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background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(40, 43, 45); } .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition-todo a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.attention a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.caution a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.danger a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.error a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.hint a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.important a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.note a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.seealso a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.tip a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.warning a, .wy-alert.wy-alert-neutral a { color: rgb(84, 164, 217); } .wy-tray-container li { background-image: initial; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(232, 230, 227); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 5px 5px 0px; } .wy-tray-container li.wy-tray-item-success { background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(31, 139, 77); } .wy-tray-container li.wy-tray-item-info { background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(33, 102, 148); 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background-color: rgb(78, 42, 9); } .rst-content .note, .rst-content .seealso, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.admonition, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.admonition-todo, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.attention, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.caution, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.danger, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.error, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.hint, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.important, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.tip, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.warning, .wy-alert.wy-alert-info { background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(21, 22, 23); } .rst-content .note .admonition-title, .rst-content .note .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .seealso .admonition-title, .rst-content .seealso .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.admonition-todo .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.admonition-todo .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.admonition .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.admonition .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.attention .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.attention .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.caution .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.caution .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.danger .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.danger .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.error .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.error .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.hint .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.hint .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.important .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.important .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.tip .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.tip .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.warning .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-info.warning .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert.wy-alert-info .admonition-title, .wy-alert.wy-alert-info .rst-content .admonition-title, .wy-alert.wy-alert-info .wy-alert-title { background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(18, 58, 84); } .rst-content .hint, .rst-content .important, .rst-content .tip, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.admonition, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.admonition-todo, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.attention, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.caution, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.danger, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.error, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.note, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.seealso, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.warning, .wy-alert.wy-alert-success { background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(6, 42, 37); } .rst-content .hint .admonition-title, .rst-content .hint .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .important .admonition-title, .rst-content .important .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .tip .admonition-title, .rst-content .tip .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.admonition-todo .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.admonition-todo .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.admonition .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.admonition .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.attention .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.attention .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.caution .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.caution .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.danger .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.danger .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.error .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.error .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.note .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.note .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.seealso .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.seealso .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.warning .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-success.warning .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert.wy-alert-success .admonition-title, .wy-alert.wy-alert-success .rst-content .admonition-title, .wy-alert.wy-alert-success .wy-alert-title { background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(14, 96, 80); } .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition-todo, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.attention, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.caution, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.danger, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.error, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.hint, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.important, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.note, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.seealso, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.tip, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.warning, .wy-alert.wy-alert-neutral { background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(18, 23, 23); } .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition-todo .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition-todo .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.attention .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.attention .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.caution .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.caution .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.danger .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.danger .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.error .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.error .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.hint .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.hint .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.important .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.important .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.note .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.note .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.seealso .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.seealso .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.tip .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.tip .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.warning .admonition-title, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.warning .wy-alert-title, .rst-content .wy-alert.wy-alert-neutral .admonition-title, .wy-alert.wy-alert-neutral .rst-content .admonition-title, .wy-alert.wy-alert-neutral .wy-alert-title { color: rgb(185, 179, 170); background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(26, 28, 29); } .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition-todo a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.admonition a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.attention a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.caution a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.danger a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.error a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.hint a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.important a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.note a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.seealso a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.tip a, .rst-content .wy-alert-neutral.warning a, .wy-alert.wy-alert-neutral a { color: rgb(101, 173, 220); } .wy-tray-container li { background-image: initial; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(205, 200, 194); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 5px 5px 0px; } .wy-tray-container li.wy-tray-item-success { background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(20, 89, 50); } .wy-tray-container li.wy-tray-item-info { background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(21, 66, 94); 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