* Inspector front-end I typically run the following command to watch for any front-end source changes and rebuild the assets. #+begin_src cd inspector && pnpm watch #+end_src The built assets will be under =inspector/dist= directory. The asset files will be picked up in the =inspector.rs= module via [[https://github.com/pyrossh/rust-embed/tree/master][rust-embed]] and served at =/_inspector/dist= path prefix. * Watch and re-build automatically I typically run the following command to rebuild on changes. #+begin_src bash RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo watch -c -x 'run -- -c ~/.config/rss-funnel/funnel.yaml server' -w ~/.config/rss-funnel/funnel.yaml -w src/ -w Cargo.toml #+end_src Note that I didn't watch the =inspector/dist= directory because in debug mode the assets are served from the file system. * Building the project 1. build the inspector front-end: =cd inspector && pnpm build= 2. build the rust project: =cargo build --release=