/** * Compile this file with: * * javac Test.java * * The Java method signatures can be seen using the Java command-line tool `javap`: * * javap -s Test.class */ class Test { public static void main(String [] args) { } public static void println(Object object) { System.out.println(object); } public static boolean static_method_that_returns_a_boolean(boolean arg) { return !arg; } public static byte static_method_that_returns_a_byte() { return 42; } public static char static_method_that_returns_a_char() { return 'a'; } public static double static_method_that_returns_a_double() { return 42.0f; } public static float static_method_that_returns_a_float() { return 42.0f; } public static int static_method_that_returns_a_int() { return 42; } public static long static_method_that_returns_a_long() { return 42L; } public static String static_method_that_returns_a_string() { return new String("Foo"); } public static String static_method_that_returns_an_interned_string() { return "Foo"; } public static void static_void_method() { System.out.println(":)"); } }