## Usage Replace impl to RNotify Functions: - impl::dbus_notify("title", "application name", "notification body", "/path/to/file/icon", &id, &tiemout); using funtion notify protocol dbus ipc menssage notification ---------------------------------------------------- replace: title to argumment title replace: application name to app name replace: notification body to argumment replace: /path/to/file/icon to icon file png replace: id to numeric 0, replace: timeout to numeric senconds notification --------------------------------------------------- - impl::cmd_notify("application name", "/path/to/file/icon.png", "urgency", "notification body", "action", "category", timeout); using function notify subprocess menssage notification ---------------------------------------------------- replace: application name to app name replace: /path/to/file/icon to icon file png replace: urgency to valid: (low, normal, critical) replace: notification body to argumment replace: action to exec or not event "" replace: category to notify action replace: timeout to numeric senconds notification --------------------------------------------------- - impl::win32notify("Action", "application name", "app_user_modelid", "body", "image path", "category", timeout); using function notify windows notification ---------------------------------------------------- replace: action to exec or not event "" replace: application name to app name replace: notification body to argumment replace: /path/to/file/icon to icon file png replace: category to notify action replace: timeout to numeric senconds notification - impl::alert("mode", "menssage body"); using alert dialog window os ------------------------------------------------------- replace: mode to valid alert info: (INFO, info) alert error: (Error, err, ERROR) Example: ``` use rsnotifyos::RNotify; // import lib fn timeout(timeout: &i32) { println!("Sleep 1.0 seconds\n Do not close"); std::time::Duration::from_secs(timeout); } fn main() { RNotify::dbus_notify("RNotification", "Notification", "Send Notification Rust", "dialog-information", &0, &1000); // SLEEP timout(&1000); RNotify::cmd_notify("Rust", "dialog-information", "normal", "Send Notification Command using subprocess", "action.sh", "category", 1000); // sleep timout(&1000); RNotify::alert("ERR", "System Error Alert Menssage"); // sleep timout(&1000); RNotify::alert("info", "System Info Alert Menssage"); timout(&1000); #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] RNotify::win32notify("", "Rust Notify", "App", "Rust Notification from Windows", r"C:\Users\DELL\Downloads\rsnotifyos-main\rsnotifyos-main\example\win32icon.png", "Urgent", &5000); } ```