use chrono::{DateTime, Duration}; use rspotify::model::*; use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; use wasm_bindgen_test::*; #[track_caller] fn deserialize(data: impl AsRef) -> T where T: DeserializeOwned + PartialEq + std::fmt::Debug, { println!("from_str"); let value = serde_json::from_str(data.as_ref()).unwrap(); // Also deserialize the string as an std::io::Reader to ensure we aren't making any assumptions about borrowing input println!("from_reader"); let _: T = serde_json::from_reader(data.as_ref().as_bytes()).unwrap(); value } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_simplified_track() { let json_str = r#" { "artists": [ { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q", "name": "Tania Bowra", "type": "artist", "uri": "spotify:artist:08td7MxkoHQkXnWAYD8d6Q" } ], "available_markets": ["US"], "disc_number": 1, "duration_ms": 276773, "explicit": false, "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "2TpxZ7JUBn3uw46aR7qd6V", "name": "All I Want", "preview_url": "", "track_number": 1, "type": "track", "uri": "spotify:track:2TpxZ7JUBn3uw46aR7qd6V", "is_local": false } "#; let track: SimplifiedTrack = deserialize(json_str); let duration = Duration::try_milliseconds(276773).unwrap(); assert_eq!(track.duration, duration); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_public_user() { let json_str = r#" { "display_name": "Ronald Pompa", "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "followers": { "href": null, "total": 4050 }, "href": "", "id": "wizzler_with_underscores", "images": [ { "height": null, "url": "", "width": null } ], "type": "user", "uri": "spotify:user:wizzler_with_underscores" } "#; let user: PublicUser = deserialize(json_str); // This also makes sure user IDs can have other characters, such as // underscores. assert_eq!(, UserId::from_id("wizzler_with_underscores").unwrap() ); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_private_user() { let json_str = r#" { "country": "US", "display_name": "Sergey", "email": "", "explicit_content": { "filter_enabled": false, "filter_locked": false }, "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "followers": { "href": null, "total": 0 }, "href": "", "id": "waq5aexykhm6nlv0cnwdieng0", "images": [], "product": "open", "type": "user", "uri": "spotify:user:waq5aexykhm6nlv0cnwdieng0" } "#; let private_user: PrivateUser = deserialize(json_str); assert_eq!(, Country::UnitedStates); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_full_artist() { let json_str = r#" { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "followers": { "href": null, "total": 833247 }, "genres": [ "indie folk" ], "href": "", "id": "0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF", "images": [ { "height": 640, "url": "", "width": 640 } ], "name": "Band of Horses", "popularity": 65, "type": "artist", "uri": "spotify:artist:0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF" } "#; let full_artist: FullArtist = deserialize(json_str); assert_eq!(, "Band of Horses"); assert_eq!(, 833247); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_simplified_episode() { let json_str = r#" { "audio_preview_url": "", "description": "En unik barockträdgård från 1600-talet gömmer sig på Södermalm i Stockholm och nu gräver arkeologerna ut parken och kvarteret där Bellman lekte som barn. Nu grävs Carl Michael Bellmans kvarter fram på Södermalm i Stockholm. Under dagens jordyta döljer sig en rik barockträdgård, men också tunga industrier från en tid då Söder var stockholmarnas sommarnöje. Dessutom om hur arkeologer ska kunna bli bättre att hitta de fattigas kulturarv. För vid sidan av slott, borgar och hallar finns torpen och backstugorna som utgör ett fortfarande okänt kulturarv som angår oss alla. Programledare Tobias Svanelid.", "duration_ms": 2685023, "explicit": false, "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "3brfPv3PaUhspkm1T9ZVl8", "images": [ { "height": 640, "url": "", "width": 640 } ], "is_externally_hosted": false, "is_playable": true, "language": "sv", "languages": [ "sv" ], "name": "På Bellmans bakgata", "release_date": "2020-10-20", "release_date_precision": "day", "resume_point": { "fully_played": false, "resume_position_ms": 0 }, "type": "episode", "uri": "spotify:episode:3brfPv3PaUhspkm1T9ZVl8" } "#; let simplified_episode: SimplifiedEpisode = deserialize(json_str); assert_eq!( simplified_episode.release_date_precision, DatePrecision::Day ); let duration = Duration::try_milliseconds(2685023).unwrap(); assert_eq!(simplified_episode.duration, duration); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_full_episode() { let json_str = r#" { "audio_preview_url": "", "description": "En ny tysk ", "duration_ms": 1502795, "explicit": false, "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "512ojhOuo1ktJprKbVcKyQ", "images": [ { "height": 64, "url": "", "width": 64 } ], "is_externally_hosted": false, "is_playable": true, "language": "sv", "languages": [ "sv" ], "name": "Tredje rikets knarkande granskas", "release_date": "2015-10-01", "release_date_precision": "day", "show": { "available_markets": [ "ZA" ], "copyrights": [], "description": "Vi är där historien är. Ansvarig utgivare: Nina Glans", "explicit": false, "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "38bS44xjbVVZ3No3ByF1dJ", "images": [ { "height": 64, "url": "", "width": 64 } ], "is_externally_hosted": false, "languages": [ "sv" ], "media_type": "audio", "name": "Vetenskapsradion Historia", "publisher": "Sveriges Radio", "type": "show", "uri": "spotify:show:38bS44xjbVVZ3No3ByF1dJ" }, "type": "episode", "uri": "spotify:episode:512ojhOuo1ktJprKbVcKyQ" } "#; let full_episode: FullEpisode = deserialize(json_str); assert_eq!(full_episode.release_date_precision, DatePrecision::Day); let duration = Duration::try_milliseconds(1502795).unwrap(); assert_eq!(full_episode.duration, duration); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_copyright() { let json_str = r#" [ { "text" : "(P) 2000 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.", "type" : "P" } ] "#; let copyrights: Vec = deserialize(json_str); assert_eq!(copyrights[0]._type, CopyrightType::Performance); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_audio_analysis_section() { let json_str = r#" { "start": 237.02356, "duration": 18.32542, "confidence": 1, "loudness": -20.074, "tempo": 98.253, "tempo_confidence": 0.767, "key": 5, "key_confidence": 0.327, "mode": 1, "mode_confidence": 0.566, "time_signature": 4, "time_signature_confidence": 1 } "#; let session: AudioAnalysisSection = deserialize(json_str); // Comparison of floating point numbers assert!((session.time_interval.duration - 18.32542).abs() < f32::EPSILON); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_audio_analysis_segments() { let json_str = r#" { "start": 252.15601, "duration": 3.19297, "confidence": 0.522, "loudness_start": -23.356, "loudness_max_time": 0.06971, "loudness_max": -18.121, "loudness_end": -60, "pitches": [ 0.15 ], "timbre": [ -19.037 ] } "#; let segment: AudioAnalysisSegment = deserialize(json_str); // Comparison of floating point numbers assert!((segment.time_interval.start - 252.156).abs() < f32::EPSILON); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_actions() { let json_str = r#" { "disallows": { "resuming": true } } "#; let actions: Actions = deserialize(json_str); assert_eq!(actions.disallows[0], DisallowKey::Resuming); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_recommendations_seed() { let json_str = r#" { "initialPoolSize": 500, "afterFilteringSize": 380, "afterRelinkingSize": 365, "href": "", "id": "4NHQUGzhtTLFvgF5SZesLK", "type": "ARTIST" } "#; let seed: RecommendationsSeed = deserialize(json_str); assert_eq!(seed._type, RecommendationsSeedType::Artist); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_full_playlist() { let json_str_images = r#" [ { "height": null, "url": "", "width": null } ] "#; let json_str_simplified_artists = r#" [ { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "5I8r2w4hf7OYp2cunjihxJ", "name": "Kularis", "type": "artist", "uri": "spotify:artist:5I8r2w4hf7OYp2cunjihxJ" } ] "#; let json_str = r#" { "collaborative": false, "description": "A playlist for testing pourposes", "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "followers": { "href": null, "total": 109 }, "href": "", "id": "3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n", "images": json_str_images, "name": "Spotify Web API Testing playlist", "owner": { "display_name": "JMPerez²", "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "jmperezperez", "type": "user", "uri": "spotify:user:jmperezperez" }, "primary_color": null, "public": true, "snapshot_id": "MTgsZWFmNmZiNTIzYTg4ODM0OGQzZWQzOGI4NTdkNTJlMjU0OWFkYTUxMA==", "tracks": { "href": "", "items": [ { "added_at": "2015-01-15T12:39:22Z", "added_by": { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "jmperezperez", "type": "user", "uri": "spotify:user:jmperezperez" }, "is_local": false, "primary_color": null, "track": { "album": { "album_type": "album", "artists": json_str_simplified_artists, "available_markets": [ "US" ], "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "2pANdqPvxInB0YvcDiw4ko", "images": json_str_images, "name": "Progressive Psy Trance Picks Vol.8", "release_date": "2012-04-02", "release_date_precision": "day", "total_tracks": 20, "type": "album", "uri": "spotify:album:2pANdqPvxInB0YvcDiw4ko" }, "artists": json_str_simplified_artists, "available_markets": [ "US" ], "disc_number": 1, "duration_ms": 376000, "episode": false, "explicit": false, "external_ids": { "isrc": "DEKC41200989" }, "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "4rzfv0JLZfVhOhbSQ8o5jZ", "is_local": false, "name": "Api", "popularity": 2, "preview_url": "", "track": true, "track_number": 10, "type": "track", "uri": "spotify:track:4rzfv0JLZfVhOhbSQ8o5jZ" }, "video_thumbnail": { "url": null } } ], "limit": 100, "next": null, "offset": 0, "previous": null, "total": 5 }, "type": "playlist", "uri": "spotify:playlist:3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n" } "#.replace("json_str_images", json_str_images).replace("json_str_simplified_artists", json_str_simplified_artists); let full_playlist: FullPlaylist = deserialize(json_str); assert_eq!(, "spotify:playlist:3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n".to_string() ); assert_eq!(, 109); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_audio_features() { let json = r#" { "duration_ms" : 255349, "key" : 5, "mode" : 0, "time_signature" : 4, "acousticness" : 0.514, "danceability" : 0.735, "energy" : 0.578, "instrumentalness" : 0.0902, "liveness" : 0.159, "loudness" : -11.840, "speechiness" : 0.0461, "valence" : 0.624, "tempo" : 98.002, "id" : "06AKEBrKUckW0KREUWRnvT", "uri" : "spotify:track:06AKEBrKUckW0KREUWRnvT", "track_href" : "", "analysis_url" : "", "type" : "audio_features" } "#; let audio_features: AudioFeatures = deserialize(json); let duration = Duration::try_milliseconds(255349).unwrap(); assert_eq!(audio_features.duration, duration); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_full_track() { let json = r#" { "album": { "album_type": "single", "artists": [ { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "6sFIWsNpZYqfjUpaCgueju", "name": "Carly Rae Jepsen", "type": "artist", "uri": "spotify:artist:6sFIWsNpZYqfjUpaCgueju" } ], "available_markets": [ "ZA" ], "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "0tGPJ0bkWOUmH7MEOR77qc", "images": [ { "height": 64, "url": "", "width": 64 } ], "name": "Cut To The Feeling", "release_date": "2017-05-26", "release_date_precision": "day", "type": "album", "uri": "spotify:album:0tGPJ0bkWOUmH7MEOR77qc" }, "artists": [ { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "6sFIWsNpZYqfjUpaCgueju", "name": "Carly Rae Jepsen", "type": "artist", "uri": "spotify:artist:6sFIWsNpZYqfjUpaCgueju" } ], "available_markets": [ "ZA" ], "disc_number": 1, "duration_ms": 207959, "explicit": false, "external_ids": { "isrc": "USUM71703861" }, "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "11dFghVXANMlKmJXsNCbNl", "is_local": false, "name": "Cut To The Feeling", "popularity": 63, "preview_url": "", "track_number": 1, "type": "track", "uri": "spotify:track:11dFghVXANMlKmJXsNCbNl" } "#; let full_track: FullTrack = deserialize(json); let duration = Duration::try_milliseconds(207959).unwrap(); assert_eq!(full_track.duration, duration); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_resume_point() { let json = r#" { "fully_played": false, "resume_position_ms": 423432 } "#; let resume_point: ResumePoint = deserialize(json); let duration = Duration::try_milliseconds(423432).unwrap(); assert_eq!(resume_point.resume_position, duration); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_resume_point_negative() { let json = r#" { "fully_played": true, "resume_position_ms": -1000 } "#; let resume_point: ResumePoint = deserialize(json); let duration = Duration::try_milliseconds(-1000).unwrap(); assert_eq!(resume_point.resume_position, duration); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_currently_playing_context() { let json = r#" { "timestamp": 1607769168429, "context": { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "type": "album", "uri": "spotify:album:2lgOc40hhHqjUGAKMWqGxO" }, "progress_ms": 22270, "item": { "album": { "album_type": "single", "artists": [ { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "0cGUm45nv7Z6M6qdXYQGTX", "name": "Kehlani", "type": "artist", "uri": "spotify:artist:0cGUm45nv7Z6M6qdXYQGTX" } ], "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "2lgOc40hhHqjUGAKMWqGxO", "images": [ { "height": 64, "url": "", "width": 64 } ], "name": "Playinwitme (feat. Kehlani)", "release_date": "2018-03-20", "release_date_precision": "day", "total_tracks": 1, "type": "album", "uri": "spotify:album:2lgOc40hhHqjUGAKMWqGxO" }, "artists": [ { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "0cGUm45nv7Z6M6qdXYQGTX", "name": "Kehlani", "type": "artist", "uri": "spotify:artist:0cGUm45nv7Z6M6qdXYQGTX" } ], "available_markets": [], "disc_number": 1, "duration_ms": 191680, "explicit": false, "external_ids": { "isrc": "USAT21801141" }, "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "4F1yvJfQ7gJkrcgFJQDjOr", "is_local": false, "is_playable": true, "linked_from": { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "43cFjTTCD9Cni4aSL0sORz", "type": "track", "uri": "spotify:track:43cFjTTCD9Cni4aSL0sORz" }, "name": "Playinwitme (feat. Kehlani)", "popularity": 70, "preview_url": "", "track_number": 9, "type": "track", "uri": "spotify:track:4F1yvJfQ7gJkrcgFJQDjOr" }, "currently_playing_type": "track", "actions": { "disallows": { "resuming": true, "skipping_prev": true } }, "is_playing": true } "#; let currently_playing_context: CurrentlyPlayingContext = deserialize(json); let timestamp = 1607769168429; let second: i64 = (timestamp - timestamp % 1000) / 1000; let nanosecond = (timestamp % 1000) * 1000000; let dt = DateTime::from_timestamp(second, nanosecond as u32).unwrap(); assert_eq!(currently_playing_context.timestamp, dt); let duration = Duration::try_milliseconds(22270).unwrap(); assert_eq!(currently_playing_context.progress, Some(duration)); } #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_current_playback_context() { let json = r#" { "device": { "id": "28d0f845293d03a2713392905c6d30b6442719b5", "is_active": true, "is_private_session": false, "is_restricted": false, "name": "Web Player (Firefox)", "type": "Computer", "volume_percent": 100 }, "shuffle_state": false, "repeat_state": "off", "timestamp": 1607774342714, "context": { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "type": "album", "uri": "spotify:album:2lgOc40hhHqjUGAKMWqGxO" }, "item": { "album": { "album_type": "single", "artists": [ { "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "0cGUm45nv7Z6M6qdXYQGTX", "name": "Kehlani", "type": "artist", "uri": "spotify:artist:0cGUm45nv7Z6M6qdXYQGTX" } ], "available_markets": [], "external_urls": { "spotify": "" }, "href": "", "id": "2lgOc40hhHqjUGAKMWqGxO", "images": [ { "height": 64, "url": "", "width": 64 } ], "name": "Playinwitme (feat. 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