* RSS Funnel The RSS Funnel is a modular RSS processing pipeline. It is designed to be used to modify existing RSS source in various interesting ways such as: - Fetch full content - Generate a RSS feed from an HTML page - Remove unwanted elements from the article (using a CSS selector) - Keep or remove articles matching keywords or patterns - Highlight keywords in articles - Redact or replace text in the article (using a regular expression) - Split a single RSS article into multiple articles - Merge multiple feeds into a single feed - Run arbitrary JS code to transform the feed or articles (with [[https://github.com/shouya/rss-funnel/wiki/JS-DOM-API][DOM API support]]) [[https://rss-funnel-demo.fly.dev/][Try out the live demo!]] ** Installation You can use the docker image ([[https://github.com/shouya/rss-funnel/pkgs/container/rss-funnel][latest version]]) in your =docker-compose.yaml=: #+begin_src yaml version: "3.8" services: rss-funnel: image: ghcr.io/shouya/rss-funnel:latest ports: - 4080:4080 volumes: - ./funnel.yaml:/funnel.yaml command: /rss-funnel -c /funnel.yaml server -b #+end_src Alternatively, you can build it directly from source: #+begin_src bash git clone https://github.com/shouya/rss-funnel.git cd rss-funnel # first build the front-end assets cd inspector && npm i && npm run build && cd .. # then build the binary cargo build --release #+end_src Or if you prefer not to build from source, you can download the pre-built artifacts from [[https://github.com/shouya/rss-funnel/releases][release page]]. ** Usage To use =rss-funnel=, you need to supply a configuration file in YAML. Here is an example configuration. #+begin_src yaml endpoints: - path: /tokio-blog.xml note: Full text of Tokio blog source: https://tokio.rs/_next/static/feed.xml filters: - full_text: {} - simplify_html: {} - path: /solidot.xml note: Solidot news with links source: https://www.solidot.org/index.rss filters: - full_text: {} - keep_element: .p_mainnew - simplify_html: {} - sanitize: - replace_regex: from: "(?http(s)?://[^< \n]*)" to: '$link' - path: /hackernews.xml note: Full text of Hacker News source: https://news.ycombinator.com/rss filters: - full_text: simplify: true append_mode: true #+end_src Save above file to =/path/to/funnel.yaml= and run the following command: #+begin_src rss-funnel -c /path/to/funnel.yaml server #+end_src You can optionally specify the bind address and port (default = Detailed usage can be found in =--help= output. The endpoints like = should be serving the filtered feeds. ** Endpoint Each of the configuration contains a number of endpoints. Each endpoint correspond to a RSS feed. Properties: - =path= (required): The path of the endpoint. The path should start with =/=. - =note= (optional): A note for the endpoint. Only used for display purpose. - =source= (optional): The source url of the RSS feed. + If not specified, you must specify =?source== query in the request. This allows for usages like applying same filters for different feeds. + If the source points to a HTML page, =rss-funnel= will try to generate a RSS feed from the page with a single article. You can then use =split= filter to split the single article into multiple articles. See [[https://github.com/shouya/rss-funnel/wiki/Cookbook#hacker-news-top-links][Cookbook: Hacker News Top Links]] for an example. - =filters= (required): A list of filters to apply to the feed. + The feed from the =source= goes through the filters in the order specified. You can think of each filter as corresponding to a transformation on the =Feed=. + Each filter is specified as an YAML object with the singleton key being the name of the filter and the value being the configuration of the filter. - For example, in the filter definition: =- keep_element: .p_mainnew= + the filter's name is =keep_element= + the configuration is the string value =.p_mainnew=. Depending on the filter, the configuration can have different types. + The =Feed= object from the last filter is returned as the response. - =client= (optional): The configuration for the HTTP client used to fetch the source like the user_agent. See [[https://github.com/shouya/rss-funnel/wiki/Client-config][Client config]] for detail. ** Filters See [[https://github.com/shouya/rss-funnel/wiki/Filters][Filters]] for the documentations for all available filters. ** Cookbook See [[https://github.com/shouya/rss-funnel/wiki/Cookbook][Cookbook]] for some examples of using =rss-funnel=.