syntax = "proto3"; //for why oneof everywhere, see the sad decision here: // option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "io.grpc.pybullet_grpc"; option java_outer_classname = "PyBulletProto"; option objc_class_prefix = "PBG"; package pybullet_grpc; service PyBulletAPI { // Sends a greeting rpc SubmitCommand (PyBulletCommand) returns (PyBulletStatus) {} } message vec3 { double x=1; double y=2; double z=3; }; message quat4 { double x=1; double y=2; double z=3; double w=4; }; message vec4 { double x=1; double y=2; double z=3; double w=4; }; message transform { vec3 origin=1; quat4 orientation=2; }; message matrix4x4 { //assume 16 elements, with translation in 12,13,14, //'right' vector is elements 0,1,3 and 4 repeated double elems=1; }; message CheckVersionCommand { int32 clientVersion=1; }; message CheckVersionStatus { int32 serverVersion=1; }; message TerminateServerCommand { string exitReason=1; }; message StepSimulationCommand { }; message SyncBodiesCommand { }; message SyncBodiesStatus { repeated int32 bodyUniqueIds=1; repeated int32 userConstraintUniqueIds=2; }; message RequestBodyInfoCommand { int32 bodyUniqueId=1; }; message RequestBodyInfoStatus { int32 bodyUniqueId=1; string bodyName=2; }; message LoadUrdfCommand { string fileName=1; vec3 initialPosition=2; quat4 initialOrientation=3; //for why oneof here, see the sad decision here: // oneof hasUseMultiBody { int32 useMultiBody=4; } oneof hasUseFixedBase{ bool useFixedBase=5; } int32 flags=6; oneof hasGlobalScaling { double globalScaling=7; } }; message LoadUrdfStatus { int32 bodyUniqueId=1; string bodyName=2; string fileName=3; } message LoadSdfCommand { string fileName=1; oneof hasUseMultiBody { int32 useMultiBody=2; } oneof hasGlobalScaling { double globalScaling=3; } }; message SdfLoadedStatus { repeated int32 bodyUniqueIds=2; } message LoadMjcfCommand { string fileName=1; int32 flags=2; }; message MjcfLoadedStatus { repeated int32 bodyUniqueIds=2; } message ChangeDynamicsCommand { int32 bodyUniqueId=1; int32 linkIndex=2; oneof hasMass { double mass=3;} oneof hasLateralFriction { double lateralFriction=5;} oneof hasSpinningFriction {double spinningFriction=6;} oneof hasRollingFriction {double rollingFriction=7;} oneof hasRestitution { double restitution=8;} oneof haslinearDamping { double linearDamping=9;} oneof hasangularDamping { double angularDamping=10;} oneof hasContactStiffness { double contactStiffness=11;} oneof hasContactDamping { double contactDamping=12;} oneof hasLocalInertiaDiagonal { vec3 localInertiaDiagonal=13;} oneof hasFrictionAnchor { int32 frictionAnchor=14;} oneof hasccdSweptSphereRadius { double ccdSweptSphereRadius=15;} oneof hasContactProcessingThreshold { double contactProcessingThreshold=16;} oneof hasActivationState { int32 activationState=17;} }; message GetDynamicsCommand { int32 bodyUniqueId=1; int32 linkIndex=2; }; message GetDynamicsStatus { double mass=3; double lateralFriction=5; double spinningFriction=6; double rollingFriction=7; double restitution=8; double linearDamping=9; double angularDamping=10; double contactStiffness=11; double contactDamping=12; vec3 localInertiaDiagonal=13; int32 frictionAnchor=14; double ccdSweptSphereRadius=15; double contactProcessingThreshold=16; int32 activationState=17; }; message InitPoseCommand { int32 bodyUniqueId=1; int32 updateflags=2; repeated int32 hasInitialStateQ=3; repeated double initialStateQ=4; repeated int32 hasInitialStateQdot=5; repeated double initialStateQdot=6; }; message RequestActualStateCommand { int32 bodyUniqueId=1; bool computeForwardKinematics=2; bool computeLinkVelocities=3; }; message SendActualStateStatus { int32 bodyUniqueId=1; int32 numLinks=2; int32 numDegreeOfFreedomQ=3; int32 numDegreeOfFreedomU=4; repeated double rootLocalInertialFrame=5; //actual state is only written by the server, read-only access by client is expected repeated double actualStateQ=6; repeated double actualStateQdot=7; //measured 6DOF force/torque sensors: force[x,y,z] and torque[x,y,z] repeated double jointReactionForces=8; repeated double jointMotorForce=9; repeated double linkState=10; repeated double linkWorldVelocities=11;//linear velocity and angular velocity in world space (x/y/z each). repeated double linkLocalInertialFrames=12; }; message ConfigureOpenGLVisualizerCommand { int32 updateFlags=1; double cameraDistance=2; double cameraPitch=3; double cameraYaw=4; vec3 cameraTargetPosition=5; int32 setFlag=6; int32 setEnabled=7; }; message PhysicsSimulationParameters { double deltaTime=1; vec3 gravityAcceleration=2; int32 numSimulationSubSteps=3; int32 numSolverIterations=4; int32 useRealTimeSimulation=5; int32 useSplitImpulse=6; double splitImpulsePenetrationThreshold=7; double contactBreakingThreshold=8; int32 internalSimFlags=9; double defaultContactERP=10; int32 collisionFilterMode=11; int32 enableFileCaching=12; double restitutionVelocityThreshold=13; double defaultNonContactERP=14; double frictionERP=15; double defaultGlobalCFM=16; double frictionCFM=17; int32 enableConeFriction=18; int32 deterministicOverlappingPairs=19; double allowedCcdPenetration=20; int32 jointFeedbackMode=21; double solverResidualThreshold=22; double contactSlop=23; int32 enableSAT=24; int32 constraintSolverType=25; int32 minimumSolverIslandSize=26; }; message PhysicsSimulationParametersCommand { int32 updateFlags=1; PhysicsSimulationParameters params=2; }; message JointMotorControlCommand { int32 bodyUniqueId=1; int32 controlMode=2; int32 updateFlags=3; //PD parameters in case controlMode == CONTROL_MODE_POSITION_VELOCITY_PD repeated double Kp=4;//indexed by degree of freedom, 6 for base, and then the dofs for each link repeated double Kd=5;//indexed by degree of freedom, 6 for base, and then the dofs for each link repeated double maxVelocity=6; repeated int32 hasDesiredStateFlags=7; //desired state is only written by the client, read-only access by server is expected //desiredStateQ is indexed by position variables, //starting with 3 base position variables, 4 base orientation variables (quaternion), then link position variables repeated double desiredStateQ=8; //desiredStateQdot is index by velocity degrees of freedom, 3 linear and 3 angular variables for the base and then link velocity variables repeated double desiredStateQdot=9; //desiredStateForceTorque is either the actual applied force/torque (in CONTROL_MODE_TORQUE) or //or the maximum applied force/torque for the PD/motor/constraint to reach the desired velocity in CONTROL_MODE_VELOCITY and CONTROL_MODE_POSITION_VELOCITY_PD mode //indexed by degree of freedom, 6 dof base, and then dofs for each link repeated double desiredStateForceTorque=10; }; message UserConstraintCommand { int32 parentBodyIndex=1; int32 parentJointIndex=2; int32 childBodyIndex=3; int32 childJointIndex=4; transform parentFrame=5; transform childFrame=6; vec3 jointAxis=7; int32 jointType=8; double maxAppliedForce=9; int32 userConstraintUniqueId=10; double gearRatio=11; int32 gearAuxLink=12; double relativePositionTarget=13; double erp=14; int32 updateFlags=15; }; message UserConstraintStatus { double maxAppliedForce=9; int32 userConstraintUniqueId=10; }; message UserConstraintStateStatus { vec3 appliedConstraintForcesLinear=1; vec3 appliedConstraintForcesAngular=2; int32 numDofs=3; }; message RequestKeyboardEventsCommand { }; message KeyboardEvent { int32 keyCode=1;//ascii int32 keyState=2;// see b3VRButtonInfo }; message KeyboardEventsStatus { repeated KeyboardEvent keyboardEvents=1; }; message RequestCameraImageCommand { int32 updateFlags=1; int32 cameraFlags=2; matrix4x4 viewMatrix=3; matrix4x4 projectionMatrix=4; int32 startPixelIndex=5; int32 pixelWidth=6; int32 pixelHeight=7; vec3 lightDirection=8; vec3 lightColor=9; double lightDistance=10; double lightAmbientCoeff=11; double lightDiffuseCoeff=12; double lightSpecularCoeff=13; int32 hasShadow=14; matrix4x4 projectiveTextureViewMatrix=15; matrix4x4 projectiveTextureProjectionMatrix=16; }; message RequestCameraImageStatus { int32 imageWidth=1; int32 imageHeight=2; int32 startingPixelIndex=3; int32 numPixelsCopied=4; int32 numRemainingPixels=5; }; message ResetSimulationCommand { }; // The request message containing the command message PyBulletCommand { int32 commandType=1; repeated bytes binaryBlob=2; repeated bytes unknownCommandBinaryBlob=3; oneof commands { LoadUrdfCommand loadUrdfCommand = 4; TerminateServerCommand terminateServerCommand=5; StepSimulationCommand stepSimulationCommand= 6; LoadSdfCommand loadSdfCommand=7; LoadMjcfCommand loadMjcfCommand=8; ChangeDynamicsCommand changeDynamicsCommand=9; GetDynamicsCommand getDynamicsCommand=10; InitPoseCommand initPoseCommand=11; RequestActualStateCommand requestActualStateCommand=12; ConfigureOpenGLVisualizerCommand configureOpenGLVisualizerCommand =13; SyncBodiesCommand syncBodiesCommand=14; RequestBodyInfoCommand requestBodyInfoCommand=15; PhysicsSimulationParametersCommand setPhysicsSimulationParametersCommand=16; JointMotorControlCommand jointMotorControlCommand=17; UserConstraintCommand userConstraintCommand=18; CheckVersionCommand checkVersionCommand=19; RequestKeyboardEventsCommand requestKeyboardEventsCommand=20; RequestCameraImageCommand requestCameraImageCommand=21; ResetSimulationCommand resetSimulationCommand=22; } } // The response message containing the status message PyBulletStatus { int32 statusType=1; repeated bytes binaryBlob=2; repeated bytes unknownStatusBinaryBlob=3; oneof status { LoadUrdfStatus urdfStatus = 4; SdfLoadedStatus sdfStatus = 5; MjcfLoadedStatus mjcfStatus = 6; GetDynamicsStatus getDynamicsStatus = 7; SendActualStateStatus actualStateStatus = 8; SyncBodiesStatus syncBodiesStatus=9; RequestBodyInfoStatus requestBodyInfoStatus = 10; PhysicsSimulationParameters requestPhysicsSimulationParametersStatus=11; CheckVersionStatus checkVersionStatus=12; UserConstraintStatus userConstraintStatus=13; UserConstraintStateStatus userConstraintStateStatus=14; KeyboardEventsStatus keyboardEventsStatus=15; RequestCameraImageStatus requestCameraImageStatus=16; } }