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Thank you! Sean Andy Rush. # Rushterm Make your CLI app easy by adding menu. Create nested menus, navigate with hotkeys. Data-driven. No function/macro complexity. # Example Firstly, we'll need to construct a `Menu` instance with its `Item`s. Bring them into scope. `Menu` instance doesn't need to be mutable. Next, we'll invoke `.run()` method on the instance to execute our menu: ```rust use rushterm::{Item, Menu}; fn main() { let menu = Menu { name: "My Main Menu".to_string(), items: vec![ Item::Action { name: "Action0".to_string(), hotkey: Some('a'), exp: Some("Action0 Explanation. This Has Been Assigned To A Hotkey.".to_string()), }, Item::Action { name: "Action1".to_string(), hotkey: None, exp: Some("Action1 Explanation. This Has No Hotkey.".to_string()), }, Item::SubMenu { name: "Submenu0".to_string(), hotkey: Some('s'), exp: Some("Submenu0 explanation.".to_string()), items: vec![ Item::Action { name: "Sub Action0".to_string(), hotkey: Some('a'), exp: Some( "Sub Action0 Explanation. This Has Been Assigned To A Hotkey." .to_string(), ), }, Item::Action { name: "Sub Action1".to_string(), hotkey: Some('c'), exp: Some( "Sub Action1 Explanation. This Has Been Assigned To A Hotkey." .to_string(), ), }, Item::SubMenu { name: "Deepermenu0".to_string(), hotkey: Some('d'), exp: Some("Deepermenu0 Explanation.".to_string()), items: vec![ Item::Action { name: "Deeper Action0".to_string(), hotkey: Some('f'), exp: None, }, Item::Action { name: "Deeper Action1".to_string(), hotkey: Some('g'), exp: Some("Deeper Action1 Explanation.".to_string()), }, ], }, ], }, Item::Bool { name: "Bool0".to_string(), hotkey: Some('b'), exp: Some("Bool0 Explanation.".to_string()), }, Item::Char { name: "Char0".to_string(), hotkey: Some('c'), exp: Some("Char0 Explanation.".to_string()), }, Item::String { name: "String0".to_string(), hotkey: Some('t'), exp: Some("String0 Explanation.".to_string()), }, Item::F32 { name: "F32".to_string(), hotkey: Some('f'), exp: Some("F32 Explanation.".to_string()), }, Item::I32 { name: "I32".to_string(), hotkey: Some('i'), exp: Some("I32 Explanation.".to_string()), }, Item::U32 { name: "U32".to_string(), hotkey: Some('u'), exp: Some("U32 Explanation.".to_string()), }, ], exp: Some("My Main Menu Explanation.".to_string()), esc: true, }; let selection = menu.run(); dbg!(&selection); } ``` If selection is successful, `run()` method will return us `Selection` type in `Ok()` variant to get information we may need in ongoing execution. You may also bring `Selection` and `Value` into scope in this case. But, if not, exits the execution with an `Err()` variant.