use bytes::BytesMut; use clap::Parser; use std::rc::Rc; use std::{io::Write, str::FromStr, time::Instant}; use dtls::cipher_suite::CipherSuiteId; use dtls::config::{ConfigBuilder, ExtendedMasterSecretType}; use dtls::dtls_handlers::dtls_endpoint_handler::DtlsEndpointHandler; use shared::error::*; use retty::bootstrap::BootstrapUdpServer; use retty::channel::{ Handler, InboundContext, InboundHandler, OutboundContext, OutboundHandler, Pipeline, }; use retty::codec::string_codec::TaggedString; use retty::executor::LocalExecutorBuilder; use retty::transport::{AsyncTransport, AsyncTransportWrite, TaggedBytesMut}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct EchoDecoder; struct EchoEncoder; struct EchoHandler { decoder: EchoDecoder, encoder: EchoEncoder, } impl EchoHandler { fn new() -> Self { EchoHandler { decoder: EchoDecoder, encoder: EchoEncoder, } } } impl InboundHandler for EchoDecoder { type Rin = TaggedBytesMut; type Rout = TaggedString; fn read(&mut self, ctx: &InboundContext, msg: Self::Rin) { let message = String::from_utf8(msg.message.to_vec()).unwrap(); println!("handling {} from {:?}", message, msg.transport.peer_addr); if message != "bye" { ctx.fire_write(TaggedBytesMut { now: Instant::now(), transport: msg.transport, message: msg.message, }); } } fn poll_timeout(&mut self, _ctx: &InboundContext, _eto: &mut Instant) { //last handler, no need to fire_poll_timeout } } impl OutboundHandler for EchoEncoder { type Win = TaggedString; type Wout = TaggedBytesMut; fn write(&mut self, ctx: &OutboundContext, msg: Self::Win) { ctx.fire_write(TaggedBytesMut { now:, transport: msg.transport, message: BytesMut::from(msg.message.as_bytes()), }); } } impl Handler for EchoHandler { type Rin = TaggedBytesMut; type Rout = TaggedString; type Win = TaggedString; type Wout = TaggedBytesMut; fn name(&self) -> &str { "EchoHandler" } fn split( self, ) -> ( Box>, Box>, ) { (Box::new(self.decoder), Box::new(self.encoder)) } } #[derive(Parser)] #[command(name = "DTLS Echo Server")] #[command(author = "Rusty Rain ")] #[command(version = "0.1.0")] #[command(about = "An example of dtls echo server", long_about = None)] struct Cli { #[arg(short, long)] debug: bool, #[arg(long, default_value_t = format!(""))] host: String, #[arg(long, default_value_t = 4444)] port: u16, #[arg(long, default_value_t = format!("INFO"))] log_level: String, } fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let cli = Cli::parse(); let host =; let port = cli.port; let log_level = log::LevelFilter::from_str(&cli.log_level)?; if cli.debug { env_logger::Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{}:{} [{}] {} - {}", record.file().unwrap_or("unknown"), record.line().unwrap_or(0), record.level(), chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S.%6f"), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, log_level) .init(); } println!("listening {}:{}...", host, port); LocalExecutorBuilder::default().run(async move { let handshake_config = ConfigBuilder::default() .with_psk(Some(Rc::new(|hint: &[u8]| -> Result> { println!("Client's hint: {}", String::from_utf8(hint.to_vec())?); Ok(vec![0xAB, 0xC1, 0x23]) }))) .with_psk_identity_hint(Some("webrtc-rs DTLS Client".as_bytes().to_vec())) .with_cipher_suites(vec![CipherSuiteId::Tls_Psk_With_Aes_128_Ccm_8]) .with_extended_master_secret(ExtendedMasterSecretType::Require) .build(false, None) .unwrap(); let mut bootstrap = BootstrapUdpServer::new(); bootstrap.pipeline(Box::new( move |writer: AsyncTransportWrite| { let pipeline: Pipeline = Pipeline::new(); let local_addr = writer.get_local_addr(); let async_transport_handler = AsyncTransport::new(writer); let dtls_handler = DtlsEndpointHandler::new( local_addr, handshake_config.clone(), false, None, None, ); let echo_handler = EchoHandler::new(); pipeline.add_back(async_transport_handler); pipeline.add_back(dtls_handler); pipeline.add_back(echo_handler); pipeline.finalize() }, )); bootstrap.bind(format!("{}:{}", host, port)).await.unwrap(); println!("Press ctrl-c to stop"); let (tx, rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel(); std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut tx = Some(tx); ctrlc::set_handler(move || { if let Some(tx) = tx.take() { let _ = tx.send(()); } }) .expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler"); }); let _ = rx.await; bootstrap.graceful_stop().await; }); Ok(()) }