# rust-gd: A Rust Implementation of Generalized Deduplication [![rust-gd](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/rust-gd.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/rust-gd) [![rust-gd](https://docs.rs/rust-gd/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/rust-gd) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) Rust implementation of *Generalized Deduplication* (GD) based on several types of error-correcting codes. This is an implementation (and somewhat extension) of the novel concept of data deduplication method, called *Generalized Deduplication* (GD). The original concept of GD was introduced by a group of Aarhus University, Denmark, leaded by [Prof. D. E. Lucani](https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/daniel-enrique-lucani-roetter(c4e78b1e-4dd6-460f-9c44-1a44771ce01a).html). > - Vestergaard, Rasmus, Qi Zhang, and Daniel E. Lucani. "Generalized deduplication: bounds, convergence, and asymptotic properties." 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). IEEE, 2019. > - Vestergaard, Rasmus, Daniel E. Lucani, and Qi Zhang. "Generalized deduplication: Lossless compression for large amounts of small IoT data." European Wireless 2019; 25th European Wireless Conference. VDE, 2019. > - etc. ## Usage Add the following to your `Cargo.toml` as imported directly from GitHub: ```toml:Cargo.toml [dependencies] rust-gd = { git = "https://github.com/junkurihara/rust-gd.git" } ``` or from crates.io: ```toml:Cargo.toml [dependencies] rust-gd = "*" // or appropriate version ``` Then, add `use` in your `.rs` file. ```rust: use rust_gd::*; ``` ## Example **NOTE: The compression rate strongly depends on the data alignment and data structure. So you should carefully choose the parameters according to the characteristics of given data**. ### GD with Reed-Solomon code over $\mathrm{GF}(2^8)$ ```rust: use rust_gd::*; let to_be_deduped: &[u8] = "寿限無(じゅげむ)寿限無(じゅげむ)五劫(ごこう)のすりきれ海砂利(かいじゃり)padpadpadpadpadpadpadpad".to_string().repeat(128).as_bytes() let code_len = 128; // codeword length over GF(256), i.e., N in (N, K) RS code let msg_len = 124; // message length over GF(256), i.e., K in (N, K) RS code let dict_size = 127; // max entry size of a dictionary used in GD process // GD instance for deduplication (compress) let mut gd_dedup = GD::ReedSolomon(code_len, msg_len).setup(dict_size).await.unwrap(); // Async API // GD instance for duplication (decompress) let mut gd_dup = GD::ReedSolomon(code_len, msg_len).setup(dict_size).await.unwrap(); // Async API // struct Deduped = {pub data: Vec, pub last_chunk_pad_bytelen: usize} let deduped: Deduped = gd_dedup.dedup(to_be_deduped).await.unwrap(); // Async API println!("> Deduped data size is {} bytes", x.data.len()); let duped: Vec = gd_dup.dup(&deduped).await.unwrap(); // Async API. println!("> Duped size {} bytes", y.len(); assert_eq!(duped, words); ``` In GD with RS codes, an approach of **error-alignment** can be employed by ```rust: // Linear transformation matrix used for error-alignment. This must be nonsinglar. let trans: [&[u8; 4]; 4] = [ &[1, 0, 0, 0], &[1, 1, 1, 4], &[1, 1, 3, 0], &[1, 2, 0, 0], ]; // Instantiation let mut gd_dedup = GD::ReedSolomon(4, 3).setup(15).await.unwrap(); let mut gd_dup = GD::ReedSolomon(4, 3).setup(15).await.unwrap(); // Set error alignment let res_dedup = gd_dedup.set_error_alignment(trans).await; // this simply returns Result<()> let res_dup = gd_dup.set_error_alignment(trans).await; // this simply returns Result<()> assert!(res_dedup.is_ok()); assert!(res_dup.is_ok()); // then use gd instances to deduplicate/duplicate data as above. ``` For the detailed design of RS-code based implementation and the basic idea error-alignment, see [DESIGN.md](./DESIGN.md). ### GD with Hamming code ```rust: let hamming_deg = 4; // Degree m of (2^m - 1, 2^m - m -1) Hamming code let hamming_dict_size = 511; // max entry size of a dictionary used in GD process let to_be_deduped: &[u8] = "寿限無(じゅげむ)寿限無(じゅげむ)五劫(ごこう)のすりきれ海砂利(かいじゃり)padpadpadpadpadpadpadpad".to_string().repeat(128).as_bytes() // GD instance for deduplication (compress) let mut gd_dedup = GD::Hamming(hamming_deg).setup(hamming_dict_size).await.unwrap(); // Async API // GD instance for duplication (decompress) let mut gd_dup = GD::Hamming(hamming_deg).setup(hamming_dict_size).await.unwrap(); // Async API // struct Deduped = {pub data: Vec, pub last_chunk_pad_bytelen: usize} let deduped: Deduped = gd_dedup.dedup(to_be_deduped).await.unwrap(); Async API println!("> Deduped data size is {} bytes", x.data.len()); let duped: Vec = gd_dup.dup(&deduped).await.unwrap(); // Async API. println!("> Duped size {} bytes", y.len(); ``` ## Codes in our implementation Currently, our GD implementation is based only on Hamming and Reed-Solomon (RS) codes. The GD based on RS codes processes data chunks as *byte stream*. On the other hand, Hamming-based GD serves data chunks as *bit stream*. For GD implementation using Hamming codes, Hamming code with the degree $m = 3$ of the code works in the internal `libecc` library of error-correcting codes, i.e., a case of the code length $n = 2^m - 1 = 7$. However, the Hamming code of $m = 3$ cannot be employed as the underlying linear code of Hamming-based GD. This is because the code length, i.e., $n=7$ bits, is not sufficient to deduplicate a "byte"-based data. In order to reasonably deduplicate byte-based data, *byte alignment* is needed. So, we omitted $m = 3$ and considers the parameter $m \geq 4$. **Byte alignment**: Our implementation employs an encoding method that chunks message sequences in the unit of bytes. For example, if $(15, 11)$ Hamming code is employed, a 2-byte message is divided into two one byte (= 8 bits) sequences, and pads $15-8=7$ bits of zeros to each sequence to deal as a 15-bit codeword of Hamming code. ## TODO Following should be considered to be implemented. - Benchmark for the performance of deduplication - Optimization of math operations - Deletion and deviation using PRNG (Yggdrasil paper) - Golomb-Rice codes ## Caveats At this time this solution should be considered suitable for research and experimentation, further code and security review is needed before utilization in a production application. ## License Licensed under the MIT license, see `LICENSE` file.