RtopPluginManager (RTPM)

Made with Rust License Stars

The official tool to simplify the management of plugins for Rtop.

## Installation & Build Refer to the [**wiki**](https://github.com/RtopRS/RtopPluginManager/wiki/Installation) which contains all the instructions according to your OS. ## Usage Refer to the [**wiki**](https://github.com/RtopRS/RtopPluginManager/wiki/Use) which lists, describes and gives examples of the use of each command. ## Versioning **This project uses semantic versioning, which has the format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH with:** * `MAJOR` version when you make incompatible API changes. * `MINOR` version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner. * `PATCH` version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes. ## License **[RtopPluginManager (RTPM)](https://github.com/RtopRS/RtopPluginManager) | [Mozilla Public License 2.0](https://github.com/RtopRS/RtopPluginManager/blob/main/LICENSE)**