bin = { name = "rq" } args = ["--help"] stdout = """ Blazing fast JSONPath CLI tool powered by SIMD. A usage guide is available at . Usage: rq[EXE] [OPTIONS] [FILE_PATH] Arguments: JSONPath query to run against the input JSON [FILE_PATH] Input JSON file to query. If neither file nor --json is specified, uses the standard input stream. Options: --json Inline input JSON to query -v, --verbose Include verbose debug information -c, --compile Only compile the query and output the automaton, do not run the engine. Cannot be used with FILE_PATH. -r, --result Result reporting mode [default: nodes] Possible values: - count: Return only the number of matches - indices: Return a list of all bytes at which a match occurred - nodes: Returns the full text of the matched nodes --force-input Bypass automatic resolution of the input strategy and force a specific one. This is not recommended in general, since the app automatically picks a strategy that will result in best performance. It might be useful, however, if the automatic resolution picks a subpar strategy, or if it is known ahead of time that memory maps are not available and there is no need for the app to try to create one. Possible values: - mmap: Use a memory map over a file - eager: Eagerly load all the input into memory before running the query - buffered: Read the input in chunks with a buffer -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version """