# Rusnet [![docs](https://docs.rs/rusnet/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/rusnet) [![dependency status](https://deps.rs/crate/rusnet/0.1.0/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/crate/rusnet/0.1.0) [![build status](https://github.com/tduck973564/rusnet/workflows/Rust/badge.svg)](https://github.com/tduck973564/rusnet/actions) ## An extremely basic network protocol. This network protocol was made by me after I forgot to put a network protocol in my application. ## Examples ```rust use rusnet::*; use std::net::{ TcpListener, TcpStream }; fn main() { let listener = TcpListener::bind(("", 0)).unwrap(); /* Usually this would be the client, but it is mocked for the sake of the example */ let mut output = Stream::new( TcpStream::connect( listener.local_addr().unwrap() ).unwrap() ).unwrap(); for stream in listener.incoming() { let mut input = Stream::new(stream.unwrap()).unwrap(); input.write("Hello, World!".to_string()).unwrap(); println!("{}", output.read().unwrap()); // This will print "Hello, World!" break; } } ```