//! Spawns a web server that listens on localhost. A password must be sent to //! access the index page via the query string. Try connecting to //! without any query strings, then connect with the //! query string `?code=my_secret_password`. The authenticator service is //! injected via dependency injection into the request handler. use actix_web::{ get, web::Query, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder, }; use runtime_injector_actix::{ define_module, Injected, Injector, IntoSingleton, Svc, }; use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Default)] pub struct QueryRequestAuthenticator; impl QueryRequestAuthenticator { fn is_allowed(&self, request: &HttpRequest) -> bool { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct QueryData { code: String, } let query = match Query::::from_query(request.query_string()) { Ok(query) => query, Err(_) => return false, }; query.code == "my_secret_password" } } fn configure_services() -> Injector { let module = define_module! { services = [QueryRequestAuthenticator::default.singleton()] }; let mut builder = Injector::builder(); builder.add_module(module); builder.build() } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let injector = configure_services(); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new().app_data(injector.clone()).service(index) }) .bind(("", 8080))? .run() .await } #[get("/")] async fn index( request: HttpRequest, auth: Injected>, ) -> impl Responder { if auth.is_allowed(&request) { HttpResponse::Ok().body("You got the password right!") } else { HttpResponse::Forbidden().body("Incorrect password") } }