//# HDF5Record.h: A class to write/read a record into HDF5 //# Copyright (C) 2008 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. //# //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your //# option) any later version. //# //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public //# License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory //# 520 Edgemont Road //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA //# //# $Id$ #ifndef CASA_HDF5RECORD_H #define CASA_HDF5RECORD_H //# Includes #include #include #include #include namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN // // A class to write/read a record into HDF5. // // // // // //
  • HDF5 system //
  • class Record // // // This class has a static function to write a Record (or TableRecord) // into an HDF5 file by storing it as attributes for the given group. // Another static function can read back the Record. // It can handle all types of fields in a record. //
    // A few remarks: //
    • When writing the record, it first deletes all attributes of the group // to be sure that the group's attributes only contain the record. //
    • A Casacore Record is a recursive structure, so it is written as // nested groups. The name of a subgroup is the name of the subrecord. //
    • HDF5 cannot deal with empty arrays. Therefore they are written as // a special compound type holding the rank and type of the empty array. //
    • HDF5 cannot hold empty fixed length strings. This is solved by // storing an empty string with the special value __empty__. //
    // // Record is a very important class in Casacore images, so it has to be // possible to read and write them from/to HDF5. // class HDF5Record { public: // Read a record from the attributes of the given group. // Nested records are read back correctly. // An empty record is returned if the group does not exist. static Record readRecord (const HDF5Object& parentHid, const String& groupName); // Write the record as attributes of a group of the given parent. // Nested records are written as nested groups. // The group is deleted first if it already exists. static void writeRecord (const HDF5Object& parentHid, const String& recordName, const RecordInterface& rec); // Remove the record (i.e. group) from the given parent. // Nothing is done if the record does not exist. static void remove (const HDF5Object& parentHid, const String& recordName); // Read the (possibly nested) record values from the given group hid. static Record doReadRecord (hid_t parentHid); // Write the (possibly nested) record values into the given group hid. static void doWriteRecord (const HDF5Object& groupHid, const RecordInterface& rec); private: // Read a scalar value and add it to the record. static void readScalar (hid_t attrId, hid_t dtid, const String& name, RecordInterface& rec); // Read an array value and add it to the record. static void readArray (hid_t attrId, hid_t dtid, const IPosition&, const String& name, RecordInterface& rec); // Read a scalar string from an attribute and add it to the record. static void readScaString (hid_t attrId, Int sz, const String& name, RecordInterface& rec); // Read a array of strings from an atrribute and add it to the record. static void readArrString (hid_t attrId, const IPosition&, const String& name, RecordInterface& rec); // Read a field containing an empty array. static void readEmptyArray (hid_t attrId, const String& name, RecordInterface& rec); // Read a field containing a scalar of fixed length. template static void readSca (hid_t attrId, const String& name, RecordInterface& rec) { T value; HDF5DataType dtype((T*)0); read (attrId, &value, dtype); rec.define (name, value); } // Read a field containing an array of fixed length elements. template static void readArr (hid_t attrId, const IPosition& shape, const String& name, RecordInterface& rec) { Array value(shape); HDF5DataType dtype((T*)0); read (attrId, value.data(), dtype); rec.define (name, value); } // Read fixed length values from an attribute (scalar and array). static void read (hid_t attrId, void* value, const HDF5DataType& dtype); // Write a fixed length scalar value as attribute. static void writeScalar (hid_t parentHid, const String& name, const void* value, const HDF5DataType& dtype); // Write an array of fixed length values as attribute. static void writeArray (hid_t parentHid, const String& name, const void* value, const IPosition& shape, const HDF5DataType& dtype); // Write a scalar string as attribute. // HDF5 cannot handle empty strings, so for empty strings a special // value is written. static void writeScaString (hid_t parentHid, const String& name, const String& value); // Write an array of strings as attribute. // HDF5 cannot handle empty strings, so for empty strings a special // value is written. static void writeArrString (hid_t parentHid, const String& name, const Array& value); // Write a field containing an empty array. static void writeEmptyArray (hid_t groupHid, const String& name, Int rank, DataType dtype); // Write a field containing a fixed length scalar value. template static void writeSca (hid_t parentHid, const String& name, const RecordInterface& rec, Int i) { T value; rec.get (i, value); HDF5DataType dtype((T*)0); writeScalar (parentHid, name, &value, dtype); } // Write a field containing an array of fixed length elements. template static void writeArr (hid_t parentHid, const String& name, const RecordInterface& rec, Int i) { Array value; rec.get (i, value); HDF5DataType dtype((T*)0); writeArray (parentHid, name, value.data(), value.shape(), dtype); } }; } #endif