set -l fssf "__fish_seen_subcommand_from" # rtx complete -kxc rtx -s C -l cd -a "(__fish_complete_directories)" -d 'Change directory before running command' complete -kxc rtx -s q -l quiet -d 'Suppress non-error messages' complete -kxc rtx -s v -l verbose -d 'Show extra output (use -vv for even more)' complete -kxc rtx -s y -l yes -d 'Answer yes to all confirmation prompts' set -l others activate alias bin-paths cache completion config current deactivate direnv doctor env env-vars exec implode install latest link ls ls-remote outdated plugins prune reshim run self-update settings shell sync task trust uninstall upgrade use version watch where which complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a activate -d 'Initializes rtx in the current shell session' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a alias -d 'Manage aliases' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a bin-paths -d 'List all the active runtime bin paths' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a cache -d 'Manage the rtx cache' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a completion -d 'Generate shell completions' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a config -d '[experimental] Manage config files' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a current -d 'Shows current active and installed runtime versions' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a deactivate -d 'Disable rtx for current shell session' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a direnv -d 'Output direnv function to use rtx inside direnv' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a doctor -d 'Check rtx installation for possible problems.' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a env -d 'Exports env vars to activate rtx a single time' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a env-vars -d 'Manage environment variables' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a exec -d 'Execute a command with tool(s) set' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a implode -d 'Removes rtx CLI and all related data' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a install -d 'Install a tool version' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a latest -d 'Gets the latest available version for a plugin' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a link -d 'Symlinks a tool version into rtx' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a ls -d 'List installed and/or currently selected tool versions' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a ls-remote -d 'List runtime versions available for install' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a outdated -d 'Shows outdated tool versions' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a plugins -d 'Manage plugins' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a prune -d 'Delete unused versions of tools' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a reshim -d 'rebuilds the shim farm' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a run -d '[experimental] Run a task' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a self-update -d 'Updates rtx itself' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a settings -d 'Manage settings' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a shell -d 'Sets a tool version for the current shell session' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a sync -d 'Add tool versions from external tools to rtx' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a task -d '[experimental] Manage tasks' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a trust -d 'Marks a config file as trusted' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a uninstall -d 'Removes runtime versions' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a upgrade -d 'Upgrades outdated tool versions' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a use -d 'Change the active version of a tool locally or globally.' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a version -d 'Show rtx version' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a watch -d '[experimental] Run a task watching for changes' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a where -d 'Display the installation path for a runtime' complete -xc rtx -n "not $fssf $others" -a which -d 'Shows the path that a bin name points to' # activate complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf activate" -s q -l quiet -d 'Suppress non-error messages' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf activate" -a "bash fish nu xonsh zsh" -d 'Shell type to generate the script for' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf activate" -l status -d 'Show "rtx: @" message when changing directories' # alias complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias" -l no-header -d 'Don'\''t show table header' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias" -s p -l plugin -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'filter aliases by plugin' set -l others get ls set unset complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and not $fssf $others" -a get -d 'Show an alias for a plugin' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and not $fssf $others" -a ls -d 'List aliases' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and not $fssf $others" -a set -d 'Add/update an alias for a plugin' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and not $fssf $others" -a unset -d 'Clears an alias for a plugin' # alias get complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and $fssf get" -a "(__rtx_aliases)" -d 'The alias to show' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and $fssf get" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'The plugin to show the alias for' # alias ls complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and $fssf ls" -l no-header -d 'Don'\''t show table header' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and $fssf ls" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'Show aliases for ' # alias set complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and $fssf set" -a "(__rtx_aliases)" -d 'The alias to set' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and $fssf set" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'The plugin to set the alias for' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and $fssf set" -d 'The value to set the alias to' # alias unset complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and $fssf unset" -a "(__rtx_aliases)" -d 'The alias to remove' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf alias; and $fssf unset" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'The plugin to remove the alias from' # bin-paths # cache set -l others clear complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf cache; and not $fssf $others" -a clear -d 'Deletes all cache files in rtx' # cache clear complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf cache; and $fssf clear" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'Plugin(s) to clear cache for e.g.: node, python' # completion complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf completion" -a "bash fish zsh" -d 'Shell type to generate completions for' # config complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf config" -l no-header -d 'Do not print table header' set -l others generate ls complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf config; and not $fssf $others" -a generate -d '[experimental] Generate an .rtx.toml file' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf config; and not $fssf $others" -a ls -d '[experimental] List config files currently in use' # config generate complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf config; and $fssf generate" -s o -l output -a "(__fish_complete_path)" -d 'Output to file instead of stdout' # config ls complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf config; and $fssf ls" -l no-header -d 'Do not print table header' # current complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf current" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'Plugin to show versions of e.g.: ruby, node' # deactivate # direnv set -l others activate complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf direnv; and not $fssf $others" -a activate -d 'Output direnv function to use rtx inside direnv' # direnv activate # doctor # env complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf env" -s J -l json -d 'Output in JSON format' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf env" -s s -l shell -a "bash fish nu xonsh zsh" -d 'Shell type to generate environment variables for' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf env" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to use' # env-vars complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf env-vars" -d 'Environment variable(s) to set' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf env-vars" -l file -a "(__fish_complete_path)" -d 'The TOML file to update' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf env-vars" -l remove -d 'Remove the environment variable from config file' # exec complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf exec" -s c -l command -d 'Command string to execute' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf exec" -d 'Command string to execute (same as --command)' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf exec" -s j -l jobs -d 'Number of jobs to run in parallel' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf exec" -l raw -d 'Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf exec" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to start e.g.: node@20 python@3.10' # implode complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf implode" -l config -d 'Also remove config directory' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf implode" -s n -l dry-run -d 'List directories that would be removed without actually removing them' # install complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf install" -s f -l force -d 'Force reinstall even if already installed' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf install" -s j -l jobs -d 'Number of jobs to run in parallel' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf install" -l raw -d 'Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf install" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to install e.g.: node@20' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf install" -s v -l verbose -d 'Show installation output' # latest complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf latest" -s i -l installed -d 'Show latest installed instead of available version' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf latest" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool to get the latest version of' # link complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf link" -s f -l force -d 'Overwrite an existing tool version if it exists' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf link" -a "(__fish_complete_directories)" -d 'The local path to the tool version' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf link" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool name and version to create a symlink for' # ls complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls" -s c -l current -d 'Only show tool versions currently specified in a .tool-versions/.rtx.toml' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls" -s g -l global -d 'Only show tool versions currently specified in a the global .tool-versions/.rtx.toml' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls" -s i -l installed -d 'Only show tool versions that are installed Hides missing ones defined in .tool-versions/.rtx.toml but not yet installed' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls" -s J -l json -d 'Output in json format' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls" -s m -l missing -d 'Display missing tool versions' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls" -l no-header -d 'Don'\''t display headers' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'Only show tool versions from [PLUGIN]' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls" -l prefix -d 'Display versions matching this prefix' # ls-remote complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls-remote" -l all -d 'Show all installed plugins and versions' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls-remote" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'Plugin to get versions for' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf ls-remote" -d 'The version prefix to use when querying the latest version' # outdated complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf outdated" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to show outdated versions for' # plugins complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins" -s c -l core -d 'The built-in plugins only' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins" -s u -l urls -d 'Show the git url for each plugin' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins" -l user -d 'List installed plugins' set -l others install link ls ls-remote uninstall update complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and not $fssf $others" -a install -d 'Install a plugin' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and not $fssf $others" -a link -d 'Symlinks a plugin into rtx' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and not $fssf $others" -a ls -d 'List installed plugins' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and not $fssf $others" -a ls-remote -d 'List all available remote plugins' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and not $fssf $others" -a uninstall -d 'Removes a plugin' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and not $fssf $others" -a update -d 'Updates a plugin to the latest version' # plugins install complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf install" -s a -l all -d 'Install all missing plugins' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf install" -s f -l force -d 'Reinstall even if plugin exists' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf install" -d 'The git url of the plugin' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf install" -a "(__rtx_all_plugins)" -d 'The name of the plugin to install' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf install" -s v -l verbose -d 'Show installation output' # plugins link complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf link" -s f -l force -d 'Overwrite existing plugin' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf link" -d 'The name of the plugin' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf link" -a "(__fish_complete_directories)" -d 'The local path to the plugin' # plugins ls complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf ls" -s c -l core -d 'The built-in plugins only' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf ls" -s u -l urls -d 'Show the git url for each plugin' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf ls" -l user -d 'List installed plugins' # plugins ls-remote complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf ls-remote" -l only-names -d 'Only show the name of each plugin by default it will show a "*" next to installed plugins' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf ls-remote" -s u -l urls -d 'Show the git url for each plugin e.g.:' # plugins uninstall complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf uninstall" -s a -l all -d 'Remove all plugins' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf uninstall" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'Plugin(s) to remove' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf uninstall" -s p -l purge -d 'Also remove the plugin'\''s installs, downloads, and cache' # plugins update complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf update" -s j -l jobs -d 'Number of jobs to run in parallel' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf plugins; and $fssf update" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'Plugin(s) to update' # prune complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf prune" -s n -l dry-run -d 'Do not actually delete anything' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf prune" -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'Prune only versions from these plugins' # reshim # run complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -d 'Arguments to pass to the task. Use ":::" to separate tasks' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -s C -l cd -a "(__fish_complete_directories)" -d 'Change to this directory before executing the command' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -s n -l dry-run -d 'Don'\''t actually run the task(s), just print them in order of execution' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -s f -l force -d 'Force the task to run even if outputs are up to date' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -s i -l interleave -d 'Print directly to stdout/stderr instead of by line' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -s j -l jobs -d 'Number of tasks to run in parallel' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -s p -l prefix -d 'Print stdout/stderr by line, prefixed with the task'\''s label' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -s r -l raw -d 'Read/write directly to stdin/stdout/stderr instead of by line' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -a "(__rtx_tasks)" -d 'Task to run' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf run" -s t -l tool -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to also add e.g.: node@20 python@3.10' # self-update complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf self-update" -s f -l force -d 'Update even if already up to date' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf self-update" -l no-plugins -d 'Disable auto-updating plugins' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf self-update" -d 'Update to a specific version' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf self-update" -s y -l yes -d 'Skip confirmation prompt' # settings set -l others get ls set unset complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf settings; and not $fssf $others" -a get -d 'Show a current setting' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf settings; and not $fssf $others" -a ls -d 'Show current settings' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf settings; and not $fssf $others" -a set -d 'Add/update a setting' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf settings; and not $fssf $others" -a unset -d 'Clears a setting' # settings get complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf settings; and $fssf get" -a "(__rtx_settings)" -d 'The setting to show' # settings ls # settings set complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf settings; and $fssf set" -a "(__rtx_settings)" -d 'The setting to set' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf settings; and $fssf set" -d 'The value to set' # settings unset complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf settings; and $fssf unset" -a "(__rtx_settings)" -d 'The setting to remove' # shell complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf shell" -s j -l jobs -d 'Number of jobs to run in parallel' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf shell" -l raw -d 'Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf shell" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to use' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf shell" -s u -l unset -d 'Removes a previously set version' # sync set -l others node python complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf sync; and not $fssf $others" -a node -d 'Symlinks all tool versions from an external tool into rtx' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf sync; and not $fssf $others" -a python -d 'Symlinks all tool versions from an external tool into rtx' # sync node complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf sync; and $fssf node" -l brew -d 'Get tool versions from Homebrew' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf sync; and $fssf node" -l nodenv -d 'Get tool versions from nodenv' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf sync; and $fssf node" -l nvm -d 'Get tool versions from nvm' # sync python complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf sync; and $fssf python" -l pyenv -d 'Get tool versions from pyenv' # task complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task" -l hidden -d 'Show hidden tasks' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task" -l no-header -d 'Do not print table header' set -l others edit ls run complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf task; and not $fssf $others" -a edit -d '[experimental] Edit a task with $EDITOR' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf task; and not $fssf $others" -a ls -d '[experimental] List available tasks to execute' complete -xc rtx -n "$fssf task; and not $fssf $others" -a run -d '[experimental] Run a task' # task edit complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf edit" -s p -l path -d 'Display the path to the task instead of editing it' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf edit" -a "(__rtx_tasks)" -d 'Task to edit' # task ls complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf ls" -l hidden -d 'Show hidden tasks' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf ls" -l no-header -d 'Do not print table header' # task run complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -d 'Arguments to pass to the task. Use ":::" to separate tasks' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -s C -l cd -a "(__fish_complete_directories)" -d 'Change to this directory before executing the command' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -s n -l dry-run -d 'Don'\''t actually run the task(s), just print them in order of execution' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -s f -l force -d 'Force the task to run even if outputs are up to date' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -s i -l interleave -d 'Print directly to stdout/stderr instead of by line' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -s j -l jobs -d 'Number of tasks to run in parallel' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -s p -l prefix -d 'Print stdout/stderr by line, prefixed with the task'\''s label' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -s r -l raw -d 'Read/write directly to stdin/stdout/stderr instead of by line' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -a "(__rtx_tasks)" -d 'Task to run' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf task; and $fssf run" -s t -l tool -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to also add e.g.: node@20 python@3.10' # trust complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf trust" -s a -l all -d 'Trust all config files in the current directory and its parents' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf trust" -a "(__fish_complete_path)" -d 'The config file to trust' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf trust" -l untrust -d 'No longer trust this config' # uninstall complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf uninstall" -s a -l all -d 'Delete all installed versions' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf uninstall" -s n -l dry-run -d 'Do not actually delete anything' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf uninstall" -a "(__rtx_installed_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to remove' # upgrade complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf upgrade" -s n -l dry-run -d 'Just print what would be done, don'\''t actually do it' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf upgrade" -s i -l interactive -d 'Display multiselect menu to choose which tools to upgrade' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf upgrade" -s j -l jobs -d 'Number of jobs to run in parallel' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf upgrade" -l raw -d 'Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf upgrade" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to upgrade' # use complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -s e -l env -d 'Modify an environment-specific config file like .rtx..toml' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -s f -l force -d 'Force reinstall even if already installed' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -l fuzzy -d 'Save fuzzy version to config file' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -s g -l global -d 'Use the global config file (~/.config/rtx/config.toml) instead of the local one' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -s j -l jobs -d 'Number of jobs to run in parallel' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -s p -l path -a "(__fish_complete_path)" -d 'Specify a path to a config file or directory If a directory is specified, it will look for .rtx.toml (default) or .tool-versions' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -l pin -d 'Save exact version to config file' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -l raw -d 'Directly pipe stdin/stdout/stderr from plugin to user Sets --jobs=1' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -l remove -d 'Remove the tool(s) from config file' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf use" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to add to config file' # version # watch complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf watch" -d 'Extra arguments' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf watch" -s g -l glob -d 'Files to watch' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf watch" -s t -l task -a "(__rtx_tasks)" -d 'Task to run' # where complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf where" -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Tool(s) to look up' # which complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf which" -d 'The bin name to look up' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf which" -l plugin -a "(__rtx_plugins)" -d 'Show the plugin name instead of the path' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf which" -s t -l tool -a "(__rtx_tool_versions)" -d 'Use a specific tool@version' complete -kxc rtx -n "$fssf which" -l version -d 'Show the version instead of the path' function __rtx_all_plugins if test -z "$__rtx_all_plugins_cache" set -g __rtx_all_plugins_cache (rtx plugins ls --all) end for p in $__rtx_all_plugins_cache echo $p end end function __rtx_plugins if test -z "$__rtx_plugins_cache" set -g __rtx_plugins_cache (rtx plugins ls --core --user) end for p in $__rtx_plugins_cache echo $p end end function __rtx_tool_versions if test -z "$__rtx_tool_versions_cache" set -g __rtx_tool_versions_cache (rtx plugins --core --user) (rtx ls-remote --all | tac) end for tv in $__rtx_tool_versions_cache echo $tv end end function __rtx_installed_tool_versions for tv in (rtx ls --installed | awk '{print $1 "@" $2}') echo $tv end end function __rtx_aliases if test -z "$__rtx_aliases_cache" set -g __rtx_aliases_cache (rtx alias ls | awk '{print $2}') end for a in $__rtx_aliases_cache echo $a end end function __rtx_tasks for tv in (rtx task ls --no-header | awk '{print $1}') echo $tv end end function __rtx_settings if test -z "$__rtx_settings_cache" set -g __rtx_settings_cache (rtx settings ls | awk '{print $1}') end for s in $__rtx_settings_cache echo $s end end # vim: noet ci pi sts=0 sw=4 ts=4