version = `sed -En 's/version = "([^"]+)"/\1/p' Cargo.toml` target = "$PWD/target" build: CARGO_TARGET_DIR={{target}}/stable rustup run stable cargo build --features "web" test: RUST_BACKTRACE=1 CARGO_TARGET_DIR={{target}}/stable rustup run stable cargo test --lib --features "web" filter PATTERN: RUST_BACKTRACE=1 CARGO_TARGET_DIR={{target}}/stable rustup run stable cargo test --lib {{PATTERN}} --features "web" clippy: CARGO_TARGET_DIR={{target}}/nightly rustup run nightly cargo clippy --features "web" server: CARGO_TARGET_DIR={{target}}/nightly rustup run nightly cargo run --features "web" -- -v server check: # TODO: replace with just using the binary cargo run --features "web" -- check # run's rst's check on the requirements build-web: (cd web-ui; npm run build) (cd web-ui/dist; tar -cvf ../../src/api/web-ui.tar *) check-all: clippy test check echo "checked all" git-verify: git branch | grep '* master' git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code publish: git-verify build-web clippy test check build git commit -a -m "v{{version}} release" cargo publish --no-verify git push origin master git tag -a "v{{version}}" -m "v{{version}}" git push origin --tags publish-fast: cargo publish --no-verify git push origin master git tag -a "v{{version}}" -m "v{{version}}" git push origin --tags install-clippy: rustup run nightly cargo install clippy -f install-nightly: rustup install nightly