// // Copyright 2018 Staysail Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2018 Capitar IT Group BV // // This software is supplied under the terms of the MIT License, a // copy of which should be located in the distribution where this // file was obtained (LICENSE.txt). A copy of the license may also be // found online at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. // #include #include #include #include #include "convey.h" #include "stubs.h" #include "trantest.h" #define ADDR "/tmp/ipc_winsec_test" // Inproc tests. #ifndef _WIN32 TestMain("IPC Security Descriptor", { atexit(nng_fini); Convey("Given a socket and an IPC listener", { nng_socket s; nng_listener l; int x; So(nng_rep0_open(&s) == 0); Reset({ nng_close(s); }); So(nng_listener_create(&l, s, "ipc://" ADDR) == 0); Convey("We cannot set Windows SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR on POSIX", { So(nng_listener_setopt_ptr(l, NNG_OPT_IPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, &x) == NNG_ENOTSUP); }); }); }) #else #include // Microsoft prefers CamelCase header names, but relies on case insensitive // file systems to make that work. The rest of the world (min-gw64 included) // uses case sensitive names and lowercase. #include #include #include SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * sdescAuthUsers(PSID sid, PACL *aclp) { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sdesc; EXPLICIT_ACCESS xa; ACL * acl; sdesc = calloc(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH, 1); assert(sdesc != NULL); InitializeSecurityDescriptor(sdesc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); xa.grfAccessPermissions = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; xa.grfAccessMode = SET_ACCESS; xa.grfInheritance = SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT; xa.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID; xa.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_WELL_KNOWN_GROUP; xa.Trustee.ptstrName = (LPSTR) sid; SetEntriesInAcl(1, &xa, NULL, &acl); *aclp = acl; SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(sdesc, TRUE, acl, FALSE); return (sdesc); } TestMain("IPC Security Descriptor", { atexit(nng_fini); Convey("Given a socket and an IPC listener", { nng_socket s; nng_listener l; So(nng_rep0_open(&s) == 0); Reset({ nng_close(s); }); So(nng_listener_create(&l, s, "ipc://" ADDR) == 0); Convey("We can set security descriptor on Windows", { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sdesc; SID users; DWORD size; PACL acl = NULL; size = sizeof(users); CreateWellKnownSid( WinAuthenticatedUserSid, NULL, &users, &size); sdesc = sdescAuthUsers(&users, &acl); assert(sdesc != NULL); assert(acl != NULL); Reset({ free(sdesc); LocalFree(acl); }); So(nng_listener_setopt_ptr(l, NNG_OPT_IPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, sdesc) == 0); So(nng_listener_start(l, 0) == 0); Convey("And they are effective", { PACL dacl; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd; PACE_HEADER ace; PSID asid; PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE allowed; HANDLE ph = CreateFileA("\\\\.\\\\pipe\\" ADDR, READ_CONTROL, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); So(ph != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); Reset({ CloseHandle(ph); }); So(GetSecurityInfo(ph, SE_KERNEL_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, NULL, &dacl, NULL, &sd) == ERROR_SUCCESS); Reset({ LocalFree(sd); }); So(dacl->AceCount == 1); So(GetAce(dacl, 0, (void **) &ace) == TRUE); allowed = (PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) ace; asid = (PSID) &allowed->SidStart; So(IsValidSid(asid)); So(EqualSid(asid, &users) == TRUE); }); }); Convey("We cannot set security descriptor after started", { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sdesc; SID users; DWORD size; PACL acl = NULL; size = sizeof(users); CreateWellKnownSid( WinAuthenticatedUserSid, NULL, &users, &size); sdesc = sdescAuthUsers(&users, &acl); assert(sdesc != NULL); assert(acl != NULL); Reset({ free(sdesc); LocalFree(acl); }); So(nng_listener_start(l, 0) == 0); So(nng_listener_setopt_ptr(l, NNG_OPT_IPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, sdesc) == NNG_EBUSY); }); Convey("We cannot set bogus security", { So(nng_listener_setopt_ptr(l, NNG_OPT_IPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, NULL) == NNG_EINVAL); }); }); Convey("We cannot set security descriptor on an IPC dialer", { nng_socket s; nng_dialer d; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sdesc; sdesc = calloc(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH, 1); assert(sdesc != NULL); InitializeSecurityDescriptor( sdesc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); So(nng_rep0_open(&s) == 0); Reset({ nng_close(s); free(sdesc); }); So(nng_dialer_create(&d, s, "ipc://" ADDR) == 0); So(nng_dialer_setopt_ptr(d, NNG_OPT_IPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, sdesc) == NNG_ENOTSUP); }); }) #endif