use rust_hdl_ok_core::core::prelude::*; use rust_hdl::prelude::*; use rust_hdl::widgets::i2c::i2c_controller::{I2CController, I2CControllerCmd}; use rust_hdl_bsp_ok_xem6010::xem6010::XEM6010; use rust_hdl_ok_core::test_common::tools::ok_test_prelude; use rust_hdl_ok_frontpanel_sys::{OkError, OkHandle}; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct OKI2CAddressConfig { pub trigger_start_address: u8, pub trigger_done_address: u8, pub wire_in_address: u8, pub wire_out_address: u8, } // To use the I2C controller, we need to be able to // use a set of triggers, and a wire // trigger bit 0 = run // - lower 8 bits are the value // upper bits are the command // Command values are 0 BeginWrite (addr = wire_in) // 1 = Write (byte = wire_in) // 2 = BeginRead (addr = wire_in) // 3 = Read (value = wire_out) // 4 = EndTransmission // // We need two output triggers // trigger bit 0 = NACK // trigger bit 1 = ACK // // We need a status wire that contains: // status bit 8 = busy // status bit 9 = error // #[derive(LogicBlock)] struct OKI2CTest { pub hi: OpalKellyHostInterface, pub ok_host: OpalKellyHost, pub sda: Signal, pub scl: Signal, pub i2c: I2CController, pub trig_in: TriggerIn, pub trig_out: TriggerOut, pub wire_in: WireIn, pub wire_out: WireOut, pub wire_out_latch: DFF>, } impl Logic for OKI2CTest { #[hdl_gen] fn update(&mut self) { // Link the signals OpalKellyHostInterface::link(&mut self.hi, &mut self.ok_host.hi); Signal::::link(&mut self.sda, &mut self.i2c.sda); Signal::::link(&mut self.scl, &mut self.i2c.scl); // Clock the internal logic = self.ok_host.ti_clk.val(); = self.ok_host.ti_clk.val(); = self.ok_host.ti_clk.val(); = self.ok_host.ti_clk.val(); // Latch prevention = self.wire_out_latch.q.val(); // Connect the OK busses = self.ok_host.ok1.val(); = self.ok_host.ok1.val(); = self.ok_host.ok1.val(); = self.ok_host.ok1.val(); = self.trig_out.ok2.val() | self.wire_out.ok2.val(); // Output wire is [0..0 err busy data_byte] = bit_cast::<16, 8>(self.wire_out_latch.q.val()) | (bit_cast::<16, 1>(self.i2c.busy.val().into()) << 8) | (bit_cast::<16, 1>(self.i2c.error.val().into()) << 9); // Nack and ACK = bit_cast::<16, 1>(self.i2c.nack.val().into()) | (bit_cast::<16, 1>(self.i2c.ack.val().into()) << 1) | (bit_cast::<16, 1>(self.i2c.read_valid.val().into()) << 2); // Wire in contains the address or data byte to write = self.wire_in.dataout.val().get_bits::<8>(0); // Use the remaining triggers to determine the command = I2CControllerCmd::Noop; match self.wire_in.dataout.val().get_bits::<3>(8).index() { 0 => = I2CControllerCmd::BeginWrite, 1 => = I2CControllerCmd::Write, 2 => = I2CControllerCmd::BeginRead, 3 => = I2CControllerCmd::Read, 4 => = I2CControllerCmd::EndTransmission, 5 => = I2CControllerCmd::ReadLast, _ => = I2CControllerCmd::Noop, } = self.trig_in.trigger.val().any(); if self.i2c.read_valid.val() { = self.i2c.read_data_out.val(); } } } impl Default for OKI2CTest { fn default() -> Self { // SCL - J3 p69 - A15 // SDA - J3 p71 - C17 let mut sda = Signal::default(); sda.add_location(0, "C17"); sda.add_signal_type(0, SignalType::LowVoltageCMOS_3v3); let mut scl = Signal::default(); scl.add_location(0, "A15"); scl.add_signal_type(0, SignalType::LowVoltageCMOS_3v3); // Delay time is baud period/2. // For 100Khz operation, a single bit takes 1e6/100e5 = 10usec // So we use have that period for the delay time let config = I2CConfig { delay_time: Duration::from_micros(5), clock_speed_hz: 48_000_000, }; Self { hi: XEM6010::hi(), ok_host: XEM6010::ok_host(), sda, scl, i2c: I2CController::new(config), trig_in: TriggerIn::new(0x46), trig_out: TriggerOut::new(0x66), wire_in: WireIn::new(0x06), wire_out: WireOut::new(0x26), wire_out_latch: Default::default(), } } } #[test] #[ignore] // Currently requires an I2C chip connected... // TODO - update this so that the I2C chip is also on the FPGA. fn test_opalkelly_xem_6010_i2c() { let mut uut = OKI2CTest::default(); uut.hi.link_connect_dest(); uut.sda.connect(); uut.scl.connect(); uut.connect_all(); XEM6010::synth(uut, target_path!("xem_6010/i2c_test")); test_opalkelly_xem_6010_run_i2c().unwrap() } fn ok_wait_valid(hnd: &OkHandle) -> Result<(), OkError> { while !hnd.is_triggered(0x66, 4) { hnd.update_trigger_outs(); } Ok(()) } fn ok_wait_ack(hnd: &OkHandle) -> Result<(), OkError> { let mut acked = false; let mut nacked = false; let mut error = false; while !acked & !nacked & !error { nacked = hnd.is_triggered(0x66, 1); acked = hnd.is_triggered(0x66, 2); hnd.update_trigger_outs(); hnd.update_wire_outs(); let status = hnd.get_wire_out(0x26); error = (status & 0x0200) != 0; } if error { return Err(OkError { code: rust_hdl_ok_frontpanel_sys::ok_ErrorCode_ok_CommunicationError, }); } if acked { Ok(()) } else { Err(OkError { code: rust_hdl_ok_frontpanel_sys::ok_ErrorCode_ok_I2CNack, }) } } fn ok_i2c_cmd(hnd: &OkHandle, cmd: u16) -> Result<(), OkError> { // Issue a basic transaction - do a beginwrite to address 0x53 hnd.set_wire_in(0x06, cmd); hnd.update_wire_ins(); hnd.activate_trigger_in(0x46, 0) } fn ok_i2c_reset(hnd: &OkHandle) -> Result<(), OkError> { hnd.set_wire_in(0x06, 0xFFFF); hnd.update_wire_ins(); hnd.set_wire_in(0x06, 0xFFFF); hnd.update_wire_ins(); Ok(()) } fn ok_i2c_begin_write(hnd: &OkHandle, addr: u8) -> Result<(), OkError> { ok_i2c_cmd(&hnd, (0 << 8) | addr as u16)?; ok_wait_ack(&hnd) } fn ok_i2c_write(hnd: &OkHandle, data: u8) -> Result<(), OkError> { ok_i2c_cmd(&hnd, (1 << 8) | data as u16)?; ok_wait_ack(&hnd) } fn ok_i2c_begin_read(hnd: &OkHandle, addr: u8) -> Result<(), OkError> { ok_i2c_cmd(&hnd, (2 << 8) | addr as u16)?; ok_wait_ack(&hnd) } fn ok_i2c_read(hnd: &OkHandle) -> Result { ok_i2c_cmd(&hnd, (3 << 8) | 0x00)?; ok_wait_valid(&hnd)?; hnd.update_wire_outs(); let status = hnd.get_wire_out(0x26); Ok((status & 0xFF) as u8) } fn ok_i2c_read_last(hnd: &OkHandle) -> Result { ok_i2c_cmd(&hnd, (5 << 8) | 0x00)?; ok_wait_valid(&hnd)?; hnd.update_wire_outs(); let status = hnd.get_wire_out(0x26); Ok((status & 0xFF) as u8) } fn ok_i2c_end_transmission(hnd: &OkHandle) -> Result<(), OkError> { ok_i2c_cmd(&hnd, (4 << 8) | 0x00)?; // Get the status word hnd.update_wire_outs(); let _status = hnd.get_wire_out(0x26); Ok(()) } fn test_opalkelly_xem_6010_run_i2c() -> Result<(), OkError> { let hnd = ok_test_prelude(target_path!("xem_6010/i2c_test/top.bit"))?; ok_i2c_reset(&hnd)?; ok_i2c_begin_write(&hnd, 0x48)?; ok_i2c_write(&hnd, 0x0F)?; ok_i2c_begin_read(&hnd, 0x048)?; let b1 = ok_i2c_read(&hnd)?; let b2 = ok_i2c_read_last(&hnd)?; ok_i2c_end_transmission(&hnd)?; println!("ID {:x}{:x}", b1, b2); for _ in 0..100 { ok_i2c_begin_write(&hnd, 0x48)?; ok_i2c_write(&hnd, 0x00)?; ok_i2c_begin_read(&hnd, 0x048)?; let b1 = ok_i2c_read(&hnd)?; let b2 = ok_i2c_read_last(&hnd)?; ok_i2c_end_transmission(&hnd)?; let temp = (b1 as u16) << 8 | (b2 as u16); let temp_c = (temp as f32 + 256.0) * 7.8125 / 1000.0; println!("Temp {:x}{:x} {} deg C", b1, b2, temp_c); sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)) } Ok(()) }