/* Copyright (c) 2011 Khaled Mamou (kmamou at gmail dot com) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #ifndef HACD_HACD_H #define HACD_HACD_H #include "hacdVersion.h" #include "hacdVector.h" #include "hacdGraph.h" #include "hacdICHull.h" #include #include #include #include namespace HACD { const double sc_pi = 3.14159265; class HACD; // just to be able to set the capcity of the container template , class _Pr = std::less > class reservable_priority_queue : public std::priority_queue<_Ty, _Container, _Pr> { typedef typename std::priority_queue<_Ty, _Container, _Pr>::size_type size_type; public: reservable_priority_queue(size_type capacity = 0) { reserve(capacity); }; void reserve(size_type capacity) { this->c.reserve(capacity); } size_type capacity() const { return this->c.capacity(); } }; //! priority queque element class GraphEdgePriorityQueue { public: //! Constructor //! @param name edge's id //! @param priority edge's priority GraphEdgePriorityQueue(long name, Real priority) { m_name = name; m_priority = priority; } //! Destructor ~GraphEdgePriorityQueue(void) {} private: long m_name; //!< edge name Real m_priority; //!< priority //! Operator < for GraphEdgePQ friend bool operator<(const GraphEdgePriorityQueue &lhs, const GraphEdgePriorityQueue &rhs); //! Operator > for GraphEdgePQ friend bool operator>(const GraphEdgePriorityQueue &lhs, const GraphEdgePriorityQueue &rhs); friend class HACD; }; inline bool operator<(const GraphEdgePriorityQueue &lhs, const GraphEdgePriorityQueue &rhs) { return lhs.m_priority < rhs.m_priority; } inline bool operator>(const GraphEdgePriorityQueue &lhs, const GraphEdgePriorityQueue &rhs) { return lhs.m_priority > rhs.m_priority; } typedef bool (*CallBackFunction)(const char *, double, double, size_t); //! Provides an implementation of the Hierarchical Approximate Convex Decomposition (HACD) technique described in "A Simple and Efficient Approach for 3D Mesh Approximate Convex Decomposition" Game Programming Gems 8 - Chapter 2.8, p.202. A short version of the chapter was published in ICIP09 and is available at ftp://ftp.elet.polimi.it/users/Stefano.Tubaro/ICIP_USB_Proceedings_v2/pdfs/0003501.pdf class HACD { public: //! Gives the triangles partitionas an array of size m_nTriangles where the i-th element specifies the cluster to which belong the i-th triangle //! @return triangles partition const long *GetPartition() const { return m_partition; } //! Sets the scale factor //! @param scale scale factor void SetScaleFactor(double scale) { m_scale = scale; } //! Gives the scale factor //! @return scale factor double GetScaleFactor() const { return m_scale; } //! Sets the call-back function //! @param callBack pointer to the call-back function void SetCallBack(CallBackFunction callBack) { m_callBack = callBack; } //! Gives the call-back function //! @return pointer to the call-back function CallBackFunction GetCallBack() const { return m_callBack; } //! Specifies whether faces points should be added when computing the concavity //! @param addFacesPoints true = faces points should be added void SetAddFacesPoints(bool addFacesPoints) { m_addFacesPoints = addFacesPoints; } //! Specifies wheter faces points should be added when computing the concavity //! @return true = faces points should be added bool GetAddFacesPoints() const { return m_addFacesPoints; } //! Specifies whether extra points should be added when computing the concavity //! @param addExteraDistPoints true = extra points should be added void SetAddExtraDistPoints(bool addExtraDistPoints) { m_addExtraDistPoints = addExtraDistPoints; } //! Specifies wheter extra points should be added when computing the concavity //! @return true = extra points should be added bool GetAddExtraDistPoints() const { return m_addExtraDistPoints; } //! Specifies whether extra points should be added when computing the concavity //! @param addExteraDistPoints true = extra points should be added void SetAddNeighboursDistPoints(bool addNeighboursDistPoints) { m_addNeighboursDistPoints = addNeighboursDistPoints; } //! Specifies wheter extra points should be added when computing the concavity //! @return true = extra points should be added bool GetAddNeighboursDistPoints() const { return m_addNeighboursDistPoints; } //! Sets the points of the input mesh (Remark: the input points will be scaled and shifted. Use DenormalizeData() to invert those operations) //! @param points pointer to the input points void SetPoints(Vec3 *points) { m_points = points; } //! Gives the points of the input mesh (Remark: the input points will be scaled and shifted. Use DenormalizeData() to invert those operations) //! @return pointer to the input points const Vec3 *GetPoints() const { return m_points; } //! Sets the triangles of the input mesh. //! @param triangles points pointer to the input points void SetTriangles(Vec3 *triangles) { m_triangles = triangles; } //! Gives the triangles in the input mesh //! @return pointer to the input triangles const Vec3 *GetTriangles() const { return m_triangles; } //! Sets the number of points in the input mesh. //! @param nPoints number of points the input mesh void SetNPoints(size_t nPoints) { m_nPoints = nPoints; } //! Gives the number of points in the input mesh. //! @return number of points the input mesh size_t GetNPoints() const { return m_nPoints; } //! Sets the number of triangles in the input mesh. //! @param nTriangles number of triangles in the input mesh void SetNTriangles(size_t nTriangles) { m_nTriangles = nTriangles; } //! Gives the number of triangles in the input mesh. //! @return number of triangles the input mesh size_t GetNTriangles() const { return m_nTriangles; } //! Sets the minimum number of clusters to be generated. //! @param nClusters minimum number of clusters void SetNClusters(size_t nClusters) { m_nMinClusters = nClusters; } //! Gives the number of generated clusters. //! @return number of generated clusters size_t GetNClusters() const { return m_nClusters; } //! Sets the maximum allowed concavity. //! @param concavity maximum concavity void SetConcavity(double concavity) { m_concavity = concavity; } //! Gives the maximum allowed concavity. //! @return maximum concavity double GetConcavity() const { return m_concavity; } //! Sets the maximum allowed distance to get CCs connected. //! @param concavity maximum distance to get CCs connected void SetConnectDist(double ccConnectDist) { m_ccConnectDist = ccConnectDist; } //! Gives the maximum allowed distance to get CCs connected. //! @return maximum distance to get CCs connected double GetConnectDist() const { return m_ccConnectDist; } //! Sets the volume weight. //! @param beta volume weight void SetVolumeWeight(double beta) { m_beta = beta; } //! Gives the volume weight. //! @return volume weight double GetVolumeWeight() const { return m_beta; } //! Sets the compacity weight (i.e. parameter alpha in ftp://ftp.elet.polimi.it/users/Stefano.Tubaro/ICIP_USB_Proceedings_v2/pdfs/0003501.pdf). //! @param alpha compacity weight void SetCompacityWeight(double alpha) { m_alpha = alpha; } //! Gives the compacity weight (i.e. parameter alpha in ftp://ftp.elet.polimi.it/users/Stefano.Tubaro/ICIP_USB_Proceedings_v2/pdfs/0003501.pdf). //! @return compacity weight double GetCompacityWeight() const { return m_alpha; } //! Sets the maximum number of vertices for each generated convex-hull. //! @param nVerticesPerCH maximum # vertices per CH void SetNVerticesPerCH(size_t nVerticesPerCH) { m_nVerticesPerCH = nVerticesPerCH; } //! Gives the maximum number of vertices for each generated convex-hull. //! @return maximum # vertices per CH size_t GetNVerticesPerCH() const { return m_nVerticesPerCH; } //! Gives the number of vertices for the cluster number numCH. //! @return number of vertices size_t GetNPointsCH(size_t numCH) const; //! Gives the number of triangles for the cluster number numCH. //! @param numCH cluster's number //! @return number of triangles size_t GetNTrianglesCH(size_t numCH) const; //! Gives the vertices and the triangles of the cluster number numCH. //! @param numCH cluster's number //! @param points pointer to the vector of points to be filled //! @param triangles pointer to the vector of triangles to be filled //! @return true if sucess bool GetCH(size_t numCH, Vec3 *const points, Vec3 *const triangles); //! Computes the HACD decomposition. //! @param fullCH specifies whether to generate convex-hulls with a full or limited (i.e. < m_nVerticesPerCH) number of vertices //! @param exportDistPoints specifies wheter distance points should ne exported or not (used only for debugging). //! @return true if sucess bool Compute(bool fullCH = false, bool exportDistPoints = false); //! Saves the generated convex-hulls in a VRML 2.0 file. //! @param fileName the output file name //! @param uniColor specifies whether the different convex-hulls should have the same color or not //! @param numCluster specifies the cluster to be saved, if numCluster < 0 export all clusters //! @return true if sucess bool Save(const char *fileName, bool uniColor, long numCluster = -1) const; //! Shifts and scales to the data to have all the coordinates between 0.0 and 1000.0. void NormalizeData(); //! Inverse the operations applied by NormalizeData(). void DenormalizeData(); //! Constructor. HACD(void); //! Destructor. ~HACD(void); private: //! Gives the edge index. //! @param a first vertex id //! @param b second vertex id //! @return edge's index static unsigned long long GetEdgeIndex(unsigned long long a, unsigned long long b) { if (a > b) return (a << 32) + b; else return (b << 32) + a; } //! Computes the concavity of a cluster. //! @param ch the cluster's convex-hull //! @param distPoints the cluster's points //! @return cluster's concavity double Concavity(ICHull &ch, std::map &distPoints); //! Computes the perimeter of a cluster. //! @param triIndices the cluster's triangles //! @param distPoints the cluster's points //! @return cluster's perimeter double ComputePerimeter(const std::vector &triIndices) const; //! Creates the Graph by associating to each mesh triangle a vertex in the graph and to each couple of adjacent triangles an edge in the graph. void CreateGraph(); //! Initializes the graph costs and computes the vertices normals void InitializeDualGraph(); //! Computes the cost of an edge //! @param e edge's id void ComputeEdgeCost(size_t e); //! Initializes the priority queue //! @param fast specifies whether fast mode is used //! @return true if success bool InitializePriorityQueue(); //! Cleans the intersection between convex-hulls void CleanClusters(); //! Computes convex-hulls from partition information //! @param fullCH specifies whether to generate convex-hulls with a full or limited (i.e. < m_nVerticesPerCH) number of vertices void ComputeConvexHulls(bool fullCH); //! Simplifies the graph //! @param fast specifies whether fast mode is used void Simplify(); private: double m_scale; //>! scale factor used for NormalizeData() and DenormalizeData() Vec3 *m_triangles; //>! pointer the triangles array Vec3 *m_points; //>! pointer the points array Vec3 *m_facePoints; //>! pointer to the faces points array Vec3 *m_faceNormals; //>! pointer to the faces normals array Vec3 *m_normals; //>! pointer the normals array size_t m_nTriangles; //>! number of triangles in the original mesh size_t m_nPoints; //>! number of vertices in the original mesh size_t m_nClusters; //>! number of clusters size_t m_nMinClusters; //>! minimum number of clusters double m_ccConnectDist; //>! maximum allowed distance to connect CCs double m_concavity; //>! maximum concavity double m_alpha; //>! compacity weigth double m_beta; //>! volume weigth double m_diag; //>! length of the BB diagonal Vec3 m_barycenter; //>! barycenter of the mesh std::vector m_cVertices; //>! array of vertices each belonging to a different cluster ICHull *m_convexHulls; //>! convex-hulls associated with the final HACD clusters Graph m_graph; //>! simplification graph size_t m_nVerticesPerCH; //>! maximum number of vertices per convex-hull reservable_priority_queue, std::greater::value_type> > m_pqueue; //!> priority queue HACD(const HACD &rhs); CallBackFunction m_callBack; //>! call-back function long *m_partition; //>! array of size m_nTriangles where the i-th element specifies the cluster to which belong the i-th triangle bool m_addFacesPoints; //>! specifies whether to add faces points or not bool m_addExtraDistPoints; //>! specifies whether to add extra points for concave shapes or not bool m_addNeighboursDistPoints; //>! specifies whether to add extra points from adjacent clusters or not }; } // namespace HACD #endif