# Rust Befunge-93 [Api Docs](https://athemathmo.github.io/rubefunge-93/) --- This is a toy implementation of a [Befunge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Befunge) interpreter. I implemented this as part of an old [Angel Hack challenge](http://angelhack.com/solve-these-developer-challenges-to-snag-free-tickets-to-our-series/) (though I think the bufenge challenge code on this page contains an error...). The compiler is complete but there is currently no nice way to use it. The program must be manually entered within the `main` function and run. In the future, maybe I'll add a simple command line interface so that we can run programs from files (or simple programs from the command line directly). But probably not - this was just to have some fun with Rust. Why does Befunge exist anyway?