use bytes::Bytes; use fork_stream::StreamExt as _; use nom::AsBytes; use rstreams::{ actor::Actor, erase_stream_type, from_bytes, into_flat_stream, to_bytes, window::{hopping_window, lag_window}, Dated, ParsedMessage, }; use samsa::prelude::{ConsumerBuilder, ProduceMessage, ProducerBuilder}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::time::Duration; use tokio_stream::StreamExt as _; /* { "symbol":"TSLA" "timestamp":1672441140000 "open":122.9 "high":122.9 "low":122.87 "close":122.87 "volume":3403 "trade_count":45 "vwap":122.889033 "data_provider":"alpaca" } */ #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Debug, Serialize)] pub struct Candle { symbol: String, open: f32, high: f32, low: f32, close: f32, volume: f32, timestamp: i64, } impl Candle { pub fn top(&self) -> f32 { if > self.close { } else { self.close } } pub fn bottom(&self) -> f32 { if < self.close { } else { self.close } } pub fn color(&self) -> Color { if < self.close { Color::Green } else { Color::Red } } } impl Dated for Candle { fn timestamp(&self) -> i64 { self.timestamp } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum StratClass { Inside = 1, Up = 2, Down = 3, Outside = 4, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Debug, Serialize)] pub enum Color { Green = 0, Red = 1, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Debug, Serialize)] pub struct StratCandle { symbol: String, open: f32, high: f32, low: f32, close: f32, volume: f32, timestamp: i64, strat_class: StratClass, color: Color, } impl StratCandle { pub fn new(candle: &Candle, strat_class: StratClass) -> Self { Self { symbol: candle.symbol.clone(), open:, high: candle.high, low: candle.low, close: candle.close, volume: candle.volume, timestamp: candle.timestamp, strat_class, color: candle.color(), } } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), ()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt() // filter spans/events with level TRACE or higher. .with_max_level(tracing::Level::INFO) .compact() // Display source code file paths .with_file(true) // Display source code line numbers .with_line_number(true) // Display the thread ID an event was recorded on .with_thread_ids(true) // Don't display the event's target (module path) .with_target(false) // Build the subscriber .init(); let bootstrap_addrs = vec!["".to_string()]; let _buffer_size = 100000; let stocks_topic = "price-updates".to_string(); let consumer_stream = ConsumerBuilder::new( bootstrap_addrs.clone(), HashMap::from([(stocks_topic, vec![0])]), ) .await .map_err(|err| tracing::error!("{:?}", err))? .build() .into_stream(); // read in 1 batch at a time let stock_batches = Actor::spawn(consumer_stream, 10, "stocks-consumer").await; let parser_stream = into_flat_stream(stock_batches) .map(|record| ParsedMessage:: { key: std::str::from_utf8(record.key.as_bytes()) .unwrap() .to_owned(), value: from_bytes::(record.value).unwrap(), }) .fork(); let timeframes = vec![ (60 * 15, "15min-candles"), (60 * 30, "30min-candles"), (60 * 60, "1hr-candles"), (60 * 60 * 4, "4hr-candles"), (60 * 60 * 6, "6hr-candles"), (60 * 60 * 12, "12hr-candles"), (60 * 60 * 24, "day-candles"), (60 * 60 * 24 * 7, "week-candles"), (60 * 60 * 24 * 30, "month-candles"), (60 * 60 * 24 * 365, "year-candles"), ]; // solid type-fu. This is so that we can use a loop to build up our pipeline // rather than explicit variables for each timeframe let mut stream = erase_stream_type(parser_stream).fork(); for (seconds, topic) in timeframes { stream = erase_stream_type( Actor::spawn( hopping_window( stream, Duration::from_secs(seconds), Duration::from_secs(seconds), HashMap::new(), HashMap::new(), ) .filter_map(|message| { let message = aggregate_candles(message.key, message.value.0, message.value.1); if message.value.volume != 0.0 { Some(message) } else { None } }), 1000, topic, ) .await .fork(), ) .fork(); ProducerBuilder::new(bootstrap_addrs.clone(), vec![topic.to_string()]) .await .map_err(|err| tracing::error!("{:?}", err))? .build_from_stream( lag_window(stream.clone(), 2, HashMap::new()) .map(|message| classify_candle_strat(message.key, message.value)) .map(|message| ProduceMessage { key: Some(Bytes::from(message.key)), value: Some(to_bytes(message.value).unwrap()), topic: topic.to_string(), partition_id: 0, headers: vec![], }), ) .await; } // tokio::pin!(stream); // while let Some(message) = { // tracing::info!("main! {:?}", message); // } tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::MAX).await; tracing::info!("Main out!"); Ok(()) } fn aggregate_candles(key: String, timestamp: i64, window: Vec) -> ParsedMessage { tracing::info!("aggregating {} items", window.len()); let (open, close) = if !window.is_empty() { (window[0].open, window[window.len() - 1].close) } else { (0.0, 0.0) }; let candle = Candle { timestamp, symbol: key.clone(), open, high: 0.0, low: f32::MAX, close, volume: 0.0, }; let candle = window.iter().fold(candle, |mut acc, new_candle| { acc.high = new_candle.high.max(acc.high); acc.low = new_candle.low.min(acc.low); acc.volume += new_candle.volume; acc }); ParsedMessage { key, value: candle } } fn classify_candle_strat(key: String, window: Vec) -> ParsedMessage { if window.len() != 2 { panic!("Ahhh!"); } let event = &window[1]; let behind = &window[0]; let above = >; let below = event.bottom() < behind.bottom(); let strat_class = if above && below { StratClass::Outside } else if above { StratClass::Up } else if below { StratClass::Down } else { StratClass::Inside }; ParsedMessage { key, value: StratCandle::new(event, strat_class), } }