Rtop Dev
Developement librairy for making Rtop's Plugin
## Quick Example
Rtop let you create plugin for adding custom widgets.
Firstly, create a new project:
cargo new --lib MyPlugin
After that, update your `Cargo.toml` file. It should look like that:
name = "my_plugin"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
rtop_dev = "^1.1.0"
name = "my_plugin"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
Then, edit your `src/lib.rs` to have somethings like this:
struct FooWidget {}
impl rtop_dev::widget::Widget for FooWidget {
fn display(&mut self, _height: i32, _width: i32) -> String {
String::from("Hello World RTop!")
pub extern "Rust" fn init_foo() -> (Box, bool) {
(Box::new(FooWidget{}), false)
To build your lib, simply run:
cargo build --lib --release
Your plugin should be located here `target/release/libmy_plugin.so`.
**Remember these things, For each widget you want to create, you must make a function called `init_{WIDGET}` which return a `Box](https://github.com/SquitchYT)
## License
**[RTop](https://github.com/RTopRS/Rtop) | [Mozilla Public License 2.0](https://github.com/RTopRS/Rtop/blob/main/LICENSE)**