cargo run --release --features intel_mkl --bin brusselator_pde -- --npoint=151 --blas-nt=24 -g klu Second-book problem = true Number of points along x and y = 151 Tolerance (abs_tol = rel_tol) = 1.00E-04 Concurrent real and complex sys = true Problem dimension (ndim) = 45602 Number of non-zeros (jac_nnz) = 319214 Number of BLAS threads = 24 Linear solver = Klu Radau5: Radau method (Radau IIA) (implicit, order 5, embedded) Number of function evaluations = 247 Number of Jacobian evaluations = 22 Number of factorizations = 40 Number of lin sys solutions = 69 Number of performed steps = 40 Number of accepted steps = 33 Number of rejected steps = 7 Number of iterations (maximum) = 3 Number of iterations (last step) = 1 Last accepted/suggested stepsize = 0.034831191917980675 Max time spent on a step = 1.132819442s Max time spent on the Jacobian = 1.594184ms Max time spent on factorization = 1.234754992s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< TOO SLOW Max time spent on lin solution = 19.582551ms Total time = 44.174468815s cargo run --release --features intel_mkl --bin brusselator_pde -- --npoint=151 --blas-nt=24 -g umfpack Second-book problem = true Number of points along x and y = 151 Tolerance (abs_tol = rel_tol) = 1.00E-04 Concurrent real and complex sys = true Problem dimension (ndim) = 45602 Number of non-zeros (jac_nnz) = 319214 Number of BLAS threads = 24 Linear solver = Umfpack Radau5: Radau method (Radau IIA) (implicit, order 5, embedded) Number of function evaluations = 247 Number of Jacobian evaluations = 22 Number of factorizations = 40 Number of lin sys solutions = 69 Number of performed steps = 40 Number of accepted steps = 33 Number of rejected steps = 7 Number of iterations (maximum) = 3 Number of iterations (last step) = 1 Last accepted/suggested stepsize = 0.03483119190773998 Max time spent on a step = 275.2573ms Max time spent on the Jacobian = 1.659566ms Max time spent on factorization = 267.086783ms Max time spent on lin solution = 37.362637ms Total time = 11.637741842s cargo run --release --features intel_mkl --bin brusselator_pde -- --npoint=151 --blas-nt=24 -g mumps Second-book problem = true Number of points along x and y = 151 Tolerance (abs_tol = rel_tol) = 1.00E-04 Concurrent real and complex sys = true Problem dimension (ndim) = 45602 Number of non-zeros (jac_nnz) = 319214 Number of BLAS threads = 24 Linear solver = Mumps Radau5: Radau method (Radau IIA) (implicit, order 5, embedded) Number of function evaluations = 247 Number of Jacobian evaluations = 22 Number of factorizations = 40 Number of lin sys solutions = 69 Number of performed steps = 40 Number of accepted steps = 33 Number of rejected steps = 7 Number of iterations (maximum) = 3 Number of iterations (last step) = 1 Last accepted/suggested stepsize = 0.0348311919052513 Max time spent on a step = 183.630738ms Max time spent on the Jacobian = 1.665255ms Max time spent on factorization = 416.207012ms Max time spent on lin solution = 23.081755ms Total time = 8.225894211s