use rspotify::{ model::{Country, Market, SearchType}, prelude::*, ClientCredsSpotify, Credentials, }; fn main() { // You can use any logger for debugging. env_logger::init(); // May require the `env-file` feature enabled if the environment variables // aren't configured manually. let creds = Credentials::from_env().unwrap(); let spotify = ClientCredsSpotify::new(creds); // Obtaining the access token spotify.request_token().unwrap(); let album_query = "album:arrival artist:abba"; let result =, SearchType::Album, None, None, Some(10), None); match result { Ok(album) => println!("Searched album: {album:?}"), Err(err) => println!("Search error! {err:?}"), } let artist_query = "tania bowra"; let result = artist_query, SearchType::Artist, Some(Market::Country(Country::UnitedStates)), None, Some(10), None, ); match result { Ok(album) => println!("Searched artist: {album:?}"), Err(err) => println!("Search error! {err:?}"), } let playlist_query = "\"doom metal\""; let result = playlist_query, SearchType::Playlist, Some(Market::Country(Country::UnitedStates)), None, Some(10), None, ); match result { Ok(album) => println!("Searched playlist: {album:?}"), Err(err) => println!("Search error! {err:?}"), } let track_query = "abba"; let result = track_query, SearchType::Track, Some(Market::Country(Country::UnitedStates)), None, Some(10), None, ); match result { Ok(album) => println!("Searched track: {album:?}"), Err(err) => println!("Search error! {err:?}"), } let show_query = "love"; let result =, SearchType::Show, None, None, Some(10), None); match result { Ok(show) => println!("Searched show: {show:?}"), Err(err) => println!("Search error! {err:?}"), } let episode_query = "love"; let result = episode_query, SearchType::Episode, None, None, Some(10), None, ); match result { Ok(episode) => println!("Searched episode: {episode:?}"), Err(err) => println!("Search error! {err:?}"), } }