use matches::assert_matches; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use tokio::{task, time}; mod broker; use broker::*; use rumqttc::*; async fn start_requests(count: u8, qos: QoS, delay: u64, requests_tx: Sender) { for i in 1..=count { let topic = "hello/world".to_owned(); let payload = vec![i, 1, 2, 3]; let publish = Publish::new(topic, qos, payload); let request = Request::Publish(publish); let _ = requests_tx.send(request).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(delay)).await; } } async fn run(eventloop: &mut EventLoop, reconnect: bool) -> Result<(), ConnectionError> { 'reconnect: loop { loop { let o = eventloop.poll().await; println!("Polled = {:?}", o); match o { Ok(_) => continue, Err(_) if reconnect => continue 'reconnect, Err(e) => return Err(e), } } } } async fn _tick( eventloop: &mut EventLoop, reconnect: bool, count: usize, ) -> Result<(), ConnectionError> { 'reconnect: loop { for i in 0..count { let o = eventloop.poll().await; println!("{}. Polled = {:?}", i, o); match o { Ok(_) => continue, Err(_) if reconnect => continue 'reconnect, Err(e) => return Err(e), } } break; } Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn connection_should_timeout_on_time() { task::spawn(async move { let _broker = Broker::new(1880, 3).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; }); time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; let options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 1880); let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); let start = Instant::now(); let o = eventloop.poll().await; let elapsed = start.elapsed(); assert_matches!(o, Err(ConnectionError::Timeout(_))); assert_eq!(elapsed.as_secs(), 5); } // // All keep alive tests here // #[tokio::test] async fn idle_connection_triggers_pings_on_time() { let keep_alive = 5; let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 1885); options.set_keep_alive(keep_alive); // Create client eventloop and poll task::spawn(async move { let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); run(&mut eventloop, false).await.unwrap(); }); let mut broker = Broker::new(1885, 0).await; let mut count = 0; let mut start = Instant::now(); for _ in 0..3 { let packet = broker.read_packet().await; match packet { Packet::PingReq => { count += 1; let elapsed = start.elapsed(); assert_eq!(elapsed.as_secs(), keep_alive as u64); broker.pingresp().await; start = Instant::now(); } _ => { panic!("Expecting ping, Received: {:?}", packet); } } } assert_eq!(count, 3); } #[tokio::test] async fn some_outgoing_and_no_incoming_should_trigger_pings_on_time() { let keep_alive = 5; let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 1886); options.set_keep_alive(keep_alive); // start sending qos0 publishes. this makes sure that there is // outgoing activity but no incoming activity let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); let requests_tx = eventloop.handle(); // Start sending publishes task::spawn(async move { start_requests(10, QoS::AtMostOnce, 1, requests_tx).await; }); // start the eventloop task::spawn(async move { run(&mut eventloop, false).await.unwrap(); }); let mut broker = Broker::new(1886, 0).await; let mut count = 0; let mut start = Instant::now(); loop { let event = broker.tick().await; if let Event::Incoming(Incoming::PingReq) = event { // wait for 3 pings count += 1; if count == 3 { break; } assert_eq!(start.elapsed().as_secs(), keep_alive as u64); broker.pingresp().await; start = Instant::now(); } } assert_eq!(count, 3); } #[tokio::test] async fn some_incoming_and_no_outgoing_should_trigger_pings_on_time() { let keep_alive = 5; let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 2000); options.set_keep_alive(keep_alive); task::spawn(async move { let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); run(&mut eventloop, false).await.unwrap(); }); let mut broker = Broker::new(2000, 0).await; let mut count = 0; // Start sending qos 0 publishes to the client. This triggers // some incoming and no outgoing packets in the client broker.spawn_publishes(10, QoS::AtMostOnce, 1).await; let mut start = Instant::now(); loop { let event = broker.tick().await; if let Event::Incoming(Incoming::PingReq) = event { // wait for 3 pings count += 1; if count == 3 { break; } assert_eq!(start.elapsed().as_secs(), keep_alive as u64); broker.pingresp().await; start = Instant::now(); } } assert_eq!(count, 3); } #[tokio::test] async fn detects_halfopen_connections_in_the_second_ping_request() { let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 2001); options.set_keep_alive(5); // A broker which consumes packets but doesn't reply task::spawn(async move { let mut broker = Broker::new(2001, 0).await; broker.blackhole().await; }); time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; let start = Instant::now(); let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); loop { if let Err(e) = eventloop.poll().await { match e { ConnectionError::MqttState(StateError::AwaitPingResp) => break, v => panic!("Expecting pingresp error. Found = {:?}", v), } } } assert_eq!(start.elapsed().as_secs(), 10); } // // All flow control tests here // #[tokio::test] async fn requests_are_blocked_after_max_inflight_queue_size() { let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 1887); options.set_inflight(5); let inflight = options.inflight(); // start sending qos0 publishes. this makes sure that there is // outgoing activity but no incoming activity let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); let requests_tx = eventloop.handle(); task::spawn(async move { start_requests(10, QoS::AtLeastOnce, 1, requests_tx).await; }); // start the eventloop task::spawn(async move { run(&mut eventloop, false).await.unwrap(); }); let mut broker = Broker::new(1887, 0).await; for i in 1..=10 { let packet = broker.read_publish().await; if i > inflight { assert!(packet.is_none()); } } } #[tokio::test] async fn requests_are_recovered_after_inflight_queue_size_falls_below_max() { let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 1888); options.set_inflight(3); let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); let requests_tx = eventloop.handle(); task::spawn(async move { start_requests(5, QoS::AtLeastOnce, 1, requests_tx).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)).await; }); // start the eventloop task::spawn(async move { run(&mut eventloop, true).await.unwrap(); }); let mut broker = Broker::new(1888, 0).await; // packet 1, 2, and 3 assert!(broker.read_publish().await.is_some()); assert!(broker.read_publish().await.is_some()); assert!(broker.read_publish().await.is_some()); // no packet 4. client inflight full as there aren't acks yet assert!(broker.read_publish().await.is_none()); // ack packet 1 and client would produce packet 4 broker.ack(1).await; assert!(broker.read_publish().await.is_some()); assert!(broker.read_publish().await.is_none()); // ack packet 2 and client would produce packet 5 broker.ack(2).await; assert!(broker.read_publish().await.is_some()); assert!(broker.read_publish().await.is_none()); } #[tokio::test] async fn packet_id_collisions_are_detected_and_flow_control_is_applied() { let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 1891); options.set_inflight(4).set_collision_safety(true); let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); let requests_tx = eventloop.handle(); task::spawn(async move { start_requests(8, QoS::AtLeastOnce, 0, requests_tx).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)).await; }); task::spawn(async move { let mut broker = Broker::new(1891, 0).await; // read all incoming packets first for i in 1..=4 { let packet = broker.read_publish().await; assert_eq!(packet.unwrap().payload[0], i); } // out of order ack broker.ack(3).await; broker.ack(4).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)).await; broker.ack(1).await; broker.ack(2).await; // read and ack remaining packets in order for i in 5..=10 { let packet = broker.read_publish().await; let packet = packet.unwrap(); assert_eq!(packet.payload[0], i); broker.ack(packet.pkid).await; } time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)).await; }); time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; // sends 4 requests. 5th request will trigger collision // Poll until there is collision. loop { match eventloop.poll().await { Err(ConnectionError::MqttState(StateError::Collision(1))) => break, v => { println!("Poll = {:?}", v); continue; } } } loop { let start = Instant::now(); let event = eventloop.poll().await; println!("Poll = {:?}", event); match event { Ok(Event::Outgoing(Outgoing::Publish(ack))) => { if ack == 1 { assert_eq!(start.elapsed().as_secs(), 5) } } Err(_) => break, _ => continue, } } } #[tokio::test] async fn packet_id_collisions_are_timedout_on_second_ping() { let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 1892); options .set_inflight(4) .set_collision_safety(true) .set_keep_alive(5); let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); let requests_tx = eventloop.handle(); task::spawn(async move { start_requests(10, QoS::AtLeastOnce, 0, requests_tx).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)).await; }); task::spawn(async move { let mut broker = Broker::new(1892, 0).await; // read all incoming packets first for i in 1..=4 { let packet = broker.read_publish().await; assert_eq!(packet.unwrap().payload[0], i); } // out of order ack broker.ack(3).await; broker.ack(4).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(15)).await; }); time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; // Collision error but no network disconneciton match run(&mut eventloop, false).await { Err(ConnectionError::MqttState(StateError::Collision(1))) => (), o => panic!("Expecting collision error. Found = {:?}", o), } match run(&mut eventloop, false).await { Err(ConnectionError::MqttState(StateError::CollisionTimeout)) => (), o => panic!("Expecting collision error. Found = {:?}", o), } } // // All reconnection tests here // #[tokio::test] async fn next_poll_after_connect_failure_reconnects() { let options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 3000); task::spawn(async move { let _broker = Broker::new(3000, 1).await; let _broker = Broker::new(3000, 0).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(15)).await; }); time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); let event = eventloop.poll().await; let error = "Broker rejected. Reason = BadUserNamePassword"; match event { Err(ConnectionError::Io(e)) => assert_eq!(e.to_string(), error), v => panic!("Expected bad username password error. Found = {:?}", v), } let event = eventloop.poll().await.unwrap(); let connack = ConnAck::new(ConnectReturnCode::Success, false); assert_eq!(event, Event::Incoming(Packet::ConnAck(connack))); } #[tokio::test] async fn reconnection_resumes_from_the_previous_state() { let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 3001); options.set_keep_alive(5); // start sending qos0 publishes. Makes sure that there is out activity but no in activity let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); let requests_tx = eventloop.handle(); task::spawn(async move { start_requests(10, QoS::AtLeastOnce, 1, requests_tx).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; }); // start the eventloop task::spawn(async move { run(&mut eventloop, true).await.unwrap(); }); // broker connection 1 let mut broker = Broker::new(3001, 0).await; for i in 1..=2 { let packet = broker.read_publish().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(i, packet.payload[0]); broker.ack(packet.pkid).await; } // NOTE: An interesting thing to notice here is that reassigning a new broker // is behaving like a half-open connection instead of cleanly closing the socket // and returning error immediately // Manually dropping (`drop(broker.framed)`) the connection or adding // a block around broker with {} is closing the connection as expected // broker connection 2 let mut broker = Broker::new(3001, 0).await; for i in 3..=4 { let packet = broker.read_publish().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(i, packet.payload[0]); broker.ack(packet.pkid).await; } } #[tokio::test] async fn reconnection_resends_unacked_packets_from_the_previous_connection_first() { let mut options = MqttOptions::new("dummy", "", 3002); options.set_keep_alive(5); // start sending qos0 publishes. this makes sure that there is // outgoing activity but no incoming activity let mut eventloop = EventLoop::new(options, 5); let requests_tx = eventloop.handle(); task::spawn(async move { start_requests(10, QoS::AtLeastOnce, 1, requests_tx).await; time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; }); // start the client eventloop task::spawn(async move { run(&mut eventloop, true).await.unwrap(); }); // broker connection 1. receive but don't ack let mut broker = Broker::new(3002, 0).await; for i in 1..=2 { let packet = broker.read_publish().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(i, packet.payload[0]); } // broker connection 2 receives from scratch let mut broker = Broker::new(3002, 0).await; for i in 1..=6 { let packet = broker.read_publish().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(i, packet.payload[0]); } }