# rumqttd [![crates.io page](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/rumqttd.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/rumqttd) [![docs.rs page](https://docs.rs/rumqttd/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/rumqttd) Rumqttd is a high performance MQTT broker written in Rust. It's light weight and embeddable, meaning you can use it as a library in your code and extend functionality ## Getting started You can directly run the broker by running the binary with a config file with: ``` cargo run --release -- -c rumqttd.toml ``` Example config file is provided on the root of the repo. #### Building the docker image In order to run rumqttd within a docker container, build the image by running `build_rumqttd_docker.sh` from the project's root directory. The shell script will use docker to build rumqttd and package it along in an [alpine](https://hub.docker.com/_/alpine) image. You can then run `rumqttd` using default config with: ```bash ./build_rumqttd_docker.sh docker run -p 1883:1883 -p 1884:1884 -it rumqttd ``` Or you can run `rumqttd` with the custom config file by mounting the file and passing it as argument: ```bash ./build_rumqttd_docker.sh docker run -p 1883:1883 -p 1884:1884 -v /absolute/path/to/rumqttd.toml:/rumqttd.toml -it rumqttd -c /rumqttd.toml ``` # How to use with TLS To connect an MQTT client to rumqttd over TLS, create relevant certificates for the broker and client using [provision](https://github.com/bytebeamio/provision) as follows: ```bash provision ca // generates ca.cert.pem and ca.key.pem provision server --ca ca.cert.pem --cakey ca.key.pem --domain localhost // generates localhost.cert.pem and localhost.key.pem provision client --ca ca.cert.pem --cakey ca.key.pem --device 1 --tenant a // generates 1.cert.pem and 1.key.pem ``` Update config files for rumqttd and rumqttc with the generated certificates: ```toml [v4.2.tls] certpath = "path/to/localhost.cert.pem" keypath = "path/to/localhost.key.pem" capath = "path/to/ca.cert.pem" ``` You may also use [certgen](https://github.com/minio/certgen), [tls-gen](https://github.com/rabbitmq/tls-gen) or [openssl](https://www.baeldung.com/openssl-self-signed-cert) to generate self-signed certificates, though we recommend using provision. **NOTE:** Mount the folders containing the generated tls certificates and the proper config file(with absolute paths to the certificate) to enable tls connections with rumqttd running inside docker. ## Dynamically update log filter Log levels and filters can by dynamically updated without restarting broker. To update the filter, we can send a POST request to `/logs` endpoint, which is exposed by our console, with new filter as plaintext in body. For example, to get logs of rumqttd ( running locally and expose console at port 3030 ) with log level "debug", we can do: ```sh curl -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d "rumqttd=debug" ``` The general syntax for filter is: ``` target[span{field=value}]=level ``` So filter for logs of client with id "pub-001" which has occurred any any span will be `[{client_id=pub-001}]`. Know more about it [here](https://docs.rs/tracing-subscriber/latest/tracing_subscriber/struct.EnvFilter.html#directives)