIT_FAILURE); } let secs = args[1].parse::().unwrap(); println!("Polling every {} seconds from kernel...", secs); // Set high priority for this process, less chances to overrun // the netlink receiver buffer since the scheduler gives this process // more chances to run. unsafe { libc::nice(-20); }; // Open netlink socket to operate with netfilter let mut nl = Socket::open(libc::NETLINK_NETFILTER, 0) .map_err(|errno| format!("mnl_socket_open: {}", errno))?; // Subscribe to destroy events to avoid leaking counters. The same // socket is used to periodically atomically dump and reset counters. nl.bind(linux::NF_NETLINK_CONNTRACK_DESTROY, mnl::SOCKET_AUTOPID) .map_err(|errno| format!("mnl_socket_bind: {}", errno))?; // Set netlink receiver buffer to 16 MBytes, to avoid packet drops unsafe { let buffersize: c_int = 1 << 22; libc::setsockopt( nl.as_raw_fd(), libc::SOL_SOCKET, SO_RECVBUFFORCE, &buffersize as *const _ as *const c_void, mem::size_of::() as u32, ); } // The two tweaks below enable reliable event delivery, packets may // be dropped if the netlink receiver buffer overruns. This happens ... // // a) if the kernel spams this user-space process until the receiver // is filled. // // or: // // b) if the user-space process does not pull messages from the // receiver buffer so often. let _ = nl.set_broadcast_error(true); let _ = nl.set_no_enobufs(true); let mut nlv = MsgVec::new(); let mut nlh = nlv.put_header(); // Counters are atomically zeroed in each dump nlh.nlmsg_type = ((libc::NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK << 8) | linux::cntl_msg_types_IPCTNL_MSG_CT_GET_CTRZERO as i32) as u16; nlh.nlmsg_flags = (libc::NLM_F_REQUEST | libc::NLM_F_DUMP) as u16; let nfh = nlv.put_extra_header::().unwrap(); nfh.nfgen_family = libc::AF_INET as u8; nfh.version = libc::NFNETLINK_V0 as u8; nfh.res_id = 0; // Filter by mark: We only want to dump entries whose mark is zero nlv.put(linux::ctattr_type_CTA_MARK as u16, &0u32.to_be()) .unwrap(); nlv.put( linux::ctattr_type_CTA_MARK_MASK as u16, &0xffffffffu32.to_be(), ) .unwrap(); let mut hmap = HashMap::>::new(); // mio initializations let token = Token(nl.as_raw_fd() as usize); let mut listener = unsafe { UdpSocket::from_raw_fd(nl.as_raw_fd()) }; let mut timer = timerfd::Timerfd::create(libc::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0).unwrap(); timer .settime( 0, &timerfd::Itimerspec { it_interval: Duration::new(secs as u64, 0), it_value: Duration::new(0, 1), }, ) .unwrap(); // Create an poll instance let mut poll = Poll::new().unwrap(); // Start listening for incoming connections poll.registry() .register(&mut listener, token, Interest::READABLE) .unwrap(); poll.registry() .register(&mut timer, Token(0), Interest::READABLE) .unwrap(); // Create storage for events let mut events = Events::with_capacity(256); loop { poll.poll(&mut events, None).unwrap(); for event in events.iter() { match usize::from(event.token()) { 0 => { // timer; // just consume nl.sendto(&nlv) .unwrap_or_else(|errno| panic!("mnl_socket_sendto: {}", errno)); for (addr, nstats) in hmap.iter() { print!("src={:?} ", addr); println!("counters {} {}", nstats.pkts, nstats.bytes); } } _ => { let _ = handle(&mut nl, &mut hmap).unwrap(); } } } } }