/* Copyright (C) 2016 Google This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter.h" #include "../Importers/ImportURDFDemo/URDFImporterInterface.h" #include "btBulletCollisionCommon.h" #include "../Importers/ImportObjDemo/LoadMeshFromObj.h" #include "../Importers/ImportSTLDemo/LoadMeshFromSTL.h" #include "../Importers/ImportColladaDemo/LoadMeshFromCollada.h" #include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btShapeHull.h" //to create a tesselation of a generic btConvexShape #include "../CommonInterfaces/CommonGUIHelperInterface.h" #include "Bullet3Common/b3FileUtils.h" #include #include "../Utils/b3ResourcePath.h" #include "../TinyRenderer/TinyRenderer.h" #include "../OpenGLWindow/SimpleCamera.h" #include "../Importers/ImportMeshUtility/b3ImportMeshUtility.h" #include #include #include "../Importers/ImportURDFDemo/UrdfParser.h" #include "../SharedMemory/SharedMemoryPublic.h" //for b3VisualShapeData #include "../TinyRenderer/model.h" #include "stb_image/stb_image.h" #include "../OpenGLWindow/ShapeData.h" struct MyTexture2 { unsigned char* textureData1; int m_width; int m_height; bool m_isCached; }; struct TinyRendererObjectArray { btAlignedObjectArray m_renderObjects; int m_objectUniqueId; int m_linkIndex; btTransform m_worldTransform; btVector3 m_localScaling; TinyRendererObjectArray() { m_worldTransform.setIdentity(); m_localScaling.setValue(1, 1, 1); } }; #define START_WIDTH 640 #define START_HEIGHT 480 struct TinyRendererVisualShapeConverterInternalData { btHashMap m_swRenderInstances; // Maps bodyUniqueId to a list of visual shapes belonging to the body. btHashMap > m_visualShapesMap; btAlignedObjectArray m_checkeredTexels; int m_upAxis; int m_swWidth; int m_swHeight; TGAImage m_rgbColorBuffer; b3AlignedObjectArray m_textures; b3AlignedObjectArray m_depthBuffer; b3AlignedObjectArray m_shadowBuffer; b3AlignedObjectArray m_segmentationMaskBuffer; btVector3 m_lightDirection; bool m_hasLightDirection; btVector3 m_lightColor; bool m_hasLightColor; float m_lightDistance; bool m_hasLightDistance; float m_lightAmbientCoeff; bool m_hasLightAmbientCoeff; float m_lightDiffuseCoeff; bool m_hasLightDiffuseCoeff; float m_lightSpecularCoeff; bool m_hasLightSpecularCoeff; bool m_hasShadow; int m_flags; SimpleCamera m_camera; TinyRendererVisualShapeConverterInternalData() : m_upAxis(2), m_swWidth(START_WIDTH), m_swHeight(START_HEIGHT), m_rgbColorBuffer(START_WIDTH, START_HEIGHT, TGAImage::RGB), m_lightDirection(btVector3(-5, 200, -40)), m_hasLightDirection(false), m_lightColor(btVector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), m_hasLightColor(false), m_lightDistance(2.0), m_hasLightDistance(false), m_lightAmbientCoeff(0.6), m_hasLightAmbientCoeff(false), m_lightDiffuseCoeff(0.35), m_hasLightDiffuseCoeff(false), m_lightSpecularCoeff(0.05), m_hasLightSpecularCoeff(false), m_hasShadow(false), m_flags(0) { m_depthBuffer.resize(m_swWidth * m_swHeight); m_shadowBuffer.resize(m_swWidth * m_swHeight); m_segmentationMaskBuffer.resize(m_swWidth * m_swHeight, -1); } virtual ~TinyRendererVisualShapeConverterInternalData() { } }; TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter() { m_data = new TinyRendererVisualShapeConverterInternalData(); float dist = 1.5; float pitch = -10; float yaw = -80; float targetPos[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; m_data->m_camera.setCameraUpAxis(m_data->m_upAxis); resetCamera(dist, yaw, pitch, targetPos[0], targetPos[1], targetPos[2]); } TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::~TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter() { resetAll(); delete m_data; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setLightDirection(float x, float y, float z) { m_data->m_lightDirection.setValue(x, y, z); m_data->m_hasLightDirection = true; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setLightColor(float x, float y, float z) { m_data->m_lightColor.setValue(x, y, z); m_data->m_hasLightColor = true; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setLightDistance(float dist) { m_data->m_lightDistance = dist; m_data->m_hasLightDistance = true; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setShadow(bool hasShadow) { m_data->m_hasShadow = hasShadow; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setFlags(int flags) { m_data->m_flags = flags; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setLightAmbientCoeff(float ambientCoeff) { m_data->m_lightAmbientCoeff = ambientCoeff; m_data->m_hasLightAmbientCoeff = true; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setLightDiffuseCoeff(float diffuseCoeff) { m_data->m_lightDiffuseCoeff = diffuseCoeff; m_data->m_hasLightDiffuseCoeff = true; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setLightSpecularCoeff(float specularCoeff) { m_data->m_lightSpecularCoeff = specularCoeff; m_data->m_hasLightSpecularCoeff = true; } static void convertURDFToVisualShape(const UrdfShape* visual, const char* urdfPathPrefix, const btTransform& visualTransform, btAlignedObjectArray& verticesOut, btAlignedObjectArray& indicesOut, btAlignedObjectArray& texturesOut, b3VisualShapeData& visualShapeOut, struct CommonFileIOInterface* fileIO, int flags) { visualShapeOut.m_visualGeometryType = visual->m_geometry.m_type; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[0] = 0; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[1] = 0; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[2] = 0; memset(visualShapeOut.m_meshAssetFileName, 0, sizeof(visualShapeOut.m_meshAssetFileName)); #if 0 if (visual->m_geometry.m_hasLocalMaterial) { visualShapeOut.m_rgbaColor[0] = visual->m_geometry.m_localMaterial.m_matColor.m_rgbaColor[0]; visualShapeOut.m_rgbaColor[1] = visual->m_geometry.m_localMaterial.m_matColor.m_rgbaColor[1]; visualShapeOut.m_rgbaColor[2] = visual->m_geometry.m_localMaterial.m_matColor.m_rgbaColor[2]; visualShapeOut.m_rgbaColor[3] = visual->m_geometry.m_localMaterial.m_matColor.m_rgbaColor[3]; } #endif GLInstanceGraphicsShape* glmesh = 0; btConvexShape* convexColShape = 0; switch (visual->m_geometry.m_type) { case URDF_GEOM_CYLINDER: case URDF_GEOM_CAPSULE: { btVector3 p1 = visual->m_geometry.m_capsuleFrom; btVector3 p2 = visual->m_geometry.m_capsuleTo; btTransform tr; tr.setIdentity(); btScalar rad, len; btVector3 center(0, 0, 0); btVector3 axis(0, 0, 1); btAlignedObjectArray vertices; int numSteps = 32; if (visual->m_geometry.m_hasFromTo) { btVector3 v = p2 - p1; btVector3 dir = v.normalized(); tr = visual->m_linkLocalFrame; len = v.length(); rad = visual->m_geometry.m_capsuleRadius; btVector3 ax1, ax2; btPlaneSpace1(dir, ax1, ax2); for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) { { btVector3 vert = p1 + ax1 * rad * btSin(SIMD_2_PI * (float(i) / numSteps)) + ax2 * rad * btCos(SIMD_2_PI * (float(i) / numSteps)); vertices.push_back(vert); } { btVector3 vert = p2 + ax1 * rad * btSin(SIMD_2_PI * (float(i) / numSteps)) + ax2 * rad * btCos(SIMD_2_PI * (float(i) / numSteps)); vertices.push_back(vert); } } if (visual->m_geometry.m_type == URDF_GEOM_CAPSULE) { btVector3 pole1 = p1 - dir * rad; btVector3 pole2 = p2 + dir * rad; vertices.push_back(pole1); vertices.push_back(pole2); } } else { //assume a capsule along the Z-axis, centered at the origin tr = visual->m_linkLocalFrame; len = visual->m_geometry.m_capsuleHeight; rad = visual->m_geometry.m_capsuleRadius; for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) { btVector3 vert(rad * btSin(SIMD_2_PI * (float(i) / numSteps)), rad * btCos(SIMD_2_PI * (float(i) / numSteps)), len / 2.); vertices.push_back(vert); vert[2] = -len / 2.; vertices.push_back(vert); } if (visual->m_geometry.m_type == URDF_GEOM_CAPSULE) { btVector3 pole1(0, 0, +len / 2. + rad); btVector3 pole2(0, 0, -len / 2. - rad); vertices.push_back(pole1); vertices.push_back(pole2); } } visualShapeOut.m_localVisualFrame[0] = tr.getOrigin()[0]; visualShapeOut.m_localVisualFrame[1] = tr.getOrigin()[1]; visualShapeOut.m_localVisualFrame[2] = tr.getOrigin()[2]; visualShapeOut.m_localVisualFrame[3] = tr.getRotation()[0]; visualShapeOut.m_localVisualFrame[4] = tr.getRotation()[1]; visualShapeOut.m_localVisualFrame[5] = tr.getRotation()[2]; visualShapeOut.m_localVisualFrame[6] = tr.getRotation()[3]; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[0] = len; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[1] = rad; btConvexHullShape* cylZShape = new btConvexHullShape(&vertices[0].x(), vertices.size(), sizeof(btVector3)); //btCapsuleShape* cylZShape = new btCapsuleShape(rad,len);//btConvexHullShape(&vertices[0].x(), vertices.size(), sizeof(btVector3)); cylZShape->setMargin(0.001); convexColShape = cylZShape; break; } case URDF_GEOM_BOX: { visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[0] = visual->m_geometry.m_boxSize[0]; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[1] = visual->m_geometry.m_boxSize[1]; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[2] = visual->m_geometry.m_boxSize[2]; btVector3 extents = visual->m_geometry.m_boxSize; int strideInBytes = 9 * sizeof(float); int numVertices = sizeof(cube_vertices_textured) / strideInBytes; int numIndices = sizeof(cube_indices) / sizeof(int); glmesh = new GLInstanceGraphicsShape; // int index = 0; glmesh->m_indices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_vertices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_indices->resize(numIndices); for (int k = 0; k < numIndices; k++) { glmesh->m_indices->at(k) = cube_indices[k]; } glmesh->m_vertices->resize(numVertices); btScalar halfExtentsX = extents[0] * 0.5; btScalar halfExtentsY = extents[1] * 0.5; btScalar halfExtentsZ = extents[2] * 0.5; GLInstanceVertex* verts = &glmesh->m_vertices->at(0); btScalar textureScaling = 1; for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) { verts[i].xyzw[0] = halfExtentsX * cube_vertices_textured[i * 9]; verts[i].xyzw[1] = halfExtentsY * cube_vertices_textured[i * 9 + 1]; verts[i].xyzw[2] = halfExtentsZ * cube_vertices_textured[i * 9 + 2]; verts[i].xyzw[3] = cube_vertices_textured[i * 9 + 3]; verts[i].normal[0] = cube_vertices_textured[i * 9 + 4]; verts[i].normal[1] = cube_vertices_textured[i * 9 + 5]; verts[i].normal[2] = cube_vertices_textured[i * 9 + 6]; verts[i].uv[0] = cube_vertices_textured[i * 9 + 7] * textureScaling; verts[i].uv[1] = cube_vertices_textured[i * 9 + 8] * textureScaling; } glmesh->m_numIndices = numIndices; glmesh->m_numvertices = numVertices; break; } case URDF_GEOM_SPHERE: { visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[0] = visual->m_geometry.m_sphereRadius; btScalar radius = visual->m_geometry.m_sphereRadius; btSphereShape* sphereShape = new btSphereShape(radius); convexColShape = sphereShape; convexColShape->setMargin(0.001); break; } case URDF_GEOM_MESH: { strncpy(visualShapeOut.m_meshAssetFileName, visual->m_geometry.m_meshFileName.c_str(), VISUAL_SHAPE_MAX_PATH_LEN); visualShapeOut.m_meshAssetFileName[VISUAL_SHAPE_MAX_PATH_LEN - 1] = 0; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[0] = visual->m_geometry.m_meshScale[0]; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[1] = visual->m_geometry.m_meshScale[1]; visualShapeOut.m_dimensions[2] = visual->m_geometry.m_meshScale[2]; switch (visual->m_geometry.m_meshFileType) { case UrdfGeometry::MEMORY_VERTICES: { glmesh = new GLInstanceGraphicsShape; // int index = 0; glmesh->m_indices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_vertices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_vertices->resize(visual->m_geometry.m_vertices.size()); glmesh->m_indices->resize(visual->m_geometry.m_indices.size()); for (int i = 0; i < visual->m_geometry.m_vertices.size(); i++) { glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[0] = visual->m_geometry.m_vertices[i].x(); glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[1] = visual->m_geometry.m_vertices[i].y(); glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[2] = visual->m_geometry.m_vertices[i].z(); glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[3] = 1; btVector3 normal(visual->m_geometry.m_vertices[i]); if (visual->m_geometry.m_normals.size() == visual->m_geometry.m_vertices.size()) { normal = visual->m_geometry.m_normals[i]; } else { normal.safeNormalize(); } btVector3 uv(0.5, 0.5, 0); if (visual->m_geometry.m_uvs.size() == visual->m_geometry.m_vertices.size()) { uv = visual->m_geometry.m_uvs[i]; } glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).normal[0] = normal[0]; glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).normal[1] = normal[1]; glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).normal[2] = normal[2]; glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).uv[0] = uv[0]; glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).uv[1] = uv[1]; } for (int i = 0; i < visual->m_geometry.m_indices.size(); i++) { glmesh->m_indices->at(i) = visual->m_geometry.m_indices[i]; } glmesh->m_numIndices = visual->m_geometry.m_indices.size(); glmesh->m_numvertices = visual->m_geometry.m_vertices.size(); break; } case UrdfGeometry::FILE_OBJ: { //glmesh = LoadMeshFromObj(fullPath,visualPathPrefix); b3ImportMeshData meshData; if (b3ImportMeshUtility::loadAndRegisterMeshFromFileInternal(visual->m_geometry.m_meshFileName, meshData, fileIO)) { if (flags & URDF_USE_MATERIAL_COLORS_FROM_MTL) { if (meshData.m_flags & B3_IMPORT_MESH_HAS_RGBA_COLOR) { visualShapeOut.m_rgbaColor[0] = meshData.m_rgbaColor[0]; visualShapeOut.m_rgbaColor[1] = meshData.m_rgbaColor[1]; visualShapeOut.m_rgbaColor[2] = meshData.m_rgbaColor[2]; if (flags & URDF_USE_MATERIAL_TRANSPARANCY_FROM_MTL) { visualShapeOut.m_rgbaColor[3] = meshData.m_rgbaColor[3]; } else { visualShapeOut.m_rgbaColor[3] = 1; } } } if (meshData.m_textureImage1) { MyTexture2 texData; texData.m_width = meshData.m_textureWidth; texData.m_height = meshData.m_textureHeight; texData.textureData1 = meshData.m_textureImage1; texData.m_isCached = meshData.m_isCached; texturesOut.push_back(texData); } glmesh = meshData.m_gfxShape; } break; } case UrdfGeometry::FILE_STL: char relativeFileName[1024]; if (fileIO->findResourcePath(visual->m_geometry.m_meshFileName.c_str(), relativeFileName, 1024)) { glmesh = LoadMeshFromSTL(relativeFileName, fileIO); } break; case UrdfGeometry::FILE_COLLADA: { btAlignedObjectArray visualShapes; btAlignedObjectArray visualShapeInstances; btTransform upAxisTrans; upAxisTrans.setIdentity(); float unitMeterScaling = 1; int upAxis = 2; LoadMeshFromCollada(visual->m_geometry.m_meshFileName.c_str(), visualShapes, visualShapeInstances, upAxisTrans, unitMeterScaling, upAxis, fileIO); glmesh = new GLInstanceGraphicsShape; // int index = 0; glmesh->m_indices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_vertices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); for (int i = 0; i < visualShapeInstances.size(); i++) { ColladaGraphicsInstance* instance = &visualShapeInstances[i]; GLInstanceGraphicsShape* gfxShape = &visualShapes[instance->m_shapeIndex]; b3AlignedObjectArray verts; verts.resize(gfxShape->m_vertices->size()); int baseIndex = glmesh->m_vertices->size(); for (int i = 0; i < gfxShape->m_vertices->size(); i++) { verts[i].normal[0] = gfxShape->m_vertices->at(i).normal[0]; verts[i].normal[1] = gfxShape->m_vertices->at(i).normal[1]; verts[i].normal[2] = gfxShape->m_vertices->at(i).normal[2]; verts[i].uv[0] = gfxShape->m_vertices->at(i).uv[0]; verts[i].uv[1] = gfxShape->m_vertices->at(i).uv[1]; verts[i].xyzw[0] = gfxShape->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[0]; verts[i].xyzw[1] = gfxShape->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[1]; verts[i].xyzw[2] = gfxShape->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[2]; verts[i].xyzw[3] = gfxShape->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[3]; } int curNumIndices = glmesh->m_indices->size(); int additionalIndices = gfxShape->m_indices->size(); glmesh->m_indices->resize(curNumIndices + additionalIndices); for (int k = 0; k < additionalIndices; k++) { glmesh->m_indices->at(curNumIndices + k) = gfxShape->m_indices->at(k) + baseIndex; } //compensate upAxisTrans and unitMeterScaling here btMatrix4x4 upAxisMat; upAxisMat.setIdentity(); // upAxisMat.setPureRotation(upAxisTrans.getRotation()); btMatrix4x4 unitMeterScalingMat; unitMeterScalingMat.setPureScaling(btVector3(unitMeterScaling, unitMeterScaling, unitMeterScaling)); btMatrix4x4 worldMat = unitMeterScalingMat * upAxisMat * instance->m_worldTransform; //btMatrix4x4 worldMat = instance->m_worldTransform; int curNumVertices = glmesh->m_vertices->size(); int additionalVertices = verts.size(); glmesh->m_vertices->reserve(curNumVertices + additionalVertices); for (int v = 0; v < verts.size(); v++) { btVector3 pos(verts[v].xyzw[0], verts[v].xyzw[1], verts[v].xyzw[2]); pos = worldMat * pos; verts[v].xyzw[0] = float(pos[0]); verts[v].xyzw[1] = float(pos[1]); verts[v].xyzw[2] = float(pos[2]); glmesh->m_vertices->push_back(verts[v]); } } glmesh->m_numIndices = glmesh->m_indices->size(); glmesh->m_numvertices = glmesh->m_vertices->size(); //glmesh = LoadMeshFromCollada(visual->m_geometry.m_meshFileName.c_str()); break; } default: { // should never get here (findExistingMeshFile returns false if it doesn't recognize extension) btAssert(0); } } if (glmesh && glmesh->m_vertices && (glmesh->m_numvertices > 0)) { //apply the geometry scaling for (int i = 0; i < glmesh->m_vertices->size(); i++) { glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[0] *= visual->m_geometry.m_meshScale[0]; glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[1] *= visual->m_geometry.m_meshScale[1]; glmesh->m_vertices->at(i).xyzw[2] *= visual->m_geometry.m_meshScale[2]; } } else { if (visual->m_geometry.m_meshFileType != UrdfGeometry::MEMORY_VERTICES) { b3Warning("issue extracting mesh from COLLADA/STL file %s\n", visual->m_geometry.m_meshFileName.c_str()); } } break; } // case mesh case URDF_GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD: { glmesh = new GLInstanceGraphicsShape; glmesh->m_scaling[0] = 1; glmesh->m_scaling[1] = 1; glmesh->m_scaling[2] = 1; glmesh->m_scaling[3] = 1; // int index = 0; glmesh->m_indices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_vertices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_indices->reserve(visual->m_geometry.m_indices.size()); for (int i = 0; i < visual->m_geometry.m_indices.size(); i++) { glmesh->m_indices->push_back(visual->m_geometry.m_indices[i]); } glmesh->m_vertices->reserve(visual->m_geometry.m_vertices.size()); for (int v = 0; v < visual->m_geometry.m_vertices.size(); v++) { GLInstanceVertex vtx; vtx.xyzw[0] = visual->m_geometry.m_vertices[v].x(); vtx.xyzw[1] = visual->m_geometry.m_vertices[v].y(); vtx.xyzw[2] = visual->m_geometry.m_vertices[v].z(); vtx.xyzw[3] = 1; vtx.uv[0] = visual->m_geometry.m_uvs[v].x(); vtx.uv[1] = visual->m_geometry.m_uvs[v].y(); vtx.normal[0] = visual->m_geometry.m_normals[v].x(); vtx.normal[1] = visual->m_geometry.m_normals[v].y(); vtx.normal[2] = visual->m_geometry.m_normals[v].z(); glmesh->m_vertices->push_back(vtx); } glmesh->m_numIndices = glmesh->m_indices->size(); glmesh->m_numvertices = glmesh->m_vertices->size(); break; } case URDF_GEOM_PLANE: { glmesh = new GLInstanceGraphicsShape; // int index = 0; glmesh->m_indices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_vertices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_indices->push_back(0); glmesh->m_indices->push_back(1); glmesh->m_indices->push_back(2); glmesh->m_indices->push_back(0); glmesh->m_indices->push_back(2); glmesh->m_indices->push_back(3); glmesh->m_scaling[0] = 1; glmesh->m_scaling[1] = 1; glmesh->m_scaling[2] = 1; glmesh->m_scaling[3] = 1; btScalar planeConst = 0; btVector3 planeNormal = visual->m_geometry.m_planeNormal; btVector3 planeOrigin = planeNormal * planeConst; btVector3 vec0, vec1; btPlaneSpace1(planeNormal, vec0, vec1); btScalar vecLen = 128; btVector3 verts[4]; verts[0] = planeOrigin + vec0 * vecLen + vec1 * vecLen; verts[1] = planeOrigin - vec0 * vecLen + vec1 * vecLen; verts[2] = planeOrigin - vec0 * vecLen - vec1 * vecLen; verts[3] = planeOrigin + vec0 * vecLen - vec1 * vecLen; GLInstanceVertex vtx; vtx.xyzw[0] = verts[0][0]; vtx.xyzw[1] = verts[0][1]; vtx.xyzw[2] = 0; vtx.xyzw[3] = 0; vtx.normal[0] = 0; vtx.normal[1] = 0; vtx.normal[2] = 1; vtx.uv[0] = vecLen; vtx.uv[1] = vecLen; glmesh->m_vertices->push_back(vtx); vtx.xyzw[0] = verts[1][0]; vtx.xyzw[1] = verts[1][1]; vtx.xyzw[2] = 0; vtx.xyzw[3] = 0; vtx.normal[0] = 0; vtx.normal[1] = 0; vtx.normal[2] = 1; vtx.uv[0] = 0; vtx.uv[1] = vecLen; glmesh->m_vertices->push_back(vtx); vtx.xyzw[0] = verts[2][0]; vtx.xyzw[1] = verts[2][1]; vtx.xyzw[2] = 0; vtx.xyzw[3] = 0; vtx.normal[0] = 0; vtx.normal[1] = 0; vtx.normal[2] = 1; vtx.uv[0] = 0; vtx.uv[1] = 0; glmesh->m_vertices->push_back(vtx); vtx.xyzw[0] = verts[3][0]; vtx.xyzw[1] = verts[3][1]; vtx.xyzw[2] = 0; vtx.xyzw[3] = 0; vtx.normal[0] = 0; vtx.normal[1] = 0; vtx.normal[2] = 1; vtx.uv[0] = vecLen; vtx.uv[1] = 0; glmesh->m_vertices->push_back(vtx); glmesh->m_numIndices = glmesh->m_indices->size(); glmesh->m_numvertices = glmesh->m_vertices->size(); break; } default: { b3Warning("TinyRenderer: unknown visual geometry type %i\n", visual->m_geometry.m_type); } } //if we have a convex, tesselate into localVertices/localIndices if ((glmesh == 0) && convexColShape) { btShapeHull* hull = new btShapeHull(convexColShape); hull->buildHull(0.0); { // int strideInBytes = 9*sizeof(float); int numVertices = hull->numVertices(); int numIndices = hull->numIndices(); glmesh = new GLInstanceGraphicsShape; // int index = 0; glmesh->m_indices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); glmesh->m_vertices = new b3AlignedObjectArray(); for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) { GLInstanceVertex vtx; btVector3 pos = hull->getVertexPointer()[i]; vtx.xyzw[0] = pos.x(); vtx.xyzw[1] = pos.y(); vtx.xyzw[2] = pos.z(); vtx.xyzw[3] = 1.f; btVector3 normal = pos.safeNormalize(); vtx.normal[0] = normal.x(); vtx.normal[1] = normal.y(); vtx.normal[2] = normal.z(); btScalar u = btAtan2(normal[0], normal[2]) / (2 * SIMD_PI) + 0.5; btScalar v = normal[1] * 0.5 + 0.5; vtx.uv[0] = u; vtx.uv[1] = v; glmesh->m_vertices->push_back(vtx); } btAlignedObjectArray indices; for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; i++) { glmesh->m_indices->push_back(hull->getIndexPointer()[i]); } glmesh->m_numvertices = glmesh->m_vertices->size(); glmesh->m_numIndices = glmesh->m_indices->size(); } delete hull; delete convexColShape; convexColShape = 0; } if (glmesh && glmesh->m_numIndices > 0 && glmesh->m_numvertices > 0) { int baseIndex = verticesOut.size(); for (int i = 0; i < glmesh->m_indices->size(); i++) { indicesOut.push_back(glmesh->m_indices->at(i) + baseIndex); } for (int i = 0; i < glmesh->m_vertices->size(); i++) { GLInstanceVertex& v = glmesh->m_vertices->at(i); btVector3 vert(v.xyzw[0], v.xyzw[1], v.xyzw[2]); btVector3 vt = visualTransform * vert; v.xyzw[0] = vt[0]; v.xyzw[1] = vt[1]; v.xyzw[2] = vt[2]; btVector3 triNormal(v.normal[0], v.normal[1], v.normal[2]); triNormal = visualTransform.getBasis() * triNormal; v.normal[0] = triNormal[0]; v.normal[1] = triNormal[1]; v.normal[2] = triNormal[2]; verticesOut.push_back(v); } } delete glmesh; } static btVector4 sGoogleyColors[4] = { btVector4(60. / 256., 186. / 256., 84. / 256., 1), btVector4(244. / 256., 194. / 256., 13. / 256., 1), btVector4(219. / 256., 50. / 256., 54. / 256., 1), btVector4(72. / 256., 133. / 256., 237. / 256., 1), //btVector4(1,1,0,1), }; int TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::convertVisualShapes( int linkIndex, const char* pathPrefix, const btTransform& localInertiaFrame, const UrdfLink* linkPtr, const UrdfModel* model, int orgGraphicsUniqueId, int bodyUniqueId, struct CommonFileIOInterface* fileIO) { int uniqueId = orgGraphicsUniqueId; btAssert(orgGraphicsUniqueId >= 0); btAssert(linkPtr); // TODO: remove if (not doing it now, because diff will be 50+ lines) if (linkPtr) { bool useVisual; int cnt = 0; if (linkPtr->m_visualArray.size() > 0) { useVisual = true; cnt = linkPtr->m_visualArray.size(); } else { // We have to see something, take collision shape. Useful for MuJoCo xml, where there are no explicit visual shapes. useVisual = false; cnt = linkPtr->m_collisionArray.size(); } for (int v1 = 0; v1 < cnt; v1++) { btAlignedObjectArray textures; btAlignedObjectArray vertices; btAlignedObjectArray indices; btTransform startTrans; startTrans.setIdentity(); //int graphicsIndex = -1; const UrdfShape* vis; if (useVisual) { vis = &linkPtr->m_visualArray[v1]; } else { vis = &linkPtr->m_collisionArray[v1]; } btTransform childTrans = vis->m_linkLocalFrame; int colorIndex = linkIndex; //colObj? colObj->getBroadphaseHandle()->getUid() & 3 : 0; if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0; colorIndex &= 3; btVector4 color; color = (m_data->m_flags & URDF_GOOGLEY_UNDEFINED_COLORS) ? sGoogleyColors[colorIndex] : btVector4(1, 1, 1, 1); float rgbaColor[4] = { (float)color[0], (float)color[1], (float)color[2], (float)color[3] }; //if (colObj->getCollisionShape()->getShapeType()==STATIC_PLANE_PROXYTYPE) //{ // color.setValue(1,1,1,1); //} if (model) { if (useVisual) { btHashString matName(linkPtr->m_visualArray[v1].m_materialName.c_str()); UrdfMaterial* const* matPtr = model->m_materials[matName]; if (matPtr) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { rgbaColor[i] = (*matPtr)->m_matColor.m_rgbaColor[i]; } //printf("UrdfMaterial %s, rgba = %f,%f,%f,%f\n",mat->m_name.c_str(),mat->m_rgbaColor[0],mat->m_rgbaColor[1],mat->m_rgbaColor[2],mat->m_rgbaColor[3]); //m_data->m_linkColors.insert(linkIndex,mat->m_rgbaColor); } else { ///programmatic created models may have the color in the visual if (vis && vis->m_geometry.m_hasLocalMaterial) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { rgbaColor[i] = vis->m_geometry.m_localMaterial.m_matColor.m_rgbaColor[i]; } } } } } else { if (vis && vis->m_geometry.m_hasLocalMaterial) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { rgbaColor[i] = vis->m_geometry.m_localMaterial.m_matColor.m_rgbaColor[i]; } } } TinyRendererObjectArray** visualsPtr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances[uniqueId]; if (visualsPtr == 0) { m_data->m_swRenderInstances.insert(uniqueId, new TinyRendererObjectArray); } visualsPtr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances[uniqueId]; btAssert(visualsPtr); TinyRendererObjectArray* visuals = *visualsPtr; visuals->m_objectUniqueId = bodyUniqueId; visuals->m_linkIndex = linkIndex; b3VisualShapeData visualShape; visualShape.m_objectUniqueId = bodyUniqueId; visualShape.m_linkIndex = linkIndex; visualShape.m_localVisualFrame[0] = vis->m_linkLocalFrame.getOrigin()[0]; visualShape.m_localVisualFrame[1] = vis->m_linkLocalFrame.getOrigin()[1]; visualShape.m_localVisualFrame[2] = vis->m_linkLocalFrame.getOrigin()[2]; visualShape.m_localVisualFrame[3] = vis->m_linkLocalFrame.getRotation()[0]; visualShape.m_localVisualFrame[4] = vis->m_linkLocalFrame.getRotation()[1]; visualShape.m_localVisualFrame[5] = vis->m_linkLocalFrame.getRotation()[2]; visualShape.m_localVisualFrame[6] = vis->m_linkLocalFrame.getRotation()[3]; visualShape.m_rgbaColor[0] = rgbaColor[0]; visualShape.m_rgbaColor[1] = rgbaColor[1]; visualShape.m_rgbaColor[2] = rgbaColor[2]; visualShape.m_rgbaColor[3] = rgbaColor[3]; visualShape.m_openglTextureId = -1; visualShape.m_tinyRendererTextureId = -1; visualShape.m_textureUniqueId = -1; { B3_PROFILE("convertURDFToVisualShape"); convertURDFToVisualShape(vis, pathPrefix, localInertiaFrame.inverse() * childTrans, vertices, indices, textures, visualShape, fileIO, m_data->m_flags); if ((vis->m_geometry.m_type == URDF_GEOM_PLANE) || (vis->m_geometry.m_type == URDF_GEOM_HEIGHTFIELD)) { int texWidth = 1024; int texHeight = 1024; if (m_data->m_checkeredTexels.size() == 0) { int red = 173; int green = 199; int blue = 255; //create a textured surface m_data->m_checkeredTexels.resize(texWidth * texHeight * 3); for (int i = 0; i < texWidth * texHeight * 3; i++) m_data->m_checkeredTexels[i] = 255; for (int i = 0; i < texWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < texHeight; j++) { int a = i < texWidth / 2 ? 1 : 0; int b = j < texWidth / 2 ? 1 : 0; if (a == b) { m_data->m_checkeredTexels[(i + j * texWidth) * 3 + 0] = red; m_data->m_checkeredTexels[(i + j * texWidth) * 3 + 1] = green; m_data->m_checkeredTexels[(i + j * texWidth) * 3 + 2] = blue; } } } } MyTexture2 texData; texData.m_width = texWidth; texData.m_height = texHeight; texData.textureData1 = &m_data->m_checkeredTexels[0]; texData.m_isCached = true; textures.push_back(texData); } } rgbaColor[0] = visualShape.m_rgbaColor[0]; rgbaColor[1] = visualShape.m_rgbaColor[1]; rgbaColor[2] = visualShape.m_rgbaColor[2]; rgbaColor[3] = visualShape.m_rgbaColor[3]; if (vertices.size() && indices.size()) { TinyRenderObjectData* tinyObj = new TinyRenderObjectData(m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer, m_data->m_depthBuffer, &m_data->m_shadowBuffer, &m_data->m_segmentationMaskBuffer, bodyUniqueId, linkIndex); unsigned char* textureImage1 = 0; int textureWidth = 0; int textureHeight = 0; bool isCached = false; if (textures.size()) { textureImage1 = textures[0].textureData1; textureWidth = textures[0].m_width; textureHeight = textures[0].m_height; isCached = textures[0].m_isCached; } { B3_PROFILE("registerMeshShape"); tinyObj->registerMeshShape(&vertices[0].xyzw[0], vertices.size(), &indices[0], indices.size(), rgbaColor, textureImage1, textureWidth, textureHeight); } visuals->m_renderObjects.push_back(tinyObj); } btAssert(textures.size() <= 1); for (int i = 0; i < textures.size(); i++) { visualShape.m_tinyRendererTextureId = m_data->m_textures.size(); m_data->m_textures.push_back(textures[i]); } btAlignedObjectArray* shapes = m_data->m_visualShapesMap[visualShape.m_objectUniqueId]; if (!shapes) { m_data->m_visualShapesMap.insert(visualShape.m_objectUniqueId, btAlignedObjectArray()); shapes = m_data->m_visualShapesMap[visualShape.m_objectUniqueId]; } shapes->push_back(visualShape); } } return uniqueId; } int TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::registerShapeAndInstance( const b3VisualShapeData& visualShape, const float* vertices, int numvertices, const int* indices, int numIndices, int primitiveType, int textureId, int orgGraphicsUniqueId, int bodyUniqueId, int linkIndex) { btAlignedObjectArray* shapes1 = m_data->m_visualShapesMap[bodyUniqueId]; if (!shapes1) { m_data->m_visualShapesMap.insert(bodyUniqueId, btAlignedObjectArray()); shapes1 = m_data->m_visualShapesMap[bodyUniqueId]; } if (numvertices && numIndices) { TinyRenderObjectData* tinyObj = new TinyRenderObjectData(m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer, m_data->m_depthBuffer, &m_data->m_shadowBuffer, &m_data->m_segmentationMaskBuffer, bodyUniqueId, linkIndex); //those are primary soft bodies, possibly cloth, make them double-sided by default tinyObj->m_doubleSided = true; float rgbaColor[4] = { (float)visualShape.m_rgbaColor[0],(float)visualShape.m_rgbaColor[1],(float)visualShape.m_rgbaColor[2],(float)visualShape.m_rgbaColor[3] }; { B3_PROFILE("registerMeshShape"); tinyObj->registerMeshShape(vertices, numvertices, indices, numIndices, rgbaColor, m_data->m_textures[textureId].textureData1, m_data->m_textures[textureId].m_width, m_data->m_textures[textureId].m_height); } TinyRendererObjectArray** visualsPtr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances[orgGraphicsUniqueId]; if (visualsPtr == 0) { m_data->m_swRenderInstances.insert(orgGraphicsUniqueId, new TinyRendererObjectArray); } visualsPtr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances[orgGraphicsUniqueId]; if (visualsPtr && *visualsPtr) { TinyRendererObjectArray* visuals = *visualsPtr; if (visuals) { visuals->m_linkIndex = linkIndex; visuals->m_objectUniqueId = bodyUniqueId; visuals->m_renderObjects.push_back(tinyObj); } shapes1->push_back(visualShape); } } return orgGraphicsUniqueId; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::updateShape(int shapeUniqueId, const btVector3* vertices, int numVertices, const btVector3* normals, int numNormals) { TinyRendererObjectArray** visualsPtr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances[shapeUniqueId]; if (visualsPtr != 0) { TinyRendererObjectArray* visuals = *visualsPtr; if (visuals->m_renderObjects.size() == 1) { TinyRenderObjectData* renderObj = visuals->m_renderObjects[0]; if (renderObj->m_model->nverts() == numVertices) { TinyRender::Vec3f* verts = renderObj->m_model->readWriteVertices(); //just do a sync for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) { const btVector3& vtx = vertices[i]; verts[i].x = vtx.x(); verts[i].y = vtx.y(); verts[i].z = vtx.z(); } if (renderObj->m_model->nnormals() == numNormals) { TinyRender::Vec3f* norms = renderObj->m_model->readWriteNormals(); for (int i = 0; i < numNormals; i++) { const btVector3& normal = normals[i]; norms[i].x = normal.x(); norms[i].y = normal.y(); norms[i].z = normal.z(); } } } } } } int TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::getNumVisualShapes(int bodyUniqueId) { btAlignedObjectArray* shapes = m_data->m_visualShapesMap[bodyUniqueId]; if (shapes) { return shapes->size(); } return 0; } int TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::getVisualShapesData(int bodyUniqueId, int shapeIndex, struct b3VisualShapeData* shapeData) { btAlignedObjectArray* shapes = m_data->m_visualShapesMap[bodyUniqueId]; if (!shapes) { return 0; } if (shapes->size() <= shapeIndex) { return 0; } *shapeData = shapes->at(shapeIndex); return 1; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::changeInstanceFlags(int bodyUniqueId, int linkIndex, int shapeIndex, int flags) { bool doubleSided = (flags & 4) != 0; btAlignedObjectArray* shapes = m_data->m_visualShapesMap[bodyUniqueId]; if (!shapes) { return; } int start = -1; for (int i = 0; i < m_data->m_swRenderInstances.size(); i++) { TinyRendererObjectArray** ptrptr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances.getAtIndex(i); if (ptrptr && *ptrptr) { TinyRendererObjectArray* visuals = *ptrptr; if ((bodyUniqueId == visuals->m_objectUniqueId) && (linkIndex == visuals->m_linkIndex)) { for (int q = 0; q < visuals->m_renderObjects.size(); q++) { if (shapeIndex < 0 || q == shapeIndex) { visuals->m_renderObjects[q]->m_doubleSided = doubleSided; } } } } } } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::changeRGBAColor(int bodyUniqueId, int linkIndex, int shapeIndex, const double rgbaColor[4]) { btAlignedObjectArray* shapes = m_data->m_visualShapesMap[bodyUniqueId]; if (!shapes) { return; } int start = -1; for (int i = 0; i < shapes->size(); i++) { if (shapes->at(i).m_linkIndex == linkIndex) { shapes->at(i).m_rgbaColor[0] = rgbaColor[0]; shapes->at(i).m_rgbaColor[1] = rgbaColor[1]; shapes->at(i).m_rgbaColor[2] = rgbaColor[2]; shapes->at(i).m_rgbaColor[3] = rgbaColor[3]; } } for (int i = 0; i < m_data->m_swRenderInstances.size(); i++) { TinyRendererObjectArray** ptrptr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances.getAtIndex(i); if (ptrptr && *ptrptr) { float rgba[4] = { (float)rgbaColor[0], (float)rgbaColor[1], (float)rgbaColor[2], (float)rgbaColor[3] }; TinyRendererObjectArray* visuals = *ptrptr; if ((bodyUniqueId == visuals->m_objectUniqueId) && (linkIndex == visuals->m_linkIndex)) { for (int q = 0; q < visuals->m_renderObjects.size(); q++) { if (shapeIndex < 0 || q == shapeIndex) { visuals->m_renderObjects[q]->m_model->setColorRGBA(rgba); } } } } } } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setUpAxis(int axis) { m_data->m_upAxis = axis; m_data->m_camera.setCameraUpAxis(axis); m_data->m_camera.update(); } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::resetCamera(float camDist, float yaw, float pitch, float camPosX, float camPosY, float camPosZ) { m_data->m_camera.setCameraDistance(camDist); m_data->m_camera.setCameraPitch(pitch); m_data->m_camera.setCameraYaw(yaw); m_data->m_camera.setCameraTargetPosition(camPosX, camPosY, camPosZ); m_data->m_camera.setAspectRatio((float)m_data->m_swWidth / (float)m_data->m_swHeight); m_data->m_camera.update(); } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::clearBuffers(TGAColor& clearColor) { float farPlane = m_data->m_camera.getCameraFrustumFar(); for (int y = 0; y < m_data->m_swHeight; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < m_data->m_swWidth; ++x) { m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer.set(x, y, clearColor); m_data->m_depthBuffer[x + y * m_data->m_swWidth] = -farPlane; m_data->m_shadowBuffer[x + y * m_data->m_swWidth] = -1e30f; m_data->m_segmentationMaskBuffer[x + y * m_data->m_swWidth] = -1; } } } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::render() { ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(float viewMat[16]); ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(float projMat[16]); m_data->m_camera.getCameraProjectionMatrix(projMat); m_data->m_camera.getCameraViewMatrix(viewMat); render(viewMat, projMat); } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::syncTransform(int shapeUniqueId, const btTransform& worldTransform, const btVector3& localScaling) { TinyRendererObjectArray** renderObjPtr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances[shapeUniqueId]; if (renderObjPtr) { TinyRendererObjectArray* renderObj = *renderObjPtr; renderObj->m_worldTransform = worldTransform; renderObj->m_localScaling = localScaling; } } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::render(const float viewMat[16], const float projMat[16]) { //clear the color buffer TGAColor clearColor; clearColor.bgra[0] = 255; clearColor.bgra[1] = 255; clearColor.bgra[2] = 255; clearColor.bgra[3] = 255; float near = projMat[14] / (projMat[10] - 1); float far = projMat[14] / (projMat[10] + 1); m_data->m_camera.setCameraFrustumNear(near); m_data->m_camera.setCameraFrustumFar(far); clearBuffers(clearColor); ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(btScalar modelMat[16]); btVector3 lightDirWorld(-5, 200, -40); if (m_data->m_hasLightDirection) { lightDirWorld = m_data->m_lightDirection; } else { switch (m_data->m_upAxis) { case 1: lightDirWorld = btVector3(-50.f, 100, 30); break; case 2: lightDirWorld = btVector3(-50.f, 30, 100); break; default: { } }; } lightDirWorld.normalize(); btVector3 lightColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); if (m_data->m_hasLightColor) { lightColor = m_data->m_lightColor; } float lightDistance = 2.0; if (m_data->m_hasLightDistance) { lightDistance = m_data->m_lightDistance; } float lightAmbientCoeff = 0.6; if (m_data->m_hasLightAmbientCoeff) { lightAmbientCoeff = m_data->m_lightAmbientCoeff; } float lightDiffuseCoeff = 0.35; if (m_data->m_hasLightDiffuseCoeff) { lightDiffuseCoeff = m_data->m_lightDiffuseCoeff; } float lightSpecularCoeff = 0.05; if (m_data->m_hasLightSpecularCoeff) { lightSpecularCoeff = m_data->m_lightSpecularCoeff; } if (m_data->m_hasShadow) { for (int n = 0; n < m_data->m_swRenderInstances.size(); n++) { TinyRendererObjectArray** visualArrayPtr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances.getAtIndex(n); if (0 == visualArrayPtr) continue; //can this ever happen? TinyRendererObjectArray* visualArray = *visualArrayPtr; for (int v = 0; v < visualArray->m_renderObjects.size(); v++) { TinyRenderObjectData* renderObj = visualArray->m_renderObjects[v]; //sync the object transform const btTransform& tr = visualArray->m_worldTransform; tr.getOpenGLMatrix(modelMat); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { renderObj->m_projectionMatrix[i][j] = projMat[i + 4 * j]; renderObj->m_modelMatrix[i][j] = modelMat[i + 4 * j]; renderObj->m_viewMatrix[i][j] = viewMat[i + 4 * j]; } } renderObj->m_localScaling = visualArray->m_localScaling; renderObj->m_lightDirWorld = lightDirWorld; renderObj->m_lightColor = lightColor; renderObj->m_lightDistance = lightDistance; renderObj->m_lightAmbientCoeff = lightAmbientCoeff; renderObj->m_lightDiffuseCoeff = lightDiffuseCoeff; renderObj->m_lightSpecularCoeff = lightSpecularCoeff; TinyRenderer::renderObjectDepth(*renderObj); } } } for (int n = 0; n < m_data->m_swRenderInstances.size(); n++) { TinyRendererObjectArray** visualArrayPtr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances.getAtIndex(n); if (0 == visualArrayPtr) continue; //can this ever happen? TinyRendererObjectArray* visualArray = *visualArrayPtr; for (int v = 0; v < visualArray->m_renderObjects.size(); v++) { TinyRenderObjectData* renderObj = visualArray->m_renderObjects[v]; //sync the object transform const btTransform& tr = visualArray->m_worldTransform; tr.getOpenGLMatrix(modelMat); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { renderObj->m_projectionMatrix[i][j] = projMat[i + 4 * j]; renderObj->m_modelMatrix[i][j] = modelMat[i + 4 * j]; renderObj->m_viewMatrix[i][j] = viewMat[i + 4 * j]; } } renderObj->m_localScaling = visualArray->m_localScaling; renderObj->m_lightDirWorld = lightDirWorld; renderObj->m_lightColor = lightColor; renderObj->m_lightDistance = lightDistance; renderObj->m_lightAmbientCoeff = lightAmbientCoeff; renderObj->m_lightDiffuseCoeff = lightDiffuseCoeff; renderObj->m_lightSpecularCoeff = lightSpecularCoeff; TinyRenderer::renderObject(*renderObj); } } //printf("write tga \n"); //m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer.write_tga_file("camera.tga"); // printf("flipped!\n"); m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer.flip_vertically(); //flip z-buffer and segmentation Buffer { int half = m_data->m_swHeight >> 1; for (int j = 0; j < half; j++) { unsigned long l1 = j * m_data->m_swWidth; unsigned long l2 = (m_data->m_swHeight - 1 - j) * m_data->m_swWidth; for (int i = 0; i < m_data->m_swWidth; i++) { btSwap(m_data->m_depthBuffer[l1 + i], m_data->m_depthBuffer[l2 + i]); btSwap(m_data->m_shadowBuffer[l1 + i], m_data->m_shadowBuffer[l2 + i]); btSwap(m_data->m_segmentationMaskBuffer[l1 + i], m_data->m_segmentationMaskBuffer[l2 + i]); } } } } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::getWidthAndHeight(int& width, int& height) { width = m_data->m_swWidth; height = m_data->m_swHeight; } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::setWidthAndHeight(int width, int height) { m_data->m_swWidth = width; m_data->m_swHeight = height; m_data->m_depthBuffer.resize(m_data->m_swWidth * m_data->m_swHeight); m_data->m_shadowBuffer.resize(m_data->m_swWidth * m_data->m_swHeight); m_data->m_segmentationMaskBuffer.resize(m_data->m_swWidth * m_data->m_swHeight); m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer = TGAImage(width, height, TGAImage::RGB); } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::copyCameraImageData(unsigned char* pixelsRGBA, int rgbaBufferSizeInPixels, float* depthBuffer, int depthBufferSizeInPixels, int* segmentationMaskBuffer, int segmentationMaskSizeInPixels, int startPixelIndex, int* widthPtr, int* heightPtr, int* numPixelsCopied) { int w = m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer.get_width(); int h = m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer.get_height(); if (numPixelsCopied) *numPixelsCopied = 0; if (widthPtr) *widthPtr = w; if (heightPtr) *heightPtr = h; int numTotalPixels = w * h; int numRemainingPixels = numTotalPixels - startPixelIndex; int numBytesPerPixel = 4; //RGBA int numRequestedPixels = btMin(rgbaBufferSizeInPixels, numRemainingPixels); if (numRequestedPixels) { for (int i = 0; i < numRequestedPixels; i++) { if (depthBuffer) { float farPlane = m_data->m_camera.getCameraFrustumFar(); float nearPlane = m_data->m_camera.getCameraFrustumNear(); // TinyRenderer returns clip coordinates, transform to eye coordinates first float z_c = -m_data->m_depthBuffer[i + startPixelIndex]; // float distance = (farPlane - nearPlane) / (farPlane + nearPlane) * (z_c + 2. * farPlane * nearPlane / (farPlane - nearPlane)); // The depth buffer value is between 0 and 1 // float a = farPlane / (farPlane - nearPlane); // float b = farPlane * nearPlane / (nearPlane - farPlane); // depthBuffer[i] = a + b / distance; // Simply the above expressions depthBuffer[i] = farPlane * (nearPlane + z_c) / (2. * farPlane * nearPlane + farPlane * z_c - nearPlane * z_c); } if (segmentationMaskBuffer) { int segMask = m_data->m_segmentationMaskBuffer[i + startPixelIndex]; if ((m_data->m_flags & ER_SEGMENTATION_MASK_OBJECT_AND_LINKINDEX) == 0) { //if we don't explicitly request link index, clear it out //object index are the lower 24bits if (segMask >= 0) { segMask &= ((1 << 24) - 1); } } segmentationMaskBuffer[i] = segMask; } if (pixelsRGBA) { pixelsRGBA[i * numBytesPerPixel] = m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer.buffer()[(i + startPixelIndex) * 3 + 0]; pixelsRGBA[i * numBytesPerPixel + 1] = m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer.buffer()[(i + startPixelIndex) * 3 + 1]; pixelsRGBA[i * numBytesPerPixel + 2] = m_data->m_rgbColorBuffer.buffer()[(i + startPixelIndex) * 3 + 2]; pixelsRGBA[i * numBytesPerPixel + 3] = 255; } } if (numPixelsCopied) *numPixelsCopied = numRequestedPixels; } } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::removeVisualShape(int shapeUniqueId) { TinyRendererObjectArray** ptrptr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances[shapeUniqueId]; if (ptrptr && *ptrptr) { TinyRendererObjectArray* ptr = *ptrptr; if (ptr) { m_data->m_visualShapesMap.remove(ptr->m_objectUniqueId); for (int o = 0; o < ptr->m_renderObjects.size(); o++) { delete ptr->m_renderObjects[o]; } } delete ptr; m_data->m_swRenderInstances.remove(shapeUniqueId); } } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::resetAll() { for (int i = 0; i < m_data->m_swRenderInstances.size(); i++) { TinyRendererObjectArray** ptrptr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances.getAtIndex(i); if (ptrptr && *ptrptr) { TinyRendererObjectArray* ptr = *ptrptr; if (ptr) { for (int o = 0; o < ptr->m_renderObjects.size(); o++) { delete ptr->m_renderObjects[o]; } } delete ptr; } } for (int i = 0; i < m_data->m_textures.size(); i++) { if (!m_data->m_textures[i].m_isCached) { free(m_data->m_textures[i].textureData1); } } m_data->m_textures.clear(); m_data->m_swRenderInstances.clear(); m_data->m_visualShapesMap.clear(); } void TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::changeShapeTexture(int bodyUniqueId, int jointIndex, int shapeIndex, int textureUniqueId) { btAssert(textureUniqueId < m_data->m_textures.size()); if (textureUniqueId >= -1 && textureUniqueId < m_data->m_textures.size()) { for (int n = 0; n < m_data->m_swRenderInstances.size(); n++) { TinyRendererObjectArray** visualArrayPtr = m_data->m_swRenderInstances.getAtIndex(n); if (0 == visualArrayPtr) continue; //can this ever happen? TinyRendererObjectArray* visualArray = *visualArrayPtr; if (visualArray->m_objectUniqueId == bodyUniqueId && visualArray->m_linkIndex == jointIndex) { for (int v = 0; v < visualArray->m_renderObjects.size(); v++) { TinyRenderObjectData* renderObj = visualArray->m_renderObjects[v]; if ((shapeIndex < 0) || (shapeIndex == v)) { if (textureUniqueId >= 0) { renderObj->m_model->setDiffuseTextureFromData(m_data->m_textures[textureUniqueId].textureData1, m_data->m_textures[textureUniqueId].m_width, m_data->m_textures[textureUniqueId].m_height); } else { renderObj->m_model->setDiffuseTextureFromData(0, 0, 0); } } } } } } } int TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::registerTexture(unsigned char* texels, int width, int height) { MyTexture2 texData; texData.m_width = width; texData.m_height = height; texData.textureData1 = texels; texData.m_isCached = true; m_data->m_textures.push_back(texData); return m_data->m_textures.size() - 1; } int TinyRendererVisualShapeConverter::loadTextureFile(const char* filename, struct CommonFileIOInterface* fileIO) { B3_PROFILE("loadTextureFile"); int width, height, n; unsigned char* image = 0; if (fileIO) { b3AlignedObjectArray buffer; buffer.reserve(1024); int fileId = fileIO->fileOpen(filename, "rb"); if (fileId >= 0) { int size = fileIO->getFileSize(fileId); if (size > 0) { buffer.resize(size); int actual = fileIO->fileRead(fileId, &buffer[0], size); if (actual != size) { b3Warning("image filesize mismatch!\n"); buffer.resize(0); } } fileIO->fileClose(fileId); } if (buffer.size()) { image = stbi_load_from_memory((const unsigned char*)&buffer[0], buffer.size(), &width, &height, &n, 3); } } else { image = stbi_load(filename, &width, &height, &n, 3); } if (image && (width >= 0) && (height >= 0)) { MyTexture2 texData; texData.m_width = width; texData.m_height = height; texData.textureData1 = image; texData.m_isCached = false; m_data->m_textures.push_back(texData); return m_data->m_textures.size() - 1; } return -1; }