### R6 ---------------- mqttbytes v0.2.1 ----------- - **changed** Update README rumqttd v0.5.0 ----------- - **changed** Improve error reporting - **changed** Update to warp 0.3 and remove tokio compat - **changed** Disable async link for this release due to compilaiton error [**breaking**] - **fix** Fix windows compilation due to pprof - **fix** Fix collision retransmission logic benchmarks ----------- - **feature** Adds NATS to compare parser throughput benchmarks ### R5 ---------------- mqttbytes v0.2.0 ----------- - **feature** Complete mqtt 5 implementation - **fix** Split mqtt 4 and 5 into modules [**breaking**] rumqttc v0.5.0 ----------- - **changed** Update to mqttbytes 0.2 [**breaking**] rumqttd v0.4.0 ----------- - **changed** Update to mqttbytes 0.2 [**breaking**] misc ---------- - Add mqtt 4 and 5 parsers to benchmarking suite for comparsion ### R4 ---------------- mqttbytes v0.1.0 ----------- - **changed** Deprecate mqtt4/5bytes to combine them in mqttbytes rumqttc v0.4.0 ----------- - **changed** Update to tokio 1.0 [**breaking**] rumqttd v0.3.0 ----------- - **changed** Update to tokio 1.0 and `bytes` 1.0 [**breaking**] misc ---------- - Improve benchmarking suite with plots Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible Andrew Walbran Jonas Platte Daniel Egger Mihail Malo Alex Mikhalev ### R3 ---------------- mqtt4bytes v0.4.0 ----------- - **changed** Update to `bytes` 0.6 [**breaking**] rumqttc v0.3.0 ----------- - **feature** Refactor transport with websockets support - **changed** Update to tokio 0.3 [**breaking**] rumqttd v0.2.0 ----------- - **feature** Metrics server - **feature** Improve configuration schema - **feature** Support multiple servers on different ports - **changed** Update to tokio 0.3 and `bytes` 0.6 [**breaking**] - **fixed** Fix collisions due to publish batches misc ---------- - Add license file - Improve benchmarking suite with plots ### R2 ---------------- mqtt4bytes v0.3.0 ----------- - **changed** LastWill API now looks similar to publish API [**breaking**] rumqttc v0.2.0 ----------- - **changed** Don't cancel the eventloop when `Client` is dropped. - **changed** Remove network from public interface [**breaking**] - **internal** Fuse io into state - **internal** Improve packet framing - **fixed** Simplify collisions and fix collision event notification rumqttd v0.1.0 ----------- - **fixed** 0 keepalive handling - **fixed** Disconnect and qos 2 handling - **feature** Offline storage, retained messages, will, unsubscribe - **misc** Paho interoperability test suite conformance - **internal** Performance improvements ### R1 ---------------- rumqttc v0.1.2 ----------- - Move integration tests outside eventloop - Improve integration tests - Fix panics by properly handling connection failure rumqttlog v0.2.0 ----------- - Redesign by embedding tracker inside router's connection - Redesign with a hybrid of push and pull model rumqttd v0.0.6 ----------- - Manually setup 1 router thread and 1 io thread - Add names to threads - Compatibility with rumqttlog