//# MaskArrLogi.h: Element by element logical operations on masked arrays.
//# Copyright (C) 1993,1994,1995,1999,2001
//# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
//# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
//# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
//# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
//# option) any later version.
//# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
//# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
//# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
//# License for more details.
//# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
//# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
//# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
//# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
//# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu.
//# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
//# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
//# 520 Edgemont Road
//# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
//# $Id$
#include "Array.h"
#include "MaskedArray.h"
#include "MaskLogiArr.h"
namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
// Logical operations for MaskedArrays, and between MaskedArrays and Arrays.
// Array
// LogicalArray
// MaskedArray
// MaskArrLogi is short for MaskedArrayLogical, which is too long by the
// old AIPS++ file naming conventions. This file contains global functions
// which perform element by element logical operations on masked arrays.
// These functions perform element by element logical operations on
// masked arrays. With two arrays, they must both conform, and the result
// is done element by element, for those locations where the mask of the
// MaskedArray is true. For two MaskedArrays, the "and" of the masks is used.
// There are two classes of functions. One class returns a MaskedLogicalArray.
// In these functions, the value of an element of the MaskedLogicalArray is
// the value of the logical operation applied to the corresponding elements
// of the input MaskedArrays. The other class of functions returns a single
// bool. The return value is true if the logical operation returns true for
// all elements of the input masked arrays for the "all" functions
// (e.g. allLE()), and returns true if the logical operation returns true for
// any elements of the input masked arrays for the "any" functions
// (e.g. anyLE()). The functions which return a single bool throw an exception
// if the AND of the masks of the input masked arrays has no true elements.
// For instance allLE (a, b) imples that every element of a is
// less than or equal to every element of b. Note that with this definition
// allLE (a, b) and allGE (a, b) can both be false (e.g. a = [1,0] b = [0,1]).
// NB comparison between two zero-sized arrays is not defined (should it
// throw an exception?).
// Vector a(10);
// Vector b(10);
// LogicalVector l(10);
// . . .
// l = a(a>0) < b(b>0);
// This example sets those elements of l where ((a>0) && (b>0)) to (a0) && (b>0)) are unchanged. The result of
// the comparison is a MaskedLogicalArray. The assignment from this
// MaskedLogicalArray to the LogicalArray l only assigns those elements
// where the mask is true.
// Vector a(10);
// Vector b(10);
// bool result;
// . . .
// result = allLT (a(a>0), b(b>0));
// This example sets result to true if, for all elements where
// ((a>0) && (b>0)), a
// One wants to be able to mask arrays and perform logical operations on
// those masked arrays. Since the masked arrays are only defined where
// the masks are true, the result must be a MaskedLogicalArray, or a single
// bool.
// MaskedArray logical operations -- Logical operations
// for MaskedArrays, and between MaskedArrays and Arrays.
// Element by element comparisons between the "l" and "r" arrays. The result
// is true only if the comparison is true for every element of the arrays
// for which the mask of the MaskedArray is true. For two MaskedArrays,
// the "and" of the masks is used.
// ArrayConformanceError
// ArrayError
template bool allLE (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool allLT (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool allGE (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool allGT (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool allEQ (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool allNE (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
template bool allAND (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool allOR (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool allLE (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool allLT (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool allGE (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool allGT (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool allEQ (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool allNE (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
template bool allAND (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool allOR (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool allLE (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool allLT (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool allGE (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool allGT (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool allEQ (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool allNE (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
bool allAND (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool allOR (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
// Element by element comparisons between the "l" and "r" arrays. The result
// is a MaskedLogicalArray.
// The arrays must conform or an exception is thrown.
// ArrayConformanceError
MaskedLogicalArray operator <= (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator < (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator >= (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator > (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator == (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator != (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
MaskedLogicalArray operator && (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator || (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator <= (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator < (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator >= (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator > (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator == (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator != (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
MaskedLogicalArray operator && (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator || (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator <= (const MaskedArray &l,
const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator < (const MaskedArray &l,
const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator >= (const MaskedArray &l,
const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator > (const MaskedArray &l,
const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator == (const MaskedArray &l,
const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator != (const MaskedArray &l,
const MaskedArray &r);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
MaskedLogicalArray operator && (const MaskedArray &l,
const MaskedArray &r);
MaskedLogicalArray operator || (const MaskedArray &l,
const MaskedArray &r);
// Logical negation of a MaskedArray. This only makes sense if the array
// element type is logical valued.
MaskedLogicalArray operator ! (const MaskedArray &marray);
// Element by element comparisons between an array and a scalar, which
// behaves as if it were a conformant array filled with the value "val."
// The result is true only if the comparison is true for every element
// for which the mask of the MaskedArray is true.
// ArrayError
template bool allLE (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool allLE (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool allLT (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool allLT (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool allGE (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool allGE (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool allGT (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool allGT (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool allEQ (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool allEQ (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool allNE (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool allNE (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
template bool allAND (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool allAND (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool allOR (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool allOR (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
// Element by element comparisons between an array and a scalar, which
// behaves as if it were a conformant array filled with the value "val."
// The result is an MaskedLogicalArray.
MaskedLogicalArray operator <= (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
MaskedLogicalArray operator <= (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
MaskedLogicalArray operator < (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
MaskedLogicalArray operator < (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
MaskedLogicalArray operator >= (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
MaskedLogicalArray operator >= (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
MaskedLogicalArray operator > (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
MaskedLogicalArray operator > (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
MaskedLogicalArray operator == (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
MaskedLogicalArray operator == (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
MaskedLogicalArray operator != (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
MaskedLogicalArray operator != (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
MaskedLogicalArray operator && (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
MaskedLogicalArray operator && (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
MaskedLogicalArray operator || (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
MaskedLogicalArray operator || (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
//# With two arrays, they must both conform, and the result is done element
//# by element. For instance anyLE (a, b) imples that some element of a is
//# less than or equal to every element of b.
//# NB comparison between two zero-sized arrays is not defined (should it
//# throw an exception?).
// Element by element comparisons between the "l" and "r" arrays. The result
// is true only if the comparison is true for some element of the arrays
// for which the mask of the MaskedArray is true. For two MaskedArrays,
// the "and" of the masks is used.
// ArrayConformanceError
// ArrayError
template bool anyLE (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool anyLT (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool anyGE (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool anyGT (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool anyEQ (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool anyNE (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
template bool anyAND (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool anyOR (const MaskedArray &l, const Array &r);
template bool anyLE (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool anyLT (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool anyGE (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool anyGT (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool anyEQ (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool anyNE (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
template bool anyAND (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
template bool anyOR (const Array &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool anyLE (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool anyLT (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool anyGE (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool anyGT (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool anyEQ (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool anyNE (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
bool anyAND (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
bool anyOR (const MaskedArray &l, const MaskedArray &r);
// Element by element comparisons between an array and a scalar, which
// behaves as if it were a conformant array filled with the value "val."
// The result is true only if the comparison is true for some element
// for which the mask of the MaskedArray is true.
// ArrayError
template bool anyLE (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool anyLE (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool anyLT (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool anyLT (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool anyGE (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool anyGE (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool anyGT (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool anyGT (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool anyEQ (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool anyEQ (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool anyNE (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool anyNE (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
// This only makes sense if the array element type is logical valued.
template bool anyAND (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool anyAND (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
template bool anyOR (const MaskedArray &array, const T &val);
template bool anyOR (const T &val, const MaskedArray &array);
#include "MaskArrLogi.tcc"