We'll assume all the routers are in sync w.r.t subscription information Case study - 3 brokers .. B1, B2, B3 - 3 client .. C1, C2, C3 - 2 topics .. T1, T2 - Replication factor 1 C1 C2 publishses to topic T1 C3 subscribes to T1 C1, 2, 3 are connected to B1, 2, 3 Things to keep in mind - Client disconnecting from a broker and connecting to a different broker - Routers disconnecting from each other - Choosing a leader for a topic wil lead to too crosstalk due to dynamicness of mqtt connections - Ordering of a C3's subscription data when C1 reconnects to B2. - T1 commitlog data is now a combination of data from C1 & C2 - C3 subscription progress tracking when it reconnects to B1 - B1 should detect halfopen connection when C1 reconnects to B2 **Round 1** Assume C1 published 10 messages on T1: `C1-T1-M1@B1` to `C1-T1-M10@B1` Assume C2 published 5 messages on T1: `C2-T1-M1@B2` to `C2-T1-M5@B2`