use image::{DynamicImage, ImageFormat, ImageResult}; use rust_libretro::{ contexts::*, core::{Core, CoreOptions}, env_version, retro_core, sys::*, types::*, }; use std::ffi::CString; const WIDTH: u32 = 640; const HEIGHT: u32 = 400; const PASSIVE_COLOR: Option<(u8, u8, u8)> = None; const ACTIVE_COLOR: Option<(u8, u8, u8)> = Some((0, 255, 0)); struct Images { body: DynamicImage, bumper_l: DynamicImage, bumper_r: DynamicImage, button: DynamicImage, dpad_down: DynamicImage, dpad_left: DynamicImage, dpad_right: DynamicImage, dpad_up: DynamicImage, home: DynamicImage, joystick: DynamicImage, start: DynamicImage, trigger_l: DynamicImage, trigger_r: DynamicImage, } struct InputTestCore { images: Option, } retro_core!(InputTestCore { images: None }); impl CoreOptions for InputTestCore {} impl Core for InputTestCore { fn get_info(&self) -> SystemInfo { SystemInfo { library_name: CString::new("InputTestCore").unwrap(), library_version: CString::new(env_version!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string()).unwrap(), valid_extensions: CString::new("").unwrap(), need_fullpath: false, block_extract: false, } } fn on_set_environment(&mut self, initial: bool, ctx: &mut SetEnvironmentContext) { if !initial { return; } ctx.set_support_no_game(true); } fn on_get_av_info(&mut self, _ctx: &mut GetAvInfoContext) -> retro_system_av_info { retro_system_av_info { geometry: retro_game_geometry { base_width: WIDTH, base_height: HEIGHT, max_width: WIDTH, max_height: HEIGHT, aspect_ratio: 0.0, }, timing: retro_system_timing { fps: 60.0, sample_rate: 0.0, }, } } fn on_load_game( &mut self, _info: Option, ctx: &mut LoadGameContext, ) -> Result<(), Box> { use image::imageops::{flip_horizontal, flip_vertical, rotate90}; use DynamicImage::ImageRgba8; ctx.set_pixel_format(PixelFormat::XRGB8888); ctx.set_performance_level(0); fn load(buf: &[u8]) -> ImageResult { image::load_from_memory_with_format(buf, ImageFormat::Png) } let body = load(include_bytes!("img/body.png"))?; let bumper_l = load(include_bytes!("img/bumper.png"))?; let button = load(include_bytes!("img/button.png"))?; let dpad_up = load(include_bytes!("img/dpad.png"))?; let home = load(include_bytes!("img/home.png"))?; let joystick = load(include_bytes!("img/joystick.png"))?; let start = load(include_bytes!("img/start.png"))?; let trigger_l = load(include_bytes!("img/trigger.png"))?; let bumper_r = ImageRgba8(flip_horizontal(&bumper_l)); let trigger_r = ImageRgba8(flip_horizontal(&trigger_l)); let dpad_down = ImageRgba8(flip_vertical(&dpad_up)); let dpad_right = ImageRgba8(rotate90(&dpad_up)); let dpad_left = ImageRgba8(flip_horizontal(&dpad_right)); self.images = Some(Images { body, bumper_l, bumper_r, button, dpad_down, dpad_left, dpad_right, dpad_up, home, joystick, start, trigger_l, trigger_r, }); Ok(()) } #[inline] fn on_run(&mut self, ctx: &mut RunContext, _delta_us: Option) { // try to get a software framebuffer from the frontend let fb = unsafe { ctx.get_current_framebuffer_or_fallback( WIDTH, HEIGHT, MemoryAccess::WRITE, PixelFormat::XRGB8888, ) }; let data = unsafe { fb.as_slice_mut() }; Self::fill(data, 0x62, 0x62, 0x62, 0xFF); let lx = ctx.get_input_state( 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG, RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_LEFT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_X, ) as f32 / 32767.0; let ly = ctx.get_input_state( 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG, RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_LEFT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_Y, ) as f32 / 32767.0; let rx = ctx.get_input_state( 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG, RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_X, ) as f32 / 32767.0; let ry = ctx.get_input_state( 0, RETRO_DEVICE_ANALOG, RETRO_DEVICE_INDEX_ANALOG_RIGHT, RETRO_DEVICE_ID_ANALOG_Y, ) as f32 / 32767.0; let input = unsafe { ctx.get_joypad_bitmask(0, 0) }; self.draw_controller(&fb, input, (lx, ly), (rx, ry)); let width = fb.width; let height = fb.height; let pitch = fb.pitch; ctx.draw_frame(data, width, height, pitch); } } impl InputTestCore { fn fill(dst: &mut [u8], r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8) { // This should not fail, but just to be safe if let Ok(data) = bytemuck::try_cast_slice_mut(dst) { let value = ((a as u32) << 24) | ((r as u32) << 16) | ((g as u32) << 8) | b as u32; data.fill(value); } else { for chunk in dst.chunks_exact_mut(4) { chunk[0] = b; chunk[1] = g; chunk[2] = r; chunk[3] = a; } } } fn blend(dst: &mut [u8], src: &image::Rgba) { let f_r = src[0] as f32 / 255.0; let f_g = src[1] as f32 / 255.0; let f_b = src[2] as f32 / 255.0; let f_a = src[3] as f32 / 255.0; dst[2] = (((f_r * f_a) + ((dst[2] as f32 / 255.0) * (1.0 - f_a))) * 255.0) as u8; dst[1] = (((f_g * f_a) + ((dst[1] as f32 / 255.0) * (1.0 - f_a))) * 255.0) as u8; dst[0] = (((f_b * f_a) + ((dst[0] as f32 / 255.0) * (1.0 - f_a))) * 255.0) as u8; } fn soft_light(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 { let a = a as f32 / 255.0; let b = b as f32 / 255.0; fn g(a: f32) -> f32 { if a <= 0.25 { ((16.0 * a - 12.0) * a + 4.0) * a } else { a.sqrt() } } if b <= 0.5 { ((a - (1.0 - 2.0 * b) * a * (1.0 - a)) * 255.0) as u8 } else { ((a + (2.0 * b - 1.0) * g(a) - a) * 255.0) as u8 } } fn blit( dst: &Framebuffer, src: &DynamicImage, x_offset: u32, y_offset: u32, color: Option<(u8, u8, u8)>, ) { use image::GenericImageView; let data = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(, dst.data_len) }; let bpp = dst.pitch as usize / dst.width as usize; for y in y_offset..(src.height() + y_offset).min(HEIGHT) { for x in x_offset..(src.width() + x_offset).min(WIDTH) { let i = y as usize * dst.pitch as usize + x as usize * bpp; let top = if let Some(color) = color { let mut top = src.get_pixel(x - x_offset, y - y_offset); if top[3] != 0 { top[0] = Self::soft_light(top[0], color.0); top[1] = Self::soft_light(top[1], color.1); top[2] = Self::soft_light(top[2], color.2); } top } else { src.get_pixel(x - x_offset, y - y_offset) }; Self::blend(&mut data[i..i + 3], &top); } } } fn draw_controller( &self, fb: &Framebuffer, input: JoypadState, analog_l: (f32, f32), analog_r: (f32, f32), ) { let body = &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().body; let body_x = (WIDTH - body.width()) / 2; let body_y = (HEIGHT - body.height()) / 2; Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().trigger_l, body_x + 46, body_y - 5, if input.contains(JoypadState::L2) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().bumper_l, body_x + 56, body_y - 1, if input.contains(JoypadState::L) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().trigger_r, body_x + 277, body_y - 5, if input.contains(JoypadState::R2) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().bumper_r, body_x + 283, body_y - 1, if input.contains(JoypadState::R) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit(fb, body, body_x, body_y, None); self.draw_dpad(fb, body_x, body_y, input); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().start, body_x + 158, body_y + 75, if input.contains(JoypadState::SELECT) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().home, body_x + 196, body_y + 63, None, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().start, body_x + 227, body_y + 75, if input.contains(JoypadState::START) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().joystick, body_x + (115.0 + 10.0 * analog_l.0) as u32, body_y + (122.0 + 10.0 * analog_l.1) as u32, if input.contains(JoypadState::L3) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().joystick, body_x + (247.0 + 10.0 * analog_r.0) as u32, body_y + (122.0 + 10.0 * analog_r.1) as u32, if input.contains(JoypadState::R3) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().button, body_x + 349, body_y + 67, if input.contains(JoypadState::A) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().button, body_x + 321, body_y + 95, if input.contains(JoypadState::B) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().button, body_x + 321, body_y + 39, if input.contains(JoypadState::X) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); Self::blit( fb, &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().button, body_x + 293, body_y + 67, if input.contains(JoypadState::Y) { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { PASSIVE_COLOR }, ); } fn draw_dpad(&self, fb: &Framebuffer, body_x: u32, body_y: u32, input: JoypadState) { for active in [false, true] { let color = if active { ACTIVE_COLOR } else { None }; if !active || input.contains(JoypadState::UP) { let up = &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().dpad_up; Self::blit(fb, up, body_x + 83, body_y + 53, color); } if !active || input.contains(JoypadState::DOWN) { let down = &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().dpad_down; Self::blit(fb, down, body_x + 83, body_y + 82, color); } if !active || input.contains(JoypadState::LEFT) { let left = &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().dpad_left; Self::blit(fb, left, body_x + 61, body_y + 75, color); } if !active || input.contains(JoypadState::RIGHT) { let right = &self.images.as_ref().unwrap().dpad_right; Self::blit(fb, right, body_x + 90, body_y + 75, color); } } } }