# Rust Keycloak rust-keycloak is a Rust crate providing access to the Keycloak API.
rust-keycloak is a Rust crate providing access to the Keycloak API.
## Features ### OpenId * [x] well_known * [x] token * [x] refresh_token * [x] jwt_decode * [x] service_account ### Admin * [x] Create user * [x] Delete user * [x] Update user * [x] Count users * [x] user_info * [x] introspect * [x] Add user to grup * [x] Remove user from group * [x] Add realm and client roles to users ## Example usage ``` let token_request = rust_keycloak::serde_json::json!({ "grant_type":"password".to_string(), "username":"admin".to_string(), "password":"password".to_string(), "realm":"realm_name".to_string(), "client_id":"client_id".to_string(), "redirect_uri":"".to_string(), "code":"".to_string()}); let tok = rust_keycloak::keycloak::OpenId::token("http://localhost/auth/",token_request,"realm_name"); ```