# rttrust Rust wrapper for [rt-thread](https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/tree/master) Usage guide can be found in example folder. ## Supported rt-thread APIs 1. [x] Kernal object 2. [ ] Memory 3. [x] Thread 4. [x] Timer 5. [ ] IPC 1. [x] Spin lock (`rt_enter_critical`) 2. [x] Semaphore 3. [x] Mutex 4. [ ] Event 5. [ ] Mailbox 6. [ ] Message queue 7. [ ] Signal 6. [ ] Interrupt 7. [ ] Device 1. [x] Device register 2. [x] Device access 3. [ ] UART, PIN, ... (device specific APIs) ## Advanced features - Allocator - `print!` and `println!` ## Platforms - stm32f4xx ## Requirements - rust toolchain: `nightly` - rust target: `thumbv7em-none-eabihf` - [libclang](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-bindgen/requirements.html) - `gcc-arm-none-eabi`