# Seeds for failure cases proptest has generated in the past. It is # automatically read and these particular cases re-run before any # novel cases are generated. # # It is recommended to check this file in to source control so that # everyone who runs the test benefits from these saved cases. cc f242733ed3beca499d574cf32292245bcf8ad6cc25998a4d67a0b0270c743225 # shrinks to b = 3, e = 0 cc ce13104f792ff665a70cf5fb01c5f99986099260cfb41166daf1452eba57ae1e # shrinks to b = 32, e = 29 cc 7ea3cd638c9394f4958e166aea4abba32d346329290b1400b0eb2d11c16946f2 # shrinks to b = 39, e = 12 cc 97a278949409db895a9d544b432f5d3564d5a463d7736b2a2dff7445615ac118 # shrinks to b = 16, e = 32 cc e13ac83df587383280250f6c525923111c1e53f79b5f7b0b62837e13c64b92db # shrinks to b = 97, n = 0x67e89d89391cc600_U64