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However, being written in Python, HTTPie is quite a bit slower than curl. Rural aims to provide the ease-of-use of HTTPie at a speed comparable to that of curl. To that end, rural purposely implements a similar API to HTTPie, including the syntatic sugar for parameters and headers. ## Status Rural currently implements most of the common features needed for making HTTP requests in the command line. However, many less common features have not been implemented. (A brief look at `man curl` shows just how much functionality there is to include). If there's a feature you'd like to be implemented, feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/saghm/rural/issues), or even better, a [pull request](https://github.com/saghm/rural/pulls)! Contributions are always quite welcome. To date, no specific optimization has been done on rural. From a set of extremely unscientific tests, rural currently runs at the same order of magnitude as curl in terms of speed (which is an order of magnitude faster than HTTPie). ## Installation If you don't already have Rust installed, you can get the Rust toolchain installer [here](https://rustup.rs/). Once Rust is installed, run `cargo install rural`. Make sure you add `$HOME/.cargo/bin` to your PATH if you instructed rustup not to do so itself. ## Usage ### Method types Rural currently supports making GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, and PATCH requests. To make a request, invoke rural with the request method (in lowercase) and the URL: ```sh rural get http://example.com rural post http://example.com rural put http://example.com rural delete http://example.com rural head http://example.com rural options http://example.com rural patch http://example.com ``` ### HTTPS Rural requires OpenSSL to make HTTPS requests: ```sh rural get https://example.com ``` ### Output #### Sections To see the response headers instead of the body, use the `--headers` flag (`-d` for short): ```sh rural --headers get http://example.com rural -d get http://example.com ``` Note that whenever the headers are printed out, the HTTP version number and response status code are printed by default. To suppress this extra output and just get the headers, add the `--suppress-info` flag as well (`-s` for short): ```sh rural --headers --suppress-info get http://example.com rural -ds get http://example.com ``` To print both the reponse headers and the body, use the `--both` flag (`-b` for short): ```sh rural --both get http://example.com rural -b get http://example.com ``` `--suppress-info` works for `--both` as well: ```sh rural --both --suppress-info get http://example.com rural -bs get http://example.com ``` #### Output file To save the response body to a file, use the `--out` argument with the desired output file name (`-o` for short): ```sh rural get http://example.com --out output.json rural get http://example.com -o output.html ``` #### Colors By default, rural will colorize the response headers, the HTTP info string, and any JSON in the response body. To suppress this, use the `--no-color` flag (`-n` for short): ```sh rural --no-color http://example.com rural -n http://example.com ``` NOTE: The library used to colorize the JSON uses ANSI color escape sequences, which will *not* work correctly on Windows. Because of this, rural disables colorized output on Windows. ### Parameters Rural supports supplying GET parameters in the querystring or by using the syntax `key==value`: ```sh rural get 'http://example.com?bass=john&drums=keith' rural get http://example.com bass==john drums==keith ``` To supply body parameters, use the syntax `key=value`: ```sh rural post http://example.com bass=john drums=keith ``` Rural defaults to sending body parameters as JSON. To instead send them as form parameters, use `--form` (`-f` for short): ```sh rural --form post http://example.com bass=john drums=keith rural -f post http://example.com bass=john drums=keith ``` Body parameters can also be sent using literal JSON rather than plaintext. To do this, use the syntax `key:=value` (note that JSON values will generally have to be wrapped in quotes due to how most shells interpret some of the characters, as shown below): ```sh rural post http://example.com who:='{ "bass": "john", "drums": "keith", "others": ["pete", "roger"] }' ``` Note that body parameters can also be specified for other types of requests besides POST: ```sh rural put http://example.com bass=john rural delete http://example.com drums=keith ``` ### Headers HTTP headers (either standard or custom) can be provided using the syntax `name:value`: ```sh rural get http://example.com bass:john drums:keith ``` ## License Rural is licensed under the MIT LICENSE.