# Changes to Rubin Tracks changes between each release. Any changes referring to `Net` are related to the client/server stuff Any changes referring to `Non-Net` are related to the `MemStore` and `PersistentStores` ## v0.4.0 Added support for two new features: INCR and DECR. A new counter store was added which keeps track of counters associated with given values (i.e keys). INCR increments a given value by one and DECR decrements a given value by one. Not _that_ big of an update but still, support for more Redis-like things! * Added new INCR and DECR commands to increment and decrement values in Rubin (Net / Non-Net) * New store was added to hold these values * Each value is incremented / decremented by one on each call * Minor fixes / improvements ## v0.3.2 This updated fixed an issue with passing multiple values when adding to the string store. ## v0.3.1 This update adds some logging into the server portion of the `net` module. * Added tracing logging to the server (Net) * Updated internals of error handling for the server (Net) * New dump command to dump the `MemStore` out to disk (Net, Non-net) ## v0.3.0 This update reworks the internals of how the inner storage in the `MemStore` works. Each new store that would be added would add a load of unnecessary duplication so they've been combined into a generic `InnerStore` type. This should allow for less work going forward but there is probably a better way to do it. As the `MemStore` is the core feature of this library, this _shouldn't_ affect the `Net` stuff and `PersistentStore` as they just wrap around the `MemStore` calls. * Overhauled how the inner store works (Net, Non-net) * There is now **ONE** generic store that will cover all types (e.g. `String`, `Vec`, etc.) * This means there is now a blanket implentation for each store going forward. * Specifics for a given type can be handled in the wrapper implementation (i.e. adding an item to a specific Vec) * Reworked the API for the store to use the new `InnerStore` type (Non-net) * Documentation updates (Net, Non-net) ## v0.2.0 * Updated the ability to name your own storefile when using a `PersistentStore` (Non-net) * Added removal a string from the string store (Net, Non-Net) * Added clearing the string store (Net / Non-net) * Added ability to get shared ref to string store (Non-net) * Minor edits and tweaks