
Made with Rust Use git
License Stars

Faster and better alternative to Vtop written in Rust.

## Features * Lightweight < 1MB * Responsive UI * Work on Linux * Easy to Use * Designed for You * Extensible with an [API](https://github.com/RTopRS/RtopDev) ## Downloads ### Crates.io Rtop is available on [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/rtop-rs/) You can download it with ```bash cargo install rtop-rs ``` ## Build manually Start by cloning the repo: ```bash git clone https://github.com/RTopRS/Rtop.git ``` **For the next step you need to have Rust and cargo installed on your PC, for that follow the [official documentation](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install).** Now switch to project folder and compile a release: ```bash cd RTop && cargo build --release ``` Your executable will be in the `target/release/` folder, it is named `rtop`. ## Option file You can customize Rtop as like you want! First, create this file `~/.config/rtop/config`
Then, paste it this config template: ```json { "pages": [ [ "cpu_chart", "memory_chart", "process_list" ] ], "plugins": [ ] } ``` If you want to add a plugin, simply add this entry in the `plugins` key ```json { "name": "foo", "path": "/path/to/the/lib.so" } ``` Then, simply add some plugin's widgets. For example, here we add the widget `foo` and the widget `bar` on the same page. ```json [ "foo.foo", "foo.bar" ] ``` The final result should look like this ```json { "pages": [ [ "cpu_chart", "memory_chart", "process_list" ], [ "foo.foo", "foo.bar" ] ], "plugins": [ { "name": "foo", "path": "/path/to/the/lib.so" } ] } ``` **Just remember, you can only put 4 widgets per page** ## Contributors [SquitchYT](https://github.com/SquitchYT) ## License **[RTop](https://github.com/RTopRS/Rtop) | [Mozilla Public License 2.0](https://github.com/RTopRS/Rtop/blob/main/LICENSE)**