#lietheo ## Definition A *Lie group* is a group $G$ with a smooth structure, i.e. a [[Manifold]], whose group multiplication and inversion $$ \begin{align*} m: G \times G \to G, &(g_{1}, g_{2}) \mapsto g_{1}\times g_{2} \\ i: G \to G, &g \mapsto g^{-1} \end{align*} $$ are [[Smooth Map|smooth]]. ## Properties The direct product and intersection of Lie groups is again a lie group. Discrete groups, i.e. those with the discrete [[Topology]], particularly those with finite or countable elements, are lie groups. If $G$ is a smooth manifold with a group structure such that the multiplication is smooth, the inverse must also be smooth and $G$ is a Lie group. In particular, we do _not_ need to require a smooth inversion in the definition!